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Chapter 275 Must Face

Chapter 275 Must Face
On the way back, I looked around from time to time, and I always felt that there must be something moving around here. These guys are hiding in the crowd, ready to appear at any time.I don't know what their purpose is. Even though their purpose is the same as ours, but they kill people without blinking, and they can deal with government soldiers with a wave of their hands. I can never treat them as allies. .

Mo Ge and Tu Shu were also quite vigilant, with their hands on the guns at their waists all the time, and they also looked at me strangely, which made me a little confused, whether they were helping me guard against the enemy, or They are guarding against me. If there is any change in me at this time, will they shoot me directly in the head?

When I think of this, I actually have a special kind of fear. What I fear is not Tu Shu and Mo Ge, but myself. I find that I have gradually begun to distrust anyone. Gradually, it seems that many people They can all become enemies in an instant. Gradually, I only feel that my hands and the concentrated liquid in my body that can guide me forward are almost swollen and turbulent.

During this period of time, especially after waking up again, I felt more and more that the concentrated fluid in my body seemed to be awakened by something, and I could clearly feel the improvement of my combat power and physical activity. My thinking is even clearer, but the rationality and calm brought about by this clear thinking make me less and less throbbing.

In the old words, I am a standard "diaosi". Diaosi is often sensitive, often sentimental, has strong self-esteem and is easy to be hit and hurt.I used to be like this, but now I seem to be able to be calm about everything - except for a certain thing, something deep in my heart.

We were silent all the way, but everyone was very vigilant and walked back to our current temporary base.

When we walked through the main gate of the base, the guarding government soldiers actually raised their guns. The guns were not aimed at us, but pointed upwards, but the meaning was obvious, that is, we were not completely trusted.

Immediately, a feeling of being dependent on others swept over my body, I shook my head lightly, not moved by this feeling, but just felt a trace of calm helplessness, then, I looked at Tu Shu and Mo Ge again.

Mo Ge, who was supposed to be calm but proud, had a sullen expression on his face, while Tu Shu turned his face to one side and smiled wryly.

As I walked inside, I said, "I'm not wrong. For some things, it's better to make a decision earlier, otherwise we will only be extremely passive.

They all obviously knew what I meant, and no one answered me.

After entering the base and separating from Mo Ge and the others, I slowly returned to the room. Before returning to the room, I took a look at Qiqi. She seemed to have fallen asleep. It is reasonable to say that Qiqi should not be asleep, but she She just fell asleep, which made me feel a little surprised. After returning to the room, I sent a message to Mo Ge through the terminal beside the bed, saying: Why did Qi Qi go to bed so early? How is her physical condition? Is there any special change, can you send me a copy of the quantification form of various physical indicators immediately.

The so-called "long-term illness becomes a doctor", I am not sick, but I have been exposed to too many inspections and experiments in the resistance organization, and I am basically very sensitive to those numbers. Although the ability to analyze body data is much worse than that of scientific researchers, but You can also read a rough idea.

After a while, the form quickly appeared in front of me, floating in mid-air, shining with fluorescent blue light.

After I browsed through the various data, I only felt a faint worry in my heart. Qiqi had some anemia and some early signs of depression, and this physical change seemed to be related to her environment, things and people she was in contact with, of course It doesn't really matter what food or energy you eat.In particular, the so-called precursors of depression are almost irrelevant to her current life, so there is only one possibility, that all of this is caused by that closed suggestion, which has been repeatedly acting in her cerebral cortex, Eat away at her weak mind.

Although, it's possible that she didn't realize it herself, but that's the fact, and no one can change it.

I was a little worried, and quickly waved away the tables and data analysis reports formed by the glowing blue light in front of me.

Then, the image of Mo Ge appeared in front of me. Mo Ge looked at me and said, "After you left, Qiqi's health is very average, to be honest. We didn't do anything to her, but her spirit is very poor. Obviously, the invisible repressed memory had an indescribable impact on her body."

I nodded and said, "I can see that she has become more and more lethargic."

"Drowsiness is only one aspect." Mo Ge said, "Her biggest problem is that she sometimes has intermittent amnesia. You know, the human brain is a complex structure. Forcibly shielding certain functions will lead to very serious results. It may be that it moves the whole body."

"You mean it affected her memory?" I asked.

"Yes, it's very serious." Mo Ge said, "If this continues, her cerebral cortex will be seriously damaged. When she bears an unlawful load, she will collapse. No one can tell what the consequences will be. Not sure."

Mo Ge paused, and then said: "It's like a door, which is constantly storing water, but the door is completely sealed and cannot be opened, and the water can't flow out at all or can only flow out very little. Part of it... The final result directly caused by this is... the water may destroy the entire door, the entire wall, and the entire room, and finally..."

"I know what you mean, so I don't need to give examples." I interrupted Mo Ge and said, "So, the best way now is to let the flood come out."

"I'm not sure, I don't know how much water is inside, and I'm not sure what the final result will be if it tilts out, and whether it will be worse." Mo Ge said.

"You are still afraid, but you have to do whatever you say about this matter." After saying this, I waved my hand to Mo Ge, waved again, and cut off the call with Mo Ge. It takes determination, not dissuasion.I don’t know when it started, but I’ve become self-willed. In fact, I’ve already made up my mind to do it, but I just need someone to support me. Take it all.

I turned off the lighting in the room, and I was alone in the darkness. I wanted to feel the tranquility in the darkness.

This tranquility makes me feel at ease. Since when did I like darkness?
And then, my brain became much clearer. I wanted to take a look at the things I encountered recently. I tried not to think about everything related to the black robe man, because I knew that once I thought about the black robe I can't be rational about things like people.

I started to think about it from Zhang Chu's reaction.

Those guys don’t have any ability to control the synchronization of genes and cells, they can only be controlled by others, otherwise in the valley, Zhang Chu can kill the opponent directly and take me away, but with my cooperation, Zhang Chu and the others have nothing to do But on the other hand, those guys who appear in the urban area who seem to be able to manipulate Ebola virus cells are also members of the resistance organization. Thinking deeply, Zhang Chu, as an officer in the resistance organization, has offended many people , we were even almost persecuted by General Zhong when we were under his command.

The people in the rebellion organization are already good at intrigue, and everything they do is an example of danger.

In this way, I am very willing to believe that Zhang Chu and the others have also been isolated. I don’t know why, thinking of this, I have an indescribable feeling in my heart. It seems a little gloating, but also a little helpless.

I quickly restrained this kind of worldly emotion and continued to analyze——Zhang Chu and the others should be using their own power to find the answer to the "dusty civilization", so when they saw me and the man in black, they would A little excited, and every move of the man in black gave them the final explanation of the answer...

All of this seems to be God's will in the dark, but someone did it on purpose.

The identity of the man in black...

I was startled, and found myself involuntarily searching for this matter again. I couldn't help but sighed, restrained my thoughts again, and thought: In this way, there will be another force in this country-the church, the government The army, the resistance organization, Zhang Chu's team and my team, and of course the infected people everywhere and the three knights who are still alive.Everything seems to be getting more and more chaotic, but I have to admit that the more chaotic, the greater the chances.

I have already given up the so-called opportunity No. [-] once proposed. In the future, if I want to continue to live, I will not give up again.

So this time, I have to take Qiqi back to the place where Xie Chun died, and force Qiqi to recall it.

But for all of this, I must first let Qiqi know a general idea.

And at this moment, suddenly, there was an electronic sound of "beep--" from the electronic door outside my room. I froze for a moment, looked over in the dark, and saw a small figure standing in front of me.

"Qiqi?" I sat up and said, "Why did you get up all of a sudden?"

"I... Brother Chu Tingsheng... I, I'm a little scared." Qi Qi said suddenly.

"Scared? What's the matter, did you have a nightmare? Where are they? Are they not with you?" I asked.

"They are all doing things again... They have their own business, I don't dare to disturb them, I just want to see if you have a rest, I didn't disturb you, right? If you feel that Qiqi is annoying, Qiqi will leave... "She lowered her head and looked extremely loved.

I quickly shook my head and said, "Why is Qi Qi bothered? Come here, brother just has something to tell you..."

I know that there are some things that must be resolved quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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