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Chapter 274 Killing without blinking

Chapter 274 Killing without blinking
I really can't imagine that someone can manipulate flesh and blood into sharp blades to attack, and that power is as vicious and cruel as a flying knife.

My world view has been refreshed again. This is not just science, but also the category of martial arts and even fantasy.

What's even more frightening is that the flesh and blood particles began to condense in midair, forming a strange black mass in the air not far from us, which seemed extremely aggressive.

Seeing this, Mo Ge next to me raised his gun without hesitation, smashing the condensed black matter with one shot.

But in front of us, behind the enemy, the bodies of those soldiers who were knocked down by the flesh-and-blood sword light began to twitch.

The bodies of these guys are gradually eroded and penetrated by black flesh and blood...

"You..." I gritted my teeth, "Did you cause the infection in this city?"

"Of course not!" the man snapped back.

"what are you doing then?!"

"The church is the enemy, and you are also the enemy. There is no need to be kind to you." The man said harshly.

"Ha ha……"

"You are traitors," said the man again.

"Who on earth betrayed who!" I roared sharply, "Who caused our life and death and disregard!"

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you!"

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." I became more and more angry. The few government soldiers behind him were innocent no matter what, including the officer, but now they are all about to become walking corpses. ——However, I know how the death knight manipulates those dead creatures. They have no life in essence, and only the cells full of "personality" are alive.

"I'll ask you again, what exactly are you going to do, who are you taking orders from now, whose subordinates are you, what exactly are the rebel organizations going to do, and whether everything here is caused by you!" I asked a series of questions.

The person on the opposite side was obviously unwilling to answer, and he made another move with one hand, and the corpse on the ground moved slightly again, but at this moment, Mo Ge was one step ahead of him, pulling the trigger, and the sound of gunfire rang out beside me. The guy seemed to want to mobilize the flesh and blood of the infected person's head, but was first shattered by the explosive gun.The moment the explosive gun bursts, it will generate high temperature, which presumably has the energy to kill the Ebola virus, so once the gun is shot down, the flesh and blood attached to the Ebola will suddenly become lifeless waste.

"Hateful!" The man used another corpse. This time, Tu Shu shot first, and hit again with one shot.

"You!" The man frantically raised his hands, but I am not going to give him any more chances. Since I am stubborn, I will avenge the dead souls!Before the man had time to do anything, I rushed up with a stride, shot suddenly, and grabbed the guy's neck.The guy's eyes widened immediately, his eyes were almost protruding. He obviously underestimated me, at least the speed of my attack.Then, I jerked upwards, grabbed that guy's neck and lifted him up in the air.

The guy opened his mouth wide and made guttural noises.

"Go to hell." I said harshly.

The man put his hands together and grabbed my arm violently.

I felt that my arm was stiff for a few seconds, as if two electric currents passed through my body, but it was only stiff for a few seconds. I was still pinching the man's neck, and his feet were still hanging in the air.

"Kar... Quack... No, it's impossible..." The voice from the man told me that he couldn't believe everything, that he couldn't control me.But I didn't ask that much, I just wanted to kill him.

"Ask you one last time, answer the question just now, and say one less thing, you, die!" I said fiercely.

"No...don't say..."

"it is good……"

I squeezed it violently, and there was a "crack", a gust of blood spewed out from the man's mouth, I turned my head to hide, the blood splashed on my shoulder, and then, I saw that man's face seemed pale and turned purple again .I threw him to the side in disgust, the man's drooping head hit the ground, his brain burst, and his already thin body was like an unmanned marionette, mixed with blood and brain, and limp on the ground.

I took a deep breath and turned to look at Tu Shu and Mo Ge.

I found them stunned.

Maybe they don't get used to it, maybe they'll never get used to it, I'm the murderous me now, but things have come to this point, why don't they have a part of their "credit"?
I wanted to say something, but Mo Ge spoke first and shouted: "Be careful!"

I was startled, and when I turned around, I realized that those soldiers who had been attacked by black flesh and blood had already turned into "zombies", walking unsteadily towards me, I couldn't help taking a few steps back, Mo Ge and Tu Shu stepped forward, and started The gun fired, and immediately, several soldiers also turned into a pile of rotten flesh, blood mist and gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the air was filled with a choking stench.

I patted the dust off my body, looked at the corpses around me expressionlessly, then at Mo Ge and Tu Shu who had just put down their guns, and said, "Let's go."

The two of them looked at each other and said nothing more.

There is no need for us to clean up the corpses here. Sooner or later, the city will be stained with terrifying blood, and everywhere will become a battlefield. It is beyond our control, so we don't need to pay too much attention to these.

On the way back, my mood gradually calmed down, and I began to think about everything I encountered just now.

"I'm sure that person is a member of the resistance organization..." I said to myself, "The communication device should belong to him, or at least belong to his comrades in arms, and they are very hostile to us. Basically, we can judge this It does have something to do with him."

Neither Tu Shu nor Mo Ge would hit me, probably they already saw that I was sorting out my thoughts for myself.

I continued: "When I met Zhang Chu and the others in Hunan province, they couldn't beat the black robe man at all, and no one had the ability of the black robe man at all. If they mastered this technique, Zhang Chu's personality would quickly I will invest in research, and soon my soldiers and brothers will have such a powerful force, but even Zhang Chu himself will not..."

"But this person..." I said, "is a person who resists the organization. What's the matter? It is impossible to master this technology in just one day. Moreover, the soldier also said that this Humanoids have been in this city for half a month. If it wasn’t for Zhang Chu’s people...then..."

"We are only sure that this person is from a resistance organization." Mo Ge said suddenly.

"But it's not sure it's from Zhang Chu." Tu Shu added.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten?" Mo Ge said, "How is the relationship between Zhang Chu and the upper echelon of the resistance organization? You don't know that General Zhong has always wanted to empty Zhang Chu, and Zhang Chu has always been so happy that he doesn't even pay attention to the leaders." , Didn’t they have irreconcilable conflicts before? Even if they belong to the same resistance organization, there will always be estrangements and differences.”

"What do you mean?" I widened my eyes, "Zhang Chu broke up with the resistance organization, and they are also independent, so they are looking for ways to strengthen their capabilities, and they can no longer rely on the high technology of the resistance organization."

"This is just a guess." Mo Ge said, "but I think it's reasonable. Zhang Chu and the others may have become independent, or at least not in a high position in the resistance organization, so they can't use high technology. Instead, they are from other factions in the resistance organization." People, they have grasped the law of 'dust civilization' one step before them."

I pondered again, and after a while, I said: "If mastering the laws of 'dust civilization' can be used to save people, maybe I should feel relieved, at least the resistance organization still has a bit of conscience, but now it seems that they are creating a killing machine. If it goes down, what will everything turn into, and how will it end..."

"We can't control this. We are already incompatible with them," Tu Shu said.

I sneered and said, "That's right. Anyway, when I see soldiers from the rebel organization in the future, as long as I resist stubbornly, I will definitely kill them directly."

"That person just now, actually..." Mo Ge suddenly whispered, "Actually, you can keep it and wait for another trial."

"I don't think it's necessary." I snorted coldly and said, "Without him, wouldn't we have analyzed a lot of things as usual? Besides, he refused to say at all... It doesn't matter, those beasts, kill one by one, so as not to bother... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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