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Chapter 268 Ultimate Philosophy

Chapter 268 Ultimate Philosophy
Many people on the opposite side were stunned for a moment, only Zhang Chu looked at us calmly, to be precise, stared at us, and after a few seconds, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Hehe, interesting, although I don't know who you are, but I think you and I must be old friends."

"Get lost!" said the man in black.

"Let's go." Zhang Chu turned around gracefully, as if very confident that we would not do anything to them again.

Now, instead, I'm a little uneasy.

Although the advantage is in our hands, Zhang Chu’s calmness and composure often easily cause people a great sense of oppression psychologically. We used to feel invincible because of Zhang Chu’s existence, but now, I feel invincible because of his existence. Feel a little bit of fear.

If there is no black robe man, I am afraid I will not dare to face Zhang Chu directly.

Everyone followed Zhang Chu and seemed to believe in Zhang Chu’s special charm.

It seems that Zhang Chu can always give his men peace of mind.

But in fact, I know that all these are just appearances.

When the soldiers of the rebel organization left, suddenly, the fat man Zhu Ming turned around, looked at me and the man in black, and said, "Chu Tingsheng, one day you will understand everything that happened today."

"Get out!" The man in black and I spat out the same words.

Fatty Zhu Ming also had no intention of staying, and soon left with the soldiers of other resistance organizations without saying anything more.

I let out a long sigh of relief and turned to look at the man in black.

The hands of the man in black kept raising until those people all disappeared around the corner of the mountain pass.

"You're afraid of them too, aren't you?" I asked.

The man in black slowly lowered his arms without saying a word.

"You know them, and you know me." I gritted my teeth and said, "I suddenly felt that there must be more or less connections between us, maybe we have met before, maybe we haven't met, but there are similarities. "

"Have you finished?" I wanted to continue, but was interrupted by the man in black, who said coldly, "Do you want to be like them?"

I couldn't help but looked around. Although many people who rebelled against the organization left, some people who could not bear the power of the black-robed man eventually died. They were all dug into the soil on the ground, and it seemed that their internal organs had been twisted, which made them miserable.I can't imagine what kind of pain that is.

"I finally helped you." I took a deep breath, but I still didn't want to give up any chance to figure out everything. My intuition told me that this guy who appeared suddenly might know about those messy intruders deep in my memory. 'The truth, those fragments of history, that white spot of light, and those seemingly invisible illusions, I am sure that those are by no means my fantasy, if not, then there must be a root, since there is a root, then There must be a node where it is generated, and I need to find that node!
"You helped me, do I have to repay you?" the man in black said coldly.

I didn't speak, just stared at the man in black robe, and at the same time, I also clenched the gun in my hand, ready to attack him at any time, although I don't know if my body can withstand his special "ability".

"Hmph..." At this moment, I suddenly heard a faint cold hum from under the black robe.

I still feel that this tone of voice is very familiar, but I can’t remember when I heard it, because I’m sure I’ve never heard that voice, that voice is like a processed electronic sound, and I can’t tell the difference at all In terms of gender, it is not even possible to confirm whether the person hidden under the black robe is a person or an infected person beyond recognition.

Then, the man in black took a step forward, approached me, and said, "Stretch out your hand."

I froze for a moment: "What are you doing?"

"Are you afraid?"

I shook my head. Although I was puzzled and uneasy, I stretched out my right hand and held it flat in front of the man in black.

The man in black also stretched out his hand, and his white palm touched mine. I suddenly felt that this feeling was a little familiar.

But the next scene made me unable to think about other things at all. I saw the man in black suddenly raised his hand. In an instant, countless fine particles flew up on my palm, like a wisp of smoke , upon closer inspection, my palm seemed to start to disintegrate - I didn't feel any pain, I just saw my flesh turning into tiny particles, sucked by the man in black, I saw my bones, blood vessels , nerves—everything, the moment when everything was exposed, I still didn’t feel any pain, I just felt incomparably surprised, even fearful, those tiny particles formed by the collapse of skin and flesh seemed to have life in an instant, in my heart It danced with the palm of the man in black, forming a long thin line, which did not fall, but just floated in mid-air.

"You! What are you doing!?"

"Are you afraid?" the man in black said again.


"It's normal for a person to be afraid. It's not shameful." The black-robed man seemed to be laughing, but his tone was calm, and he said, "Don't you want to know what's going on? Have you ever thought that every part of your body Part of it is a country, a civilization, and every cell in your body is a citizen of that country's civilization and even society. Everything they do is just like everything humans do. They maintain the operation of your body , just like human beings maintain the normal operation of society?"

I'm almost dizzy.

"And what about yourself? What are you? Have you ever thought about it? You are a life, and what is life? Have you ever thought that you might be a planet, a particle in the universe, a speck of dust?" After saying this, the man in black suddenly waved his hand, and the scattered particles condensed again, and after a "swipe", they returned to my arm, and my palm returned to its original shape.

"Each of your cells has its own thoughts and modes of operation. Thoughts are not ideas in the narrow sense formed by the brain, but thoughts in a broad sense. It is an invisible and intangible substance that maintains all operations and forms all purposes. "The man in black robe said, "It is precisely after I understand this that I can read the pheromones in every cell and every part of your body, and I can synchronize certain things in your body...Unfortunately, what I can synchronize is not A human organism, but an Ebola virus organism."

"Ebola virus?!" I said in amazement, "What do you mean, you mean I have Ebola virus in my body?"

"That's right, and it's stronger than the Ebola virus in any member of the resistance organization just now." The black-robed man said, "It's a miracle that you didn't die. It's inevitable that you can survive to this day."

"what are you talking about?"

I suddenly felt that the man in black was talking in a daze, and his tone said he was talking about science, rather than dialectics and philosophy.

I'm afraid of these things that are too convoluted, I can't understand, and I don't want to think too much.

At this time, the man in black raised his hand again. Suddenly, I felt something throbbing inexplicably in my body, and I felt that my whole body seemed to be undergoing some special changes.

"Can you feel what's inside your body? It's a life, a life that is underappreciated and extremely intelligent." The man in black said.

"What!" I hissed, "What are you doing!"

"Don't be afraid, this life has been seeking opportunities to coexist with you in your body. He will not harm you. On the contrary, he has been helping you. Without him, you would have died thousands of times." Black Robe The man continued, "If it weren't for some information connection revealed to me by this life, I would have some bold conjectures, and I would not have deciphered the theoretical essence of the dust civilization, and I would not dare to boldly practice the dust civilization. This theory is so illusory as to be utopian."

"You... dust civilization?!" I remembered what Liang Yue and several church members said to me before. They all seemed to mention the so-called dust civilization. What exactly is this?Could it be...

In my mind, I suddenly had an idea that had begun to take shape. Although I have always been familiar with scientific theories, at this time, I can guess [-] to [-] percent.

"You mean, each individual can be regarded as a whole, and there are countless individual civilizations that can be subdivided into the whole, so each person is like a country, a society, a planet, and the cell and molecular structure even Can it exist as a human being, a social system, or a form of civilization?!" I tried my best to speak professionally.

"You're not stupid." The black-robed man said, "You can discover the future by yourself. I also have my own things to do."

The man in black withdrew his hand, and the throbbing in my body gradually disappeared.


"Don't die." The man in black suddenly said, "For me, you still have a very important use value!"


I suddenly felt my heart pounding. I seem to have heard this sentence before.

The man in black turned around and left, his speed was fast and his body was light, as if he was fleeing from something.

"Wait!" I stretched out my hand and yelled, but the other party didn't agree.

"Who the hell are you!" I asked anyway.

But at this moment, the only response to me was the lost echo in the mountains and the terrifying, restless bloody smell that rushed to my face.

(End of this chapter)

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