global variation

Chapter 272 Choice

Chapter 272 Choice
Ah Meng took Qiqi away, Tu Shu and No. [-] were still in the room. After a moment of silence, No. [-] said: "Differences do not conspire with each other, words are not speculative, I think what I want to say is to be alone with you." It's better if you say it, and I won't get involved in this matter." He stared at me for a long time with squinted eyes and a fierce look, and then said, "Sir, I'm going out first, I hope you will think about it carefully. Consider our situation."

"I'll think about it," I said.

"Ha ha……"

He walked past me, I didn't look at her again, but turned to Tu Shu, and said, "I want to discuss this matter with Mo Ge."

Tu Shu nodded, raised his hand to connect to the communication device, and said, "Mo Ge, come here, Chu Tingsheng is here."

After all, Tu Shu was my former "teacher", and she is obviously not used to calling me "sir".

In less than half a minute, Mo Ge came to my room and stood at a certain distance from me and Tu Shu.

I pondered for a while, and said: "I have almost understood the situation. The most urgent task is to solve the problems in the urban area of ​​Guangzhou. Although we are under the control of the government army, at least we are safe, and we are incorporated into the government army. In a sense, it is also safe." It limits the suppression and sneak attack of the rebel organization on us."

No one objected.

I continued, "I think, during this time, focus on addressing the spread of Ebola."

"Just because we are like this now?" Tu Shu said, "Do you think it's possible?"

"Based on what I have now, all we need is a key," I said.

"Key?" Tu Shu and Mo Ge were stunned for a moment, looking at me.

I said: "Yes, I have already found Professor Liang Yue. He is a fanatical scientist. For him, as long as he can achieve his goal, he will not hesitate to pay any price, so he does not reject cooperation with us, but, Now he needs Xie Chun's research data to unlock the code of the so-called 'dust civilization'."

"Dust Civilization..." In front of them, Tu Shu and Mo Ge looked at each other.

I sighed, knowing that it would be futile to explain too much at this time, so I said: "In short, research is very important, even more important than the battle itself. If we can solve the mystery, maybe we can find a cure for the Ebola virus on a large scale." way, or maybe we can find the source."

"Are you sure?" It was Mo Ge who spoke this time.

"I'm not sure, but right now, it's the only way," I said.

The two shut up again.

I took a deep breath and said, "As for Xie Chun's information, there may only be one person who knows the exact location. You can find out where Xie Chun's home is. Oh, yes... did you find it?"

"It has been found." Mo Ge said, "But even so, the exact location of the research materials cannot be determined."

"Well." I nodded and said, "I know this, so I said, now, there is one person who may know the details. She is the key to unraveling all these mysteries. I want to hear your opinions now. Do you agree or not..."

I didn't go on, but I think they knew exactly what I was going to do.

Unlocking the so-called shielded "password" in Qiqi's brain is the only way to find Xie Chun's research materials, but that will definitely hurt Qiqi, and we must dig out her hidden deep memory. I know how much Qiqi's memory has been opened at this time, but she doesn't seem to have changed in any way, which means that if we forcefully open her deep memory, we will inevitably cause her a lot of damage.At this moment, I looked at Tu Shu and Mo Ge. Although their expressions were calm, but based on my understanding of them, I could see the embarrassment in their eyes. To put it bluntly, we are all soft-hearted people. If we can at least be as reckless and ruthless as No. [-], this matter may be much easier to handle.

But obviously, neither of them could do it, and I was still a little hesitant.

"This matter..." They didn't speak, I pondered for a moment and then said, "We'll do it sooner or later, but we're just doing it now, I don't know if it's a little urgent, or if it's unfair to Qiqi."

"I, listen to you..." At this time, Mo Ge actually said this sentence, the captain Mo Ge who has always been assertive and even somewhat self-willed, suddenly said such a sentence at this time.

I was stunned and turned to look at Tu Shu.

Tu Shu and Mo Ge have been at loggerheads, and I expect her to express her opinion at this time.

"I'll listen to you too." Tu Shu also threw the question to me.

I looked at them with some embarrassment.

"You are the officer." Mo Ge said.

"When we can't make up our minds, shouldn't the chief make the final decision?" Tu Shu also said.

I looked up to one side.

I know that what they said is not wrong at all. At this moment, I must take this responsibility, but this responsibility is really heavy.

I even felt a little trembling.

No, no, I can't back down at this time, no matter how much I struggle, I have to make a decision, I am a man, and I am also the highest commander in this team, although the name of this commander is a bit misleading.But now that I have reached this position, I must take responsibility. At this time, I must have my own idea, even if it is a bastard's idea.

After a long time, I slowly said: "This matter must be done, and sacrifices must be made. If I have a choice, I would rather sacrifice myself."

"So..." Mo Ge responded first, "So you plan to do it? What are you going to do? Do you do it like a rebel organization, or take Qiqi home."

"I'll talk to Qiqi." I said, "She has the right to get a rough idea of ​​this matter first."

"Understand in advance?" Tu Shu stared and said, "That may have an impact on the final effect. You know, if it is an instant stimulus, although it is more painful for people and it will test their tolerance, it is more exciting. The potential of a person may make Qi Qi think of everything at once, but if she is already mentally prepared, the impact will be much smaller, and by that time, everything may fall short..." Speaking of Here, Tu Shu looked at me, then at Mo Ge, and after a moment of silence, he said again, "Of course, I'm just reminding you."

"Unexpectedly, there are times when you are kind." Mo Ge said.

"You..." Tu Shu frowned, quickly regained his obsequiousness, and said, "Hmph, of course, it won't be possible for everyone in the world to be like Captain Mo Song, with an attitude of being too forgetful. "


At this time, the two of them began to bicker again. Sometimes I really don't understand women.

Of course, at this time, I was not in the mood or energy to take care of the two of them. I shook my head and said, "Now is not the time to joke. What Tu Shu said is correct. Maybe that will weaken the effect, but after all, Qiqi is also A living individual, since she has the right to live, she has the right to know everything. It is all related to her, so we must first tell her what we might do. I think I can handle this matter, and I will deal with her Just talk."

"Since Chief Chu has decided..." Tu Shu suddenly smiled and said, "Then we don't need to say anything more."

I always feel that these two people have things in their hearts. Maybe I don’t know many things during the time I’m away, and they don’t tell me. I don’t know how to find an entry point to understand their hearts. of all that.

"It's up to you..." Mo Ge also said.

I smiled lightly and said, "Then I'll go to Qiqi and clarify the matter in a while."

"Can you take it easy?" Mo Ge said suddenly.

"What? Take it easy?"

"A day or two later." Mo Ge said.


"There are too many people who have left recently. Any major decision may cause someone to be hurt or even leave. Moreover, once we take Qiqi to Xie Chun's mansion, it means that a group of us will leave Guangzhou. At that time, who is on guard here, who is competent for all the work arrangements here, and who will cooperate with the government forces to control the spread of the virus in Guangzhou, all these still need to be arranged.”

"You're scared, aren't you?" I said bluntly.


"She's afraid." Tu Shu said.

"You..." Mo Ge was obviously very dissatisfied.

But then, Tu Shu said: "Actually, I am also afraid. We have fought for so long and killed so many people. Now it is difficult to distinguish friend from foe. None of us are afraid. Don't you think we should be afraid? The death of any one person may be a huge loss... We may lack very critical assistance, and anything that happens may be fatal..."

I sighed, I know what she said is right, but if this matter is not implemented quickly, everything will fall into an endless deadlock.

I still wanted to say something, but at this moment, Mo Ge's communication device suddenly responded, and she quickly raised her hand.

Over there is a hoarse electronic sound. Mo Ge didn't shy away from me and Tu Shu, and directly turned on the loudspeaker, and the electronic sound was clearly recognizable.

"Is it Captain Mo Ge? There is something wrong with Fortress No. [-] in the southwest of the city. We are already here. I hope you will bring someone over to take a look. Maybe it has something to do with your people..."

I couldn't help but also froze for a moment, a kind of weird premonition welled up in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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