Chapter 269
Sometimes, the boundary between natural science and humanities is not clear, and the theories of natural science research often concretize, systematize, and make the spirit rational and regular.The spirit, however, always creates more brilliant ideas without logical support time and time again. All in all, the two have been transforming into each other and complementing each other.

If I hadn't seen my hands turn into countless floating particles, the dust civilization was nothing more than imagination, but now, my eyes gave me evidence.

It's a pity that at this time, I have long been indifferent to these so-called science, theories and evidence. When the man in black left, I felt a special loss in my heart, which I couldn't even explain clearly.

I suddenly fell to the ground and started muttering to myself: "Who are you? When you come back, tell me who are you?"

My heart was pounding, and I didn't know why it was throbbing.

I heard myself muttering to myself and thought I must be crazy or out of control, but I couldn't control myself.

I don't know how long I stayed in the same place before I stood up from the carrion of the stumped limbs and walked towards the mountain pass with the smell of corpses all over my body.

I still stared at the corpses that appeared in front of me suddenly.

I'm numb to seeing these things now.

I found that the closer to the mountain pass, the more corpses. It seems that many soldiers were blocked when they fled or entered the mountain. They didn't even have time to look at the local base before they were directly killed between the mountain passes.

Most of these corpses had gray-green skin and protruding eyes. Some of the skin had fallen off, and some had inserted their hands into their own rotting wounds and flesh, which showed how painful they were before they died.

These soldiers were obviously poisoned to death, and all of this must be related to the disease knight among the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

However, the disease knight has been eliminated, and this is the first apocalypse knight I eliminated.

If my guess is correct, the disease knight should be the source of the plague in Hunan Province, and this place has probably been completely destroyed by me at this moment, so there is no need to worry too much about the impact on the surrounding area.

Now it's the Resistance that I need to worry about.

From the fight and dialogue just now, it can be basically judged that the resistance organization has already conducted a very in-depth study on the dust civilization. Zhang Chu just said that what they need now is to prove something, which means that they have mastered the absolute theoretical basis , the difference is just practice and testing.

Not only that, but also the man in black robe, which is even more worrying.

What is the origin of that black-robed man, what exactly does he want to do, and what is his purpose? I have no idea at all, let alone where to start to track it down.

I don't intend to stay too long in Hunan Province. I don't want to meet with the military people here anymore, and I don't want to have in-depth exchanges. When I retreated to the Hunan Provincial Government Army Base with my whole body, everyone was stunned. When I asked them to report the results of the battle, they were all speechless, and at this time I discovered one thing, that is, in fact, not all of the two tribes sent out to support my team entered the valley. The part that didn't dare to go in and died inside was either too dedicated and brave, or the remnant soldiers who had already been trapped in the valley.

I laughed secretly in my heart. I believe that even at this time, these people would not dare to clean the battlefield.

Perhaps they have their own ideas and ideas, but unfortunately, in this disaster that the whole world must face, I always feel that they are destined to admit the weak.

Of course, I ignored their persuasion, and quickly took the only bus back to the defense line of Guangzhou Life Fortress. The certificate obtained by Tu Shu played a role again, and the journey was unimpeded.

In the car, I actually fell asleep.

Since the start of the war with the infected, I seldom sleep, and I seldom even close my eyes. Many times, I keep my eyes open until dawn. At first it was fear, then anxiety, and then it was for fighting, but recently, it was because I was afraid That kind of mixed and ever-changing dream, but this time in the car, I managed to fall into a deep sleep. Although I also saw the white light spot, but this time the light spot gave me the feeling of timidity. A little tired, it swung lightly in front of me a few times without showing me any weird scenes, and then slowly fell down on its own. This is the first time I feel that this white light spot also has a personality. There are also emotions, and there are also fears.

At this moment, obviously, he was afraid, but whether it was me or not, I don't know.

After the white light spot disappeared, my world was dark and there was no dream. I knew that I fell asleep at that time, and I slept very deeply, but my body entered a very weird ethereal state, and I even felt that my body was growing , is changing, that indescribable change even makes me feel a little scared.

I don't know how long I slept, but the vibration of the train woke me up slowly. The moment I woke up, I saw a person and a woman sitting on the side of the carriage not far away.

The woman was wearing a purple lady's cape, with her back to me, as if she was quietly reading a newspaper.

There was no one else in the carriage, and there were only a small number of people who could travel at this time, either desperadoes, military or scientific research personnel.Suddenly, there was a throbbing in my heart.

My eyes glanced at the woman's white and delicate back neck. Her neck is very long. Even if I look at it from the back, I think it must be a beauty, at least not too ugly.

It's been a long time since I've been so interested in a woman. Since the beginning of the Great War, all I've seen are corpses with ripped skin and rotten flesh, and corpses with missing arms and legs. In fact, there is no difference between such people. In the end, they are just a pile of rotten meat. Especially after hearing about the legendary "desire for people", I feel that human beings are just a combination of desires. Everyone is like this Dirty, it's just that the filth is not exaggerated to the maximum extent like the infected.

It's just at this moment that I realized that I actually started to pay attention to that woman. I don't know why I should pay attention to her.

And the impulse in my heart, the trend, I stood up, followed the frequency of the car, and swayed to her position step by step, but just as I was about to approach her, she also put down the newspaper and got up, and walked to the other side of the car Go, I followed immediately.

I'm not a perverted stalker, but I didn't know why I followed her, and I couldn't help following her.

The moment the woman passed through the junction of the carriages, I was startled by the sound of a stop announcement. The train had arrived, and I returned to Guangzhou at this moment.

The moment the car door opened, the woman walked down at the fastest speed, and I quickly followed, but at this moment, I found that the purple dress had already blended into the crowd.

Martial law in Guangzhou City.

"What's going on?!" I widened my eyes.

The government forces have no direct contact with us, but they are more or less related. It is impossible for me not to know about the martial law in the urban area of ​​Guangzhou.

However, my communicator never gets any notifications, which is definitely not normal.

I raised my hand, only to realize that the communication device had been damaged beyond recognition. I hadn't noticed it all along the way, and I had to be annoyed by my carelessness. I gritted my teeth and tore the communication device off my wrist , threw it aside, and quickly continued to chase the woman in purple.

I found that the woman in purple seemed to be in no one's land in front of the large group of government troops with live ammunition. Those people were completely used as a display in front of her, but when they saw me, they aimed their guns at me. I held up my hand to show my ID, maybe they were going to shoot.

At this time, a very strange scene appeared at the station. A man and a woman were chasing each other in front of a bunch of dumbfounded government troops, and the woman in purple didn't turn her head back at all.

I found that I always kept a certain distance from her. Her speed increased, so did I, and her speed slowed down, and mine slowed down, as if forming a tacit synchronization. Still entangled by fatigue, there is no way to break through this shackles.

I finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted loudly to the front: "Miss! The lady in the purple dress in front!"

The person suddenly stopped in his tracks, and I expected her to turn around, so I also stopped in my tracks.

But, before that guy turned his head around, I heard a few roars and screams first.

"Infected!" I yelled.

In mid-air, two figures like sharp swords swooped down, Winged Man!At this time, the Yiren were actually operating in the Guangzhou safe zone, and they were so unscrupulous. The government troops who were dumbfounded at this time reflected and raised their guns one by one, but the guns of the government troops were still the same, with insufficient power. The Winged Man stood up, passed through the hail of bullets, and swooped down, blood splashed on the ground immediately, and the two government troops were easily cut in half.

I didn't have a decent weapon in my hand, and I didn't know what to do for a while. Looking around, I saw only a broken steel bar falling next to the pillar in the open-air area of ​​the train station, so I rolled down with a stride, raised my foot and hooked it. The piece of steel rod was hooked up, then he caught it with his hand, pushed it with his backhand, and threw it towards the Winged Man in mid-air.

The effect of the concentrated liquid on my body seems to be getting stronger and stronger. The thrown steel pipe is like a long sword, flying straight towards the Winged Man in the midair. The steel pipe continued to fly into the air, but the Winged Man's head had been completely crushed, and the Winged Man's headless body twitched for a moment, then twisted its body and fell downside down.

Seeing this, another winged man leaned over and flew towards me. I tried to wait to fight that guy hand-to-hand, and was even ready to jump on him the moment he swooped down. The woman in purple clothes not far away suddenly shook her cloak and swiped with one hand. Immediately, half of the wings of the winged man who was less than three meters away from the ground began to turn into fine particles, gathering towards the woman's hand.

I was stunned, dumbfounded!
This, is this ability? !
The man in black!That woman is the man in black robe? !
Wingman lost a wing, and his body was also stiff in the air, but he was still struggling. The woman's white palm was lightly grasped. Immediately, Wingman hissed, and the muscles on his head began to fall off in mid-air, which was already ugly. His face was even more bloody and horrifying, but in just a moment, that head turned into a skeleton.

The woman waved her hand lightly, and the Winged Man quickly landed on the ground. A cloud of black mist gathered in the woman's hand, and the woman's white arm gradually began to undergo unbelievable mutations.

At this time, she was facing me, her long hair covered her whole face, I couldn't see her clearly, I could only see her arm clearly.

There was an extra layer of cuticle on the white arm, and some indescribable muscle tissue appeared on the cuticle, and the appearance of the connection of skin and flesh was even weirder than that of the infected person.

At this time, I saw the woman quickly pull out a needle from her pocket. The special airtight needle was still filled with a light blue liquid. She quickly injected the liquid into her arm. The extruded flesh and tissue shriveled and cracked like Fenghua, but after a while, it turned into powder and fell to the ground, and the arm returned to its original shape.

I almost stared at the same place, and I believe the government soldiers next to me were also dumbfounded. At this moment, the woman in purple looked up at me, and gently pushed back the hair that covered her face.

(End of this chapter)

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