Chapter 267

The power of the man in black stunned everyone. Those soldiers of the resistance organization who were lucky enough to stand still did not dare to step forward at this moment. I was still lying on the ground, shocked and apprehensive.

What is hidden under the toga, and what is his purpose.

"Are you still leaving?" the man in black said again.

I heard the sound of the gun being loaded, I don't know which blind person still dared to be so bold, but although the gun was loaded, it didn't fire.

Because just a moment after hearing the sound of loading, I heard a scream, followed by a muffled sound and a low whimper.

I forcefully opened my eyes, gritted my teeth and looked at everything around me, only to realize that another soldier was rolling on the ground clutching his chest.

"Are you really not afraid of death?" the man in black said again.

The soldier had already started to vomit blood, just like a patient with terminal cancer, his hands were clutching the ground, and his body stretched straight for a moment, obviously in great pain.

The man in black continued to move forward, while the group of soldiers who resisted the organization retreated quickly. The man in black responded calmly, but those people seemed to be facing a formidable enemy.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that a person could directly fight against this large group of soldiers of the resistance organization with his own strength.

"Stay away!" And at this moment, suddenly, I heard a cry, the cry was full of air, and the voice was somewhat familiar to me, I couldn't help but frowned, and instinctively moved my body backwards, Immediately afterwards, I saw the crowd of the resistance organization quickly disperse. Although they had been repaired to the point of failure, after hearing the order, they immediately lined up on both sides one by one, with their heads held high and their chests held high, solemn and orderly.

I immediately guessed who it was.

Immediately afterwards, what I saw was a pair of military boots, and two legs that were kicking forward calmly.

Looking up, I saw the tall man with his hands behind his back and a stern face, walking step by step in the direction of the man in black and me, and behind him, there were several familiar faces one after another. follow up.

Zhang Chu.

I didn't expect to meet this "old friend" or "enemy" in this place.

I don’t know how Mo Ge and Tu Shu would react if they saw Zhang Chu appearing at this time.

Zhang Chu soon stood in front of the man in black, and I found that the man in black moved slightly.

Does the man in black know Zhang Chu?I couldn't help but wonder.

"Who are you?" Zhang Chu said coldly.

"It's not important." The indistinct voice of the man in black sounded again.

“You know me, don’t you?” Zhang Chu’s tone cannot be refuted.

"It has nothing to do with you." The voice of the black-robed man was a little uncomfortable. Although he still maintained his original coldness, he was not as calm as before. I can conclude that the black-robed man must know Zhang Chu, and he was even a little afraid of him. And Zhang Chu obviously also found this point, I saw a very faint smile on his face, this smile can only be seen by people like me who have been with him for a long time, and this is also It’s the scary thing about Zhang Chu.

"You hurt my soldiers, so I have something to do with it." Zhang Chu said lightly, "What kind of weapon did you use?"

"Why, do you want to try it too?" the man in black said.

"If I'm lucky, I'd like to try it." Zhang Chu said coldly.

"Mr. Zhang Chu!" Beside him, the fat man Zhu Ming who had been following Zhang Chu's left side eagerly wanted to stop them. They probably had already seen the miserable conditions of those soldiers, and none of them dared to be negligent, but they pretended to raise their hands and said, "It's okay..." Then he looked at the man in black and said, "However, before I fight you, I want to ask you a question."

"What right do you have to ask me questions?"

Zhang Chu didn’t seem to hear the other party’s words, and asked directly: “If we let you go, can you ignore that lifeless kid behind you?!”

I know he's referring to me.

At this moment, I once again deeply realized that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between me and Zhang Chang, which used to be just suspicion and suspicion, but now it is completely opposed and an enemy.

"It still has nothing to do with you." The man in black flicked his toga, and I saw his hand. At this time, his hand was completely exposed, without any cover, and I suddenly felt that that hand was a bit too white , or a little bloodless, but soon my attention was on Zhang Chu, because Zhang Chu's body suddenly moved, he turned around, and attacked the black-robed man with a side kick at a very fast speed.The man in black was only one or two meters away from him. Zhang Chu’s side kick was very heavy. The man in black raised his hand to resist, but he staggered to the side and almost fell down.

"Hehe..." I heard Zhang Chu sneer, and then, a military dagger leaked out of his hand.

I know that the military dagger of the rebel organization is different from other places, it has an air switch that can expand the wound at one time, and can even directly take out the internal organs of a person with one blow.

The army dagger turned in Zhang Chu’s hand, and it was about to stab the man in black.

The man in black seems to have the ability to control the human body, but his skills are not very good, he seems to have no chance to dodge at all.

I don't know what I was thinking at the time, I picked my five fingers around me and threw it casually.A stone immediately hit Zhang Chu’s arm like a dart.

Zhang Chu obviously didn’t expect that I would do it suddenly, even I myself didn’t expect that I would help that monster in black robe.

Zhang Chu took a step back, slowed down by half a beat, the army dagger and the man in black quickly opened the distance, and the man in black's long-distance running suddenly trembled at this moment, and his hand also grabbed Zhang Chu's arm, and immediately , Zhang Chu felt as if he had been electrocuted, and suddenly became stiff. At the same time, the black-robed man quickly withdrew his hands and took a few steps back. Then he turned sideways and stood still. The arm was retracted into the toga again.

Zhang Chu retreated quite a distance, Zhu Ming wanted to come up to help, but Zhang Chu raised his hand to stop him again, stood still, and stretched out his hand to arrange the special military uniform of the commander of the resistance organization, then looked up at the man in black robe, Said: "I see, I think, I may know the source of your strength..."

"Hum!" The black-robed man snorted coldly, and raised his hand again. Zhang Chu's straight body moved, and his steps were a little chaotic, but he soon stabilized his figure again, and his gaze remained stern.

He reached out and touched the straight bridge of his nose, and said word by word: "You can control the pheromones in the virus cells, which just proves...there is no problem with our research direction...Say, you! Who the hell are you! "

The man in black opened and closed his palms. At this time, he seemed to have an absolute advantage and kept a distance from Zhang Chu, which made Zhang Chu even have no chance to shoot.

Zhu Ming on the side suddenly raised his hand, as if pulling something from his waist, the man in black robe shook his toga, but Zhu Ming also stepped back a few steps, I saw his frightened expression, wide-eyed eyes, always coming The cynical fat man Zhu Ming was really scared this time.The power of the man in black was indeed unfathomable to the point of inconceivable.

"You can't kill us." Zhang Chu said, "If the two sides fight, at most, both sides will suffer. Your ability to control pheromones is related to the synergy rate of the concentrated liquid in our body. The higher the synergy rate, you want to call pheromones for synchronous tracking The smaller the chance, the less information can be separated out, so if you want to directly hurt my body, you must touch my arm, and they don't need to do this at all, right?"

"But at least I can immobilize you!" the man in black hissed.

His tone made me understand that Zhang Chu was right, and the man in the black robe began to feel a little timid.

"Hehe, that's right, you can control all of us, but how long can you communicate with the virus cells remaining in our concentrated solution? Can you ensure that the information is always unobstructed? Can you keep the information input Is it accurate? If not, how do you know that we won’t get out of your control and directly attack you before your body or mind is completely devoured by you? After all, you are also a human being with a mortal body, right?”

"It has nothing to do with you." The man in black seemed to have used some kind of "ability" again.

Zhang Chu began to cough heavily, but he still maintained his majesty and elegance. In modern terms, even at this time, Zhang Chu still pretended to be aggressive, and he pretended to be extremely stylish.

After he coughed, the corners of his mouth began to ooze blood, but I found that the body of the man in black was also trembling slightly.

Who am I supposed to help?

Zhang Chu is my enemy, but he is a human being after all; the black-robed man does not know whether he is an enemy or a friend, but just now he tricked me into a desperate situation, and it is not clear whether he is a human being or not, I really don’t know whether he should or not I hesitated to help him.

Sitting up slowly, I began to speculate on the current situation and weigh the pros and cons.

Only at this time did I realize that my body had recovered a lot, and I was surprised by the extremely fast recovery speed.

I struggled to stand up, and picked up the weapon that was buried under the dust next to me, the explosive gun of the rebel organization, and the bullets.

I pointed my gun at the resistance group.

Seeing all this, Zhang Chu’s expression changed slightly.

"Let's go, you guys." I walked forward slowly, and said coldly, "Perhaps the man in black robe is not your opponent, but as long as you can't move, it's still very easy for me to kill you."

"Chu Tingsheng!" Zhu Ming raised his hand and said in astonishment, "What are you doing?! You want to help this devil?"

"It's not clear who the devil is." I gritted my teeth and said, "At least he didn't try to kill me, and whether you will kill me, I don't know!"

“Hehe.” Zhang Chu was still smiling, but this time it seemed to be a wry smile.

"Chu Tingsheng, you misunderstood!" Zhu Ming said loudly.

"I didn't misunderstand! At least in the Battle of the Fortress of Life, those souls who died in the battle will not misunderstand you! Zhu Qing, Yitian, He Fan, Lin you still remember these names?" I said sharply, "If you still If you have any conscience, get out of here!"

"It's impossible for us to leave." At this time, a thin girl with a pretty face standing on the right side of Zhang Chu suddenly spoke. I think this person is familiar, but I can hardly remember the name. After searching in my mind for a long time, It just occurred to me that this is the butler-like character from the Sixth Watchtower——Mo Xiaojie.I only met her on a few occasions, but I can be sure that this person was monitoring my daily activities at that time.

Thinking of this level, I became even angrier. I gritted my teeth and said, "What? You want to be a martyr?"

"No...we are also afraid of death, but we have to ensure the safety of our brothers. This black-robed monster has nothing to do with killing people. If you tell us to leave, we will leave. How can we guarantee that he won't kill people halfway?" Mo Xiaojie said.


I shook my head and said: "Mr. Zhang Chu, it seems that you have to take care of your subordinates. You haven't spoken yet. They are more cheerful than you..."

Zhang Chu squinted his eyes, frowned and said: "But what she said is not wrong. We can leave. We have basically found the research direction we need, and this trip is worthwhile..."

When I said this, I noticed that the body of the man in black was trembling uncomfortably.

"However, for us to go, we must first ensure the safety of all of us."

I took a deep breath and looked at the man in black robe. I believe this guy is an intelligent creature and should make the right choice.

"Let's go..." After a long silence, the man in black said, "I can promise not to do anything to you."

(End of this chapter)

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