global variation

Chapter 266 Black Robe Demon

Chapter 266 Black Robe Demon

It took me a lot of effort to finally open my eyes a slit, and the light that suddenly fell on the pupils made me feel bursts of burning pain.In my eyes, what I saw was a figure wearing a large black cloak.This kind of cloak is rare in modern times. This figure is like a monk of the church. I prefer to believe that he is a lackey of the Body Penance Order. His voice is very strange, and he can’t tell the difference between male and female. I thought he was It's a woman, but when I speak here, I feel that the voice is very neutral.I have never heard this voice before. If I had, I would be able to distinguish it.

Who is this person?

"You... who the hell are you..." I clenched my fist and hissed.

The man slowly came back to his senses, and I saw a pair of eyes, which were almost covered under the bangs, they must be a pair of human eyes, at least clear and clear, without the impurity of the beast in the eyes of the infected person, this person , I may know him, the voice just now gave me a sense of familiarity, although the voice has completely changed at this moment, making me feel confused for a while, but I still firmly believe that I recognize this person, absolutely recognize him.

"Who are you?" I asked again.


The man snorted coldly and turned to leave.

I reached out to touch it, and raised my hand to raise the gun on my waist.

The gun was stuffed by my side before I fell down. Originally, I still held a glimmer of hope to survive, so I still kept the weapon for self-defense.

" want to leave because you use me?" The gun pointed at the guy in front of him. I believe he didn't have the guts to leave. Although this gun is not as powerful as the explosive gun, it can kill an ordinary human being. More than enough after all.

"You? Point a gun at me?" The man turned his face coldly and said, "If I don't come, you are already dead."

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be trapped in that ghostly place." I kept my only strength and sanity. For me, this is the capital that I can really support and continue to fight, and it is also my only bargaining chip.

"If I hadn't led you to that ghostly place, how could you kill the disease knight?"

When I mentioned the disease knight, my eyes flickered, and suddenly I found that under the wide cloak, there was a small bottle hanging on the left side of the man's waist. Although my eyes are not as sharp as Mo Ge's eagle eyes, but at this moment they are still considered Ching Ming.

I clearly saw the small bottle with dark green liquid sloshing inside, and I could guess what it was, even with my intuition.

"You...are using me to kill the disease are trying to get those venoms, what are you trying to do!" I hissed.

"Our situation can be said to be a win-win situation." The man said flatly, "As for what I want to do, it has nothing to do with you."

The man paused, and then said: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, goodbye." After speaking, he stepped forward, completely ignoring the gun I was holding in my hand.

"Bastard, stop, or I will shoot!" I said through gritted teeth.

That person didn't show any fear at all. He seemed to have ignored my actions and continued to move forward. This was simply an insult. No matter whether I knew this person or not, I had to shoot at this moment.

My hand touched the trigger.

But at this moment, suddenly, I felt a force blocking my actions.

I felt my muscles suddenly become stiff, my eyes widened, my throat felt dry, my heart beat faster, but my limbs couldn't move. There was something, a certain force working in my body, preventing all my actions. It just terrifies me, what is it, could it be the strange man in black robe in front of him, how could he have such ability, this is simply out of the scope of biological science, this is already a bit of fantasy, like magic.

Is this a coincidence, or is this man in black really good at holding body? !
At this moment, the man in black turned around slowly and said, "How about it, can you not move?" At this time, I saw that the right hand of the man in black was slightly stretched forward, pointing at me, he was wearing a glove , I don't know what mechanism is under the glove, I only know that his simple action made me completely incapable of fighting.

This is really a kind of magic, a more terrifying and powerful magic than the Apocalypse Knight.

"You... what kind of sorcery are you doing!"

"Witchcraft? Humans are always so simple and rude, classifying scientific phenomena that they cannot understand as witchcraft. Human beings are so arrogant, haha... But it doesn't matter, I just want you to know that you can't hurt me at all "The man said coldly, "And if I raise my hand slightly, your body may collapse."


I wanted to struggle, but I really had no chance to resist.

Seeing that the man in black robe was about to leave in front of my eyes in a grand manner, but I couldn't do anything about it.

I thought he was a human just now, but now I feel that this guy is definitely a more terrifying existence than the infected. His power has already surpassed the scope of my comprehension.

And at this moment, suddenly, a team rushed in from the mountain pass on the slanting side. There are many steep slopes on both sides of my position, and because of the explosion just now, it caused landslides and cracks, and several exits have already been blocked. It was blocked, therefore, the group of people rushing over was basically equivalent to blocking the only escape route for the man in black.A glimmer of hope ignited in my heart, maybe I still have a chance to catch this guy.

But at this time, I found that I had no more strength, and my eyes seemed to be closed again. I tried my best, only to see the team getting closer and closer, and soon surrounded me and the people in black .

Rebel organization!The clothes of those guys are all too familiar to me, they are the people of the resistance organization, maybe, these people have even been my friends once, but now they are already enemies.

When I saw this clearly, my heart fell to the bottom again. Even if these people saved me, I would be in danger. I am the leader of their enemies, and I have what they want most. I, it is reasonable, at this time, I only have one last expectation. I hope that this black-robed weirdo and the resistance organization will lose both. Only in this way, I have a chance to escape.

People from the rebel organization quickly surrounded me, surrounded me and the black-robed people, and dozens of weapons were aimed at us.

I looked around, using my remaining physical strength as a support, and looked at the faces of each of them. I found that none of these guys seemed to be someone I knew. Perhaps the resistance organization had also changed new blood at this time, and everything was in turmoil. can not say it clearly.

However, when I found out that I didn't know these people and had no grievances with me, I felt a little pity.

At this moment, the leader of the rebel soldier had pointed his gun at the man in black and shouted loudly, "Who are you! Speak!"

"It doesn't matter who I am." The man in black said lightly.

"Stop pretending to be a ghost..." The soldiers of the rebel organization looked around, and I noticed that his expression was changing a little bit. He probably noticed the scattered corpses and limbs around him, but we were still alive at this time. Enough to make them feel chills.

"When it appears in this kind of place, catch it first!" said the soldier next to him, probably a lot bolder.

"Catch!" The soldiers of the resistance organization headed by them were probably inspired, and waved without hesitation.

On the left and right sides, two soldiers from the rebel organization rushed out with guns and approached the man in black.

I don't know if there is a smile under the wide cloak of the man in black at this moment, but I know very well that these two cannon fodders who rushed forward are bound to be unlucky.

Sure enough, when the two men rushed forward, the man in black slowly raised his hand, just like he did to me just now, but after a while, the two soldiers twitched like they were possessed by a demon, and one of them The weapon in his hand fell directly to the ground, covering his chest with one hand and pinching his own neck with the other.

"What's going on?!" The leader of the rebel soldier was obviously terrified. More than a dozen weapons were aimed at the black-robed man. At this moment, they all stiffened, and dropped their weapons to the ground. The leader obviously refused to admit defeat, and wanted to keep his eyes open, but the guns could not be aimed at the target, and all the bullets hit the sky.

"You... are..." I heard that guy's guttural voice, but I couldn't form a complete sentence. After a while, foam was foaming at the mouth, and my five fingers were hooked like eagle claws. on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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