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Chapter 276 Willing

Chapter 276 Willing
Qiqi stared wide-eyed, looked at me, and said, "What's the matter, brother? Tell Qiqi directly."

I thought about it, but in the end I still couldn't form a proper sentence. I knew that some things would inevitably hurt the innocent.

"Qiqi, brother asks you a question." I said.

"Hmm..." In the darkness, Qiqi's eyes were still crystal clear, which made me unbearable to be hurt, but I finally said it out, "I want to ask you, if I can stimulate you to restore your memory, would you like to restore that memory?" Do you remember?"

"Memory? You mean, Qiqi's childhood?" Qiqi looked at me and asked.

She is very smart, and at this time, she may have already noticed something.

I was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, " you want to."

Qiqi said: "Of course I would. If I could remember, would I be able to remember where my parents are and see them?"

I felt sore, and after a while, I said again: "I'm afraid it won't work, and maybe that will make you suffer more."


I sighed and continued: "If you restore your memory, it will only make you more painful and sad, and you will not be able to see your parents, would you still want to restore your memory?"

This time, Qiqi lowered her head, I was a little afraid that she would suddenly start to sob, but she didn't, after a while, she raised her head again, looked at me, and said, "I'm still willing to recover."

"Why?!" I was stunned.

"Because it belongs to Qiqi." Qiqi said, "Since it belongs to Qiqi, no matter whether it is good or bad, then I have to come back. Of course I am happy if it is good, but if it is bad I have to bear it too."

Qiqi's words shocked me. I never thought about what kind of energy and endurance she has in such a small body.

"Qiqi, are you really not afraid that those things will change you?" I said.

"Don't be afraid, in fact, Qiqi also knows that there are always some strange things in Qiqi's mind... Sometimes Qiqi also feels very scared... But, that is also a part of Qiqi's body, isn't it? "She looked at me, her outline was very clear in the darkness, but I didn't dare to look at her. I thought I was hard-hearted enough, but at this moment, I still felt a little indescribable.Even a little distressed.

After a while, I finally decided to say it directly: "Qiqi, we want to take you home."

"Go home, my parents' place?" Qiqi asked.

"Yes..." I said, "Maybe, that will help you and me, maybe, that will help us, but it will cause a lot of harm to you, and even I don't know if you can bear that." This kind of hurt, so I..." I took a deep breath and continued, "So I, I hope you know...Qiqi, you have grown up too, there are many things, we also need your decision..."

"If I can help, Qiqi is willing." Qiqi said, "You are fighting against the infected outside, and Qiqi can't help you much. In fact, Qiqi has always wanted to do something for you. Now Since Qiqi can help, let Qiqi do it, Qiqi won't be afraid..."

"Really..." I shook my head and said, "You probably don't even know what this means to you."

"No, Qiqi knows..." Qiqi said, "Qiqi knows what she might encounter, after all, it is also a part of Qiqi's memory, Qiqi may have dreamed about it before, but Qiqi didn't Knowing what that means, maybe after this time, Qi Qi won't be troubled anymore?"

I really didn't expect that it would be Qiqi who comforted me in the end. The guilt in my heart was no longer a star and a half. I thought I had made up my mind, but after talking with Qiqi these few words, I actually started to waver. Can't bear it.

At this time, Qiqi patted my shoulder and said, "Brother Chu Tingsheng, don't hesitate, when will you take Qiqi back, your puppet Qiqi will say, Qiqi will definitely be ready!"

I couldn't help but reached out and stroked Qiqi's hair, and said, "Don't worry, I will tell you when the time comes..."

"Well, Qiqi is waiting..."

"Go back and rest." I sighed, and said, "Take a good rest, when the time comes, there is still a long way to go, maybe you will be very tired..."

"Hmm..." Qiqi lowered her head slightly and said, "Brother Chu Tingsheng, what do you think a dream is to a human being? Is it another world?"

"Huh?" I was at a loss for words.

"Recently, Qiqi can always dream of things that she has never seen before..."

"What?!" I looked at Qiqi in astonishment.

"Well, Qi Qi also finds it very strange, Qi Qi has obviously never seen those things before..."

"What is it?!" I thought of myself, the white spot of light, the events of World War II, those western soldiers, the island, and the patients infected with Ebola—could it be Qiqi's fate? Is it similar to me?Then she, could it be...

"Qiqi saw a very dark place, surrounded by fire, oh, no, maybe it's not fire, but lights or candles, but I've never seen those things before, and someone said to Qiqi, don't go out, Tell me to keep quiet..." Qiqi's expression suddenly became terrified, and she seemed to subconsciously reach out to grab my clothes, and I quickly hugged Qiqi into my arms. I knew that at this time, this little girl needed to A hug, and she must have been thrown into extreme terror.

But I'm also very fortunate that she didn't seem to see the things I thought in my heart. If it was those things, everything would be more complicated and scary, but obviously not now.

Everything she sees must be the remnants of memories in her cerebral cortex, those fragments of memories that have not been covered up, just like the corner of a colorful picture, from a glimpse, it can be seen that all of Qi Qi's memory is Let me basically determine the condition of Xie Chun and the others when they died.

"Don't think about it, Qiqi." I said, "Didn't you say that it belongs to you...Since you can remember it, it might be part of your memory. Maybe, one day you will miss it." Wake up, go to sleep...quick..."

As I was talking, suddenly, I heard Qi Qi's breathing was even.

She fell asleep in my arms.

It must not be a good thing that she can sleep so fast. Sleeping so fast means that she is tired, and her nervous system seems to be unable to be completely controlled. Her body functions are probably also slowing down. Degeneration, especially the memory function of the brain, the storage capacity of the cerebral cortex, all of these are very important to people, but all of Qiqi's is due to the "seal" in her brain that was closed for some reason. ", is passing by little by little.

I gently picked up Qiqi and walked towards her room. There was no one in the quiet corridor, it was dark.

At this time, I felt sore in my heart.

When will this war end? Does it mean that everyone must be injured and everyone must pay the heaviest price for this battle to come to an end?
Whose fault is all this, and what is the source of it all?
I entered Qiqi's room, carefully put Qiqi on the bed, changed the quilt, and Qiqi's breathing was still even. At this moment, she should not have any more nightmares. I even saw a faint smile hanging from the corner of her mouth. With a shallow, childlike smile, I felt a burst of warmth in my heart, but this warmth was quickly swept away by the vibration of the newly worn communication device.Finding me at this time is destined to be nothing good.

The avatar of Tu Shu was displayed on the communication device.

"What's the matter?" I asked as I walked out to avoid disturbing Qiqi's rest.

"Someone came here to meet us," Tu Shu said.

"Who?" I asked with some doubts.


"Who?!" I was even more astonished.

"Zhu Ming, the one with the flying knife, Fatty, Zhang Chu's subordinate, Zhu Ming." Tu Shu said again.

Hearing the words of Zhang Chu's subordinates, I thought of the resistance organization. I felt a wave of hatred and regret in my heart. I thought of those dead comrades and innocent lives. I gritted my teeth and said, "What is he here for? Is he here to die?" ? Capture him first!"

"We were going to do it, but the guy called the two countries at war and didn't kill him. He said we were afraid of arresting him." Tu Shu said.

"It has nothing to do with him to be afraid or not. We are not upright men, and there is no need to be humane with them." I gritted my teeth and said, "Catch him first, lock him up, and if he dares to resist, kill him directly!"

"Are you sure, he was our comrade in arms after all..."

"But when they escaped from the Fortress of Life and planned not to come back, they didn't regard us as comrades-in-arms at all." I said coldly, "Catch him! I'll come over wherever he is."

"Our people are confronting him less than a hundred meters away from the base. He just wants to see you. Maybe if you come, his goal will be achieved." Tu Shu said.

"Then arrest him first. I can see him in the prison, but I will never see him outside. If someone from the government army asks, tell them that they are senior officials of the resistance organization. Don't forget, the government army also No less suffering from the resistance organization!"

"Okay, I understand!" Tu Shu cut off the communication device, and I let out a long breath.

Then, I turned around and looked into the distance silently on the side of the corridor. During this time, the air has not been very good. Perhaps the whole world has been baptized by gunpowder smoke and blood.Looking at everything in the distance, I thought of all kinds of offshore bases and resistance organization bases, and I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

In less than ten minutes, Tu Shu connected to my communication device again, and said, "Mr. Chu, Zhu Ming has been arrested and imprisoned. Do you want to go and see? He has been clamoring to see you..."

(End of this chapter)

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