Chapter 270
"Impossible!" I almost took a few steps back in shock.

At a glance, the woman in purple turned around and left.

I was stunned and almost fell to my knees again.

At this moment, no one cared what my expression was. The government soldiers became dumbfounded again when the purple-clothed woman walked by, and I didn't even have the courage to catch up.

I don't believe in ghosts and gods, so what I saw must not be ghosts.

Lin Wan, are you back?Or did God favor me and let me see your face again?
I don't know how long I was in a daze before I realized that I should catch up at this time, but when I looked up again, the woman in purple had already disappeared, and I only felt a strange dizziness, and fell down.

When I woke up again, my body had already touched the soft bed. It’s been a long time since I slept on a metal window covered with a soft blanket, and the white bedding on my body made me feel a little stunned. The warmth of stunned comes from human beings. the warmth.

I saw a face, a familiar face.

I struggled to sit up.

"Mo...Mo Ge..." I stroked my aching forehead.

"Are you awake?" Mo Ge put his hand on my shoulder, his voice was calm, she will always be like that, even if something big happens, her face is expressionless, cold as ice, the only thing with warmth seems to be those big eyes , but these eyes are often disdainful to everything, not giving anyone a straight look, and not giving anyone a chance to look directly and understand.

But at this moment, she was looking at me.

I read concern from her eyes, and finally, after struggling with poison, dead bodies, and life and death, I returned to the "embrace" of human beings again, which finally made me feel warm. I gritted my teeth and said: " am I here, I remember at the station...I..."

"You passed out on the train, and the government soldiers sent you back." Mo Ge said, "I think you must be too tired, Chief Chu."

I stayed for a long while, and the words of Chief Chu really made me a little hard to accept. After a while, I realized that something was wrong, as if my memory had gone wrong: "Wait, you mean, I am... I am It was escorted back by government troops, and, I... I fainted on the train?"

"Yes." Mo Ge said lightly.

"Are you sure I fainted on the train, not the train station?" I asked again.

"Yes, why do you ask that?" Mo Ge remained expressionless.

"No!" I stood up very fast, and my body had basically returned to its original shape by this time, "You are wrong! I fought against two wingmen at the station, and I saw... by the way, Why is Guangzhou city under martial law?"

"Oh? You know the martial law in Guangzhou City?" Mo Ge said, "It started yesterday. Infected people appeared in the residential areas of the citizens, and the spread was very fast, so now we are cooperating with the government army to investigate and find out The source of infection hidden in the city."

I nodded and said, "Then today, did a fierce battle take place at the train station?"

"Yes, the two winged men were suddenly mutated by citizens. They broke into the train station and were taken away by government forces," Mo Ge said.

"Government army?!"

I shook my head desperately and said, "You're not right! No! I solved one of them, and the other one is..."

"Perhaps Chief Chu is too tired." Mo Ge shook his head and said, "Mr. Chu should lie down and have a good rest. Qiqi and Ah Meng will come to see you later, and Tu Shu is still cooperating in the city with the investigation, so it's not convenient for the time being." come over."

"Mo Ge, don't call me that! Listen to my memory, I will never remember it wrong. Today in the car, I saw a woman in purple clothes. I saw it right..." I told my story in the car. I was very emotional when I saw everything on the Internet. At this time, I couldn't control myself at all, because I saw that face, that face that I couldn't get rid of, since that face disappeared, I I almost feel that half of my world has collapsed, but now that she is back and appears in front of me, is this just a dream?How could this be a dream? !

How could a dream be so real.

How could God be so cruel?

Even if I don't believe in ghosts and gods, at this moment I want to ask God to forgive me.

But Mo Ge was still very calm after listening to my narration, and said, "You must have encountered something in Hunan Province, right?"

I pondered for a while, and then said: "Yes, that's right, I killed the disease knight among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Hunan Province, and I also met members of the resistance organization. Zhang Chu and the others even came face to face with me and almost fought. At that time... "I was a little incoherent, but I basically explained everything I encountered, but Mo Ge remained calm. Even when I mentioned Zhang Chu and the others, there was no change in Mo Ge's eyebrows. This calm made me feel Uneasy, until I finished everything, Mo Ge slowly opened his mouth and said——

"Perhaps your memory has some deviations. What you are most concerned about right now is the man in black, the war with the infected... and... and the person who has passed away..." When he said this, Mo Song's expression changed slightly, "So, you will confuse them, and merge the person you miss most with the man in black in your dream. This is actually just a dream you made up."

"Impossible!" I widened my eyes, wanting to argue.

"Actually, you also know that the person who left is the one who left. The man in black robe may still be our enemy." Mo Ge said, "You are also very clear that all this is actually a dream, the result of overthinking... ..."

"Then how do you explain that I saw martial law in Guangzhou city?"

"Guangzhou city is under martial law, you can see it on the train, you saw these scenes before you fainted, so they also sneaked into your deep consciousness and merged with your dreams, in fact, you know very well what I said That's right, it's just that you still refuse to admit it, you want to leave yourself with the thought that Lin Wan is still alive."

"I do not know……"

"It's just..." Mo Ge didn't give me a chance to refute, and continued, "It's just that, whether as your friend or your subordinate, I don't want you to dwell on the past. We still have a lot of tough battles to fight."

"No! I'm not just dwelling on the past." I shook my head and said, "If what I've seen is true, then this matter is not just the meaning that the person is still alive, maybe There's more to it!"

"No matter what the meaning is, the fact is that all of this is a dream." Mo Ge said, "Maybe dreaming is right, at least it will make you happier."


Mo Ge's expression changed slightly, but I didn't know whether that expression was empathy or sympathy. In short, I hated her expression at this time, it was an insult to me.

I'm embarrassed enough.

I gritted my teeth and said, "You don't have to talk to me like that! I know exactly what I'm doing and what I'm seeing, and I'm not crazy!"

"It's true that you're not crazy, you're just too tired, Chu...Chu Tingsheng..." Mo Ge lowered his head slightly.

"I'm not so tired that I don't know what I saw." I stood up, stared at Mo Ge, and said, "Mo Ge, what are you hiding and what is your purpose? When I mentioned Zhang Chu just now, You didn’t even blink your eyelids. We’ve known each other for a long time. I know you well, right? Even though you’ve always been calm, if you didn’t know what I saw in advance, how could you accept Zhang Chu’s appearance so calmly? And the fact of confronting me? The more calm you are, the more it means that you have something in your heart to hide from me!"

"You still like to think too much." Mo Ge frowned.

"I didn't think much about it." I looked at Mo Ge coldly and said, "As the commander here, I have the right to know everything."

"You just need to know that what we want now is to settle everything in Guangzhou City and bring peace to the people." Mo Ge said, "Chu Tingsheng, since you won't let me call you sir, then as a friend, I will give you peace." Mind you, we are fighting, on the brink of life and death, and we don't have time to think about those things, nor should we."


"Why don't you let him go in the past." Mo Ge said, "Even if Lin Wan can really come back, will she still be the original Lin Wan? She was already a terrible infected person when she died, and in your description Among them, the man in black robe has the power to kill without blinking an eye. If that person is really your so-called old friend, how do you think we should face her, whether to kill her or let her live in this place? Raging in a chaotic world?!"


I was speechless, only my eyes widened.

Yes, if that person is really Lin Wan, what kind of ability does Lin Wan already possess?At this time, I actually began to hope that everything was in a dream. You know, the black-robed man is the ultimate monster that can kill a large number of rebel soldiers in an instant. That guy looks even stronger than the death knight , if that guy is really standing in front of me, how should I face her?To kill her, or to be friends?

I sat back on the bed and lowered my head slightly.

"Don't think too much about Chu Tingsheng, Lin Wan is dead and will not be resurrected again. There are not so many miracles in this world. The most urgent thing is how to save this city, and what exactly did you find?"

"I..." I firmly grasped the soft bed sheet with one hand, and felt that everything had become very blurred and rough. I felt something stuck in my throat, and I couldn't say anything for a while.

"If you feel tired, then rest first." Mo Ge's smile was always cold, "I won't force you, after all, you are the leader here."

(End of this chapter)

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