global variation

Chapter 273 Strange People, Flesh and Flesh Swords

Chapter 273 Strange People, Flesh and Flesh Swords

I don't know when the residential areas in Guangzhou used serial numbers to mark their directions, but this probably reflects one thing, that is, this place is indeed on wartime alert, and the situation is quite serious.

After hearing about the situation near Southwest Fortress No. [-], no one dared to neglect in the slightest. Tu Shu, Mo Ge and I rushed to this area together, but when we arrived, we only saw a few mutilated corpses To be precise, they are the corpses of our enemies, the corpses of several infected people. The bodies of these guys seem to have been eaten away by something. They are missing arms and legs, but there are no obvious signs of tearing. The cut section is very flat, and There was no splattered blood at the scene, only blood flowing out.

This means that these guys started to bleed after falling to the ground. Their death is really strange.

Of course, the one who felt strange might be government soldiers, or Tu Shu or Mo Ge, but it wasn't me.

I know very well how they died, because in the so-called "dream", I have clearly seen this way of death.

They were broken down and died.

I stared at the corpses for a long time, and said, "There are some things that are useless to hide, right, Mo Ge."

Mo Ge didn't speak.

I know she is speechless at this time.

I knelt down, inspected the corpses, then turned to a government officer in the lead, and said: "The infected will not die completely if they don't break their heads, but these guys seem to be missing only a part of their bodies. At most, he lost his combat effectiveness, how could he die so thoroughly?
"Their brain tissue has been completely destroyed." The officer at the head seemed to have guessed who I was, and he didn't ask any more questions, and answered straightforwardly, "Including the entire spine, it has also been completely destroyed, and it should be in the absence of sabotaged in the event of any offensive maneuver."

"Has there been a similar situation at the train station?" I asked again.

"The train station?" The officer looked at the other soldiers beside him. A government soldier saluted him, turned to me, and said, "Yes, at the train station, it"

"I was there, but then passed out," I said.

"Well... yes..." The man nodded.

I said again: "So it is basically certain that the woman in purple did it, right?"

"Perhaps not," said the soldier.

"Huh?" I was stunned for a moment, everyone saw it with their own eyes, why did this soldier suddenly retort, could he also lie to me?Is everything I see really just a dream?

I felt a little guilty for a while.

"In this city, there is actually more than one person with that ability. It's just that the girl's seems to be a little stronger." The soldier said, "That girl seems to be able to not only control the infected, but also restrict our soldiers' abilities." Action, when our people passed by her, it was difficult to lift their hands and feet, as if they were held down by something, but she is definitely not the only one who has that kind of ability, as far as I have seen, using this There is more than one person with this ability to slaughter the infected."

"No way?!" I widened my eyes.

Isn't this ability unique?

If I'm not wrong, this ability should benefit from the in-depth study of the dust civilization. Except for the black-robed people, no one in the resistance organization, the government army and our people seems to have really mastered the "dust civilization" Otherwise, how could Zhang Chu and the others be restrained by that black-robed man in the mountainous area of ​​Hunan Province?
"When did those people start appearing?" I asked.

"It has been around for nearly half a month," said the soldier.

The officer went on to say: "I came to you this time to investigate these matters together. I don't know whether these people are enemies or friends. If the resistance forces of the people make new discoveries, maybe we can still cooperate with them." Contact and cooperate with them, so that we may have a greater chance of winning in the battle.

"That's the reason," I said, "but since they refuse to go out, maybe they have no intention of cooperating. I don't think there is much hope..."

"But in any case, this matter must be investigated and found out." The officer continued.

Without opening my mouth, I looked over the infected people on the ground again, and after confirming that these guys were indeed decomposed and died, I stood up.My eyebrows must have been deeply locked at that time, because I only had waves of anxiety in my heart, who the hell, if it wasn't the woman in purple, then is there anyone else in this place who has such abilities?
Just when I was at a loss, suddenly, I felt someone pat me, I turned my face, Tu Shu gave me a wink, I was a little surprised, but she turned around and walked back, I knew that she probably wouldn't do this if she hadn't discovered something, so I quickly followed up with small steps. Several officers and soldiers were still standing there discussing, but she had already taken me to a place about 100 meters away from the corpses. At the entrance of the alley with a probability of about [-] meters, I stopped and said: "It may be set from here. This road is surrounded by military control areas in all directions. Even if you walk on the top of the concrete wall or even the roof of the building, it is easy to be found. So the only possibility is to escape from here."

I nodded.

At this time, Mo Ge also followed.

Tu Shu squatted down, pointed to the cement wall of the alleyway, and said, "Look at this."

I looked in the direction she pointed, but saw a small part falling in the corner. I was sure it was a mechanical part, and there was a small special badge on it. I always felt that this part was very familiar , but can't remember where I saw it.

Just as I was about to reach out to grab it, Mo Ge on the side suddenly said, "This is the resistance organization...communication device!"

"Yes!" Tu Shu said.

I suddenly realized that my communication device has been broken for too long, and I have forgotten the logo and pattern on it. This thing is definitely the thing on the communication device of the resistance organization.

"People who resisted the organization?!" I said in astonishment.

"I don't know." Tu Shu said, "But if you are not a member of the resistance organization, you will not be able to use this communication device if you take it. It is unreasonable to bring it to fight."

"Indeed." It was rare for Mo Ge to agree with Tu Shu's opinion once.

"Impossible, the people who resist the organization, Zhang Chu and the others, have not mastered this ability, even Zhang Chu has not mastered it, what about the others..." I was talking when I was interrupted by Tu Shu, who said, "Don't think so much Now, if this guy is determined not to let others see him, and if he doesn't want to be discovered, then he must take the risk and come back to take this thing, we wait here, maybe we can wait until that guy shows up."

I squinted and agreed.

Mo Ge didn't say anything else, and quickly retreated to the other side of the alley. I looked at Tu Shu again, and was about to get up and leave, but just as I was about to get up, suddenly, I felt a black shadow flash past my head , I was startled suddenly, and when I looked up, I saw a figure flashing past the edge of the not-too-high roof platform. Grab the window sill on the second floor, gently pull it upwards, and use the body that has been strengthened countless times by the concentrated liquid to swing directly to the opposite window sill, then lightly step on the window sill, and move to the edge of the window sill in the other direction. Flying over, repeating this, quickly jumped to the top of the fifth floor of the low building.

This coherent movement probably took no more than ten seconds.

And the moment I turned back to the top of the building, the black shadow also quickly ran into the corridor.

I yelled: "The corridor blocks him!" Then I followed closely.

The black shadow's mobility doesn't seem to be too strong, but after being chased by me for a while, he lost much strength, and ran into the corridor, he was looking for a dead end. Tu Shu and I had already formed a front and back attack on him situation.

That guy also knew that he made a mistake. After running to the third floor, he flew into an empty room, and I followed immediately. The guy opened the window of the room, rolled over and jumped down, and I followed closely behind.

The man was obviously much weaker than me, turned over and hugged the drainpipe on one side of the outer wall and slid down, while I stepped on the wall directly and landed on the ground before him through the window sill. The moment he landed, I had already caught up with him. Go up and punch him in the face.

The man dodged in a hurry, and grabbed my cuff, but he didn't grab my arm. I pulled him, and he staggered towards me. I wanted to knee him Unexpectedly, with a light leap, he flipped two or three meters away from me and landed firmly.

"Mantis Concentrate..." At the same time, Tu Shu and Mo Ge had already caught up. Seeing this, Tu Shu couldn't help but said, "It's a pity that the synchronization rate is not high."

"Hmph! Drink!" The man snorted coldly, and suddenly waved his hand, Tu Shu's body froze immediately, and he took a few steps back.

Looking at Tu Shu's expression, I knew that guy was using his ability, but unfortunately his ability didn't seem as powerful as the woman in purple.

Mo Ge raised his hand and raised his gun, aiming at the man, but the man also took out his weapon and aimed at Mo Ge. The two explosive guns faced each other, each with a deterrent effect.

I don't have a weapon in my hand, but I am confident that he is not my opponent at all in terms of fists and kicks.

"Who are you?!" I yelled.

The guy was a little panicked, and turned to look at me. I saw the young face clearly. It seemed familiar, but I couldn't name it. I gritted my teeth and said, "Rebels from the resistance organization, maybe we know each other."

"We know each other, but now we are enemies!" said the man.

"Very well, you are refreshing." I said, "What are you doing here, did you say it or I forced you to say it!" I snapped.

"You don't have to know that clearly!" The man looked very hard.

"Then don't blame me for being rude!" I strode forward. At the same time, Mo Ge fired a shot at the ground, and there was an explosion. The man was obviously taken aback. Taking advantage of the situation, I stretched out my hand and punched him, the man instinctively waved his hand to resist, and the pistol flew out, but when I hit him, I also felt my body tremble.

In just a few seconds, the man waved his hand at Mo Ge again, and Mo Ge was obviously also temporarily affected.

Even though the time was so short, the man relied on the power of the concentrated liquid to bounce and escape again.

The three of us followed closely behind and chased out of the alley.

The government soldiers outside didn't know what to do for a while, and when they saw us chasing us out, they instinctively pointed their guns at the fleeing guy, but they didn't shoot.

Unexpectedly, the man stopped suddenly and pointed at the corpse of the infected person on the ground. For a moment, countless smoke-like particles on the torso of the corpse scattered and condensed again. The sharp "sword light" shot towards the government soldiers who raised their guns.


It was too late, and before I had time to rush over, several government soldiers had turned over and fell to the ground.

The guy moved his hand again, and on the bodies of the two infected corpses, some flesh and blood turned into particles, which condensed in his hands. The man turned around, and the sword light formed by the condensed flesh particles flew towards me. Come on, I turned sideways to dodge, the two sword glows swiftly slashed across from the front and back of me, and a hole was cut in my shirt!
(End of this chapter)

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