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Chapter 271 An Amazing Incident

Chapter 271 An Amazing Incident

I shook my head, stared at Mo Ge, and said, "I just want to know now, why are you lying to me, why are you still pretending not to believe everything you know is true?"

Mo Ge was still calm, shook his head, and said: "I'm just talking about the situation I know, I don't know the situation, I don't say it, I don't see or hear the situation, and I won't make wild guesses. "

I froze for a moment.

I seem to have gotten some information from Mo Ge.

Her eyes are sincere, at least I know that she shouldn't be lying to me at this time.

There must be a reason for her to do so.

My tense body slowly relaxed, and I took a long breath and said, "So, everything you said is true?"

"You believe it is true." Mo Ge said.

I waved my hand and said, "Go out first, I'll be fine by myself."

Mo Ge nodded, without any delay, turned around, opened and closed the door neatly, and left.

I went back to the bed and lowered my head slightly.

I still believe that what I saw is true, but I don't know why Mo Ge is swearing to hide it. She knows that I have already seen everything, but she still insists on it.

I don't know why.

And her sentence, I only say what I know, does it mean that she really has difficulties and must tell me that, or that what she knows is indeed the case, and someone deliberately conveyed some wrong information to her ?The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong.

But at this moment, the door of the room opened again.

"Brother!" When I called out, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then I felt a sense of excitement. I knew who the person was, and this person, this child, excited me and made me feel like a newborn kindness feel.Perhaps this child, to some extent, does represent a new birth.I turned around, looked at her with a smile as much as I could, and said, "Qiqi, are you here?"

"Qiqi should say this to you, right?" Qiqi stood beside me with her hips crossed, and said, "You've been away for such a long time, we're all worried to death, right, Sister Ah Meng?" She Still looking like a little adult, she turned her face to look at Ameng, her eyes widened. In fact, if I just looked at her baby face, I would have thought she was not much older than Qiqi. But her expression was much calmer than Qiqi's, and there was a kind of determination and maturity in her eyes, but those eyes were really big, if you didn't look closely, you could only catch the clearness, but you couldn't see the depth.Ah Meng looked at me and said with a smile, "Mr. Chu, are you back? Are you feeling better?"

In fact, sometimes I can't figure out what kind of girl Ah Meng is. She seems to have many mysteries. Her madness, forbearance and innocence seem to coexist. I don't have much contact with her, but I feel that this person has no superficial So simple.

I nodded and said, "It's much better, thank you for your concern."

"Why don't you thank Qiqi? Isn't Qiqi's concern counted as concern? Anyway, I pray for you every day, hum! Your communication device is broken, and I'm dying of anxiety, hum!" Qiqi pouted , puffed out his cheeks, and turned his face to one side.

I couldn't help feeling pity for a while, reached out and stroked Qiqi's hair, and said, "Sister Qiqi is good! Aren't you all right? Don't worry, thank you, sincerely."

"Hmph, forget it, Qiqi is still a child, and not as beautiful as Sister Mo Ge and Sister Ameng, of course you don't care if Qiqi cares about you, hmph, you men are all the same, think from the lower body!"

"Pfft..." I couldn't laugh or cry for a while. Does this kid know what lower body thinking is? He suddenly said such a sentence, and even Ah Meng was amused. Don't say that, I'll die unjustly if you say that."

Qi Qi shook her head, remained silent for a while, and then showed her face and said: "Forget it, you're back anyway, Qi Qi is not so worried anymore, by the way, you are not injured, I heard you fainted , People from the government army brought you back, hmph!"

"I'm fine." I shook my head.

At this moment, an electronic sound rang outside the door of the room. Immediately afterwards, a tall figure came, and a scientific researcher came with her. The tall girl looked at me with concern, but the person behind her The researcher squinted his eyes, and seemed a little cold, with a hint of sarcasm in his coldness. His attitude made me very unhappy, but he had nothing to say. I knew he was like this, and he would appear Here, absolutely nothing good happens.

Number Five and Tu Shu.

One in front and one in the back, the two people have two expressions.

Tu Shu stood in front of me for a while, and then slowly said: "How are you?" Her expression was very solemn, and I could even feel from her expression that she must have had a hard time doing errands outside today. Makes me feel a little uneasy.

"Don't ask everyone who comes in, can't you tell? I'm fine." I said lightly, pretending to be calm.

"Well, it looks like you are pretty good." No. [-] said with a twitch of his mouth, "But this world is not as lucky as you personally."

I squinted my eyes, didn't reply, and I didn't know what to reply.

Then, Number Five turned around, and I looked at Tu Shu and said, "What happened, what's the current situation in the city."

"The entire defense line of the Fortress of Life has collapsed," said Tu Shu.


"Didn't you see it? We retreated to the city." Tu Shu said, "This place is the base barracks of the government forces."

"This..." I stood up, gritted my teeth and said, "What the hell is going on, the government army, what happened? Why did our defense line collapse? Didn't the government support us?" I was still wondering if the infected or the church used some special method to break up the line of defense, but in fact, I overlooked a very important aspect, that is, our enemies are not only the infected and the church, but even It can be said that our main enemy is not them at all.

"Hehe, who do you think did it?" Number Five looked at me and said, "We had a good opportunity to strengthen ourselves and strengthen our defenses. Whose kindness led to today's results?"

I gritted my teeth and said nothing.

"Can't speak anymore?" said Five.

"Shut up! Number Five!" Tu Shu waved his hand, Number Five pursed his lips, took a step back, and turned his head to look out the window again.

"Tu Shu, what happened?" I asked.

"The rebel organization invaded the communication terminal of the Fortress of Life through our information loopholes. At that time, your communication device should have been damaged, and we did not notice the abnormality, so they used this method to instigate a group of mentally unstable soldiers. Rebellion, we have a small number of people, and when these people rebelled, infections broke out in the urban area of ​​Guangzhou, which directly caused us to be in a hurry and collapsed across the board."

"Dead?" I widened my eyes.

"Except for those who escaped, they are all dead." Tu Shu said, "We are completely defeated now. We have been incorporated into the government army. If Mo Ge hadn't been fighting for our rights, we would have been completely controlled by the government Army, and now, they have promised to retain your command, and our group of sixteen people will continue to operate in the name of an independent part of the government army."

"Haha, living under the fence." No. [-] seemed to be unable to bear it again, and said, "When we had capital negotiations, we didn't seize the opportunity. Of course, this can only be the result now. Haha, it's no wonder."

"Enough!" Tu Shu waved again.

I bowed my head and pondered for a long time, but in the end, I still cared more about the people in Guangzhou City. I frowned and said, "Have you found the source of infection in the city now?"

"Hehe..." I heard No. [-]'s sneer, obviously, he doesn't care about this.

Tu Shu shook his head and said: "The infection has spread, and many people have been infected. Anyone is the source of infection. Once the Ebola virus spreads, everyone's symptoms are similar. At first, it was the source of infection. It is difficult to investigate clearly, I can only do my best, but there is little effect now."

"I think so..." I gritted my teeth and said, "Since this has happened, what plans does the government army have?"

"They are cultivating new antibodies, but antibodies can only be treated one-on-one. What does this mean? They need to catch a certain infected person, or treat the living body at the initial stage of the Ebola virus. It is possible to control the disease, which is obviously very unrealistic. Once the infected person enters the mutation and becomes aggressive, the best way is to kill, not capture. Moreover, it only takes a few minutes for the Ebola virus to mutate from infection to overall mutation. It is obviously too idealistic to be noticed at the initial stage..."

I nodded.

After another long silence, I sighed and said, "Then what we have to do now is probably the same, and that is to find a way to control the Ebola virus on a large scale, right?"

"It can be said that, but it is easier said than done."

I lowered my head slightly. Indeed, I know that this method seems to exist only in ideals at present. The task Liang Yue gave me has not been completed. I have not figured out what Xie Chun's research results are. What he said seems to be the only way to decode the so-called "dusty civilization". Maybe what he said is true, but how do I find Xie Chun's so-called "secret" and "answer", could it be...

I raised my eyes to look at Qiqi, she still looked innocent and stared at us blankly, obviously she hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem, and she didn't even think about it at all, that she was the one who might open everything, or hinder it. The key that blocks everything.

"Qiqi, can you go out and play for a while? I have something to tell Sister Tu Shu." I said.

Tu Shu immediately understood and winked at Ah Meng.

Ah Meng immediately understood, nodded, and said to Qiqi: "Qiqi, let's go out and have a drink."

"Hey, is there something that Qi Qi can't hear? What bad things do you want to say about Qi Qi?" Qi Qi said.

"No, it's just some work things..."

"I don't understand things at work, why are you afraid that I'll hear them?" Qi Qi was a little headstrong, unwilling to let go.

"Qiqi, be good, don't be self-willed, we'll go out with you later." Tu Shu also said.

"Hey... okay, okay..." Qiqi shrugged her shoulders and said, "Really... I just want to spend more time with brother Chu, he just came back..."

(End of this chapter)

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