Chapter 277
I didn't intend to touch Ju Ming, but my anger influenced my thinking. I know rationally, even if I catch him, I may not be able to do anything to him. If I do something impulsively, then the trouble will be even greater in the future. Now I caught him, and it was already hard to get off.

After thinking about it, I decided to meet Zhu Ming for a while.

After all, he's an old friend of mine, too.

I quickly left Qiqi's room and came to the outskirts of the camp. Tu Shu had already been waiting for me near the main entrance of the camp. When he saw me, his face was a little ugly, and he said, "Mr. They are no longer cooperating, but they are also unwilling to have conflicts. Our action this time is a big trouble for them."

"The rebel organization has already openly killed government soldiers in Guangzhou. Are they going to swallow their anger? They still don't control this country!" I said in a high voice deliberately, knowing that many people would hear my voice.

Sure enough, when I said this, I looked around, only to feel several pairs of eyes sweeping over, all of them were very cold.

I laughed secretly in my heart, Tu Shu seemed to know my intentions, he lowered his head slightly, and didn't say much.

I said again: "Take me to see Zhu Ming, where is he locked up?"

"Government Base Prison." Tu Shu said, "There are two prisons allocated to us."

"Take me to see." I said.

Tu Shu nodded.

A few minutes later, when I stood in front of the prison door, what I saw was a fat man with his head slightly lowered, silently looking at the ground. His serious expression made me a little unfamiliar with him. He was always so cynical before, He has always acted indifferent to everything, even a little fearless, and has never been serious even in the most dangerous situation, but now this guy is completely different. When he saw me, he squinted his eyes, Frowning, she stood up, walked forward unsteadily, stared at me for a long time, and then said: "Your body is recovering, right? It will recover soon..."

"Why, do you think..." I tickled the corner of my mouth and said, "Are you disappointed?"

"No, not disappointed, I'm very relieved." He didn't smile when he said this, and there was no smile on his face.

"What do you mean by coming to us?" I said.



"Yes, negotiation!" He emphasized, " shouldn't have locked me in this place. You can't do this to a lobbyist who came to negotiate in good faith!"

"What we want to do is none of your business." I said coldly, "You just need to tell us what you want to do and what you want to do."

"So you are determined to talk to me on both sides of the cage?" Zhu Ming said coldly.

"Hmm..." I nodded and said, "Go ahead."

Zhu Ming paced in front of me for a while, like a caged animal in a small cage. After a long time, he slowly let out a breath and said, "Okay, after all, you have an advantage in this matter... Since you want me to Say it here, then I’ll say it here..." Then, he took a few steps back, leaning against the wall, as if he was groping for something, and after a long while, he sat down slowly, raised his head, With a long sigh, he said, "We need to unite with you...we can't stand it anymore."

He was actually showing weakness.I finally understood why Zhu Ming was so entangled in how to speak his words. Just now he was extremely embarrassed. I have never seen him show such an attitude.

"You can't stand it anymore, what do you mean?" I frowned and asked, "Didn't you already discover something? In the mountainous area of ​​Hunan Province, didn't you already have a theoretical foundation..."

"But we are behind, we only have evidence and theory." Ju Ming said, "We don't have enough time and equipment, let alone funds to deepen our theory."

"Hehe..." I sneered and said, "Would the resistance organization say such a thing?"

"In fact, you should know that we are not members of the resistance organization, and we have not been for a long time. General Zhong will never let people like us and Zhang Chu continue to stay outside and fight against them." Zhu Ming said, "You also It should be known that the rebel organization has already obtained the technical core of the "dust civilization" one step ahead of us. They have even successfully controlled the Ebola virus cells. For them, it is not only easy to destroy the church and those infected, but also to destroy It is not impossible for human beings to destroy a city..."

"What, you mean, what exactly is the resistance organization going to do..." I was about to ask a question, but suddenly, I heard a "dang", and the loud noise made me instinctively take a step back.

"What's going on?!" I said loudly.

No one responded, I only saw a black shadow flying over from the side of the prison. At the same time, because of the sensing of an intruder, the defense device on the corridor of the prison had been automatically activated, and all the firepower was concentrated on the black shadow that flew into the air. On the shadow, a burst of flames and blood mist scattered, and a strong fishy smell spread immediately.Due to the power of the concentrated liquid, I can see all of this clearly, even the direction of the bullets, the trajectory, and the changes in the airflow caused by tearing the air in the air, I can see very clearly-I don’t know what I am time to have this ability.

I saw that while all the firepower was concentrated on the "black shadow", another figure galloped towards me like a cheetah, stepped on the wall, and under the cover of the black shadow, jumped towards me.

Behind me, I heard a sound of metal rubbing - Tu Shu had drawn his knife.

Before I made any movement, she stepped on the ground first, flew up, and circled out beautifully in mid-air. The invisible nano-knife flashed a few lights, and met the flying black shadow in mid-air.

But there was only a "click", and Tu Shu jumped back violently, and the black shadow landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, I saw clearly that the black shadow that flew first was a corpse, the corpse of a government soldier, and the guy who rushed to kill him used that corpse to attract firepower, just to rush through the corridor and avoid the corridor The defensive device on it, directly in front of me.

His target might be me, maybe Tu Shu, maybe...

Before I could reach Xixiang, I saw the guy stretch out his hand, and the flesh of the corpse behind him immediately disintegrated and turned into a sharp sword, which was directly held by the guy.

"Dust!" I yelled, and before Tu Shu could react, that guy had already slashed across with a sword formed of flesh and blood molecules in his hand.

Although Tu Shu was at a loss, he didn't mean to stand still. He bent over to dodge, and two nano-knives passed by my side. I could clearly feel the feeling of sharp blades flashing past me. The two knives stabbed straight at each other's ribs, and the man blocked it with a horizontal sword. After blocking the two nano-knives, the sharp sword in his hand spread out here, recondensed in the air, and turned into a spear. The spear arced in the air, changed direction, and stabbed at me.

I waved my hand and wanted to hold the gun body, but the spear became ethereal again, scattered in the air, and returned to the enemy's hand.

However, the guy turned around, flipped his wrists under the wide black clothes, and the flesh and blood on the corpse behind him split apart again, and in some places, only a thin layer of tissue membrane and protruding bones were left , and those muscles had already been scattered in the air, and they condensed again.

At the same time, the spear turned into a whip, and that whip slapped on the metal gun in the corridor, and then came towards me like a poisonous snake. Just as I was about to dodge, Tu Shu took the lead and flew over my head Jumping over, falling straight down, the nano-knife slashed across, cutting off the whip that was condensed with flesh and blood.

A thick and dark red liquid spread out, with an unbearable stench.

But that liquid, that flesh and blood quickly condensed again.

"Intangible and qualityless, it can't be defeated at all..." I was secretly surprised.

And at the moment of my hesitation, the whip flicked again, passed by my feet, and quickly wrapped around the old prison door where the fat man Zhu Ming was.

Then, the whip was straightened fiercely, and it was pulled with a "bang".

To be honest, if it hadn’t been for this moment, I would never have known how strong a person’s muscles really are. This long whip made of muscles condensed directly rolled up the prison door and pulled the mechanical and electronic door flying out. , The sirens on both sides also burst into smoke instantly, and they didn't even sound.

At that moment, I thought that guy was here to save Zhu Ming, and when I looked sideways, I saw that Zhu Ming was also terrified.

I suddenly felt bad, and flew to protect Zhu Ming, but obviously we were too slow, the whip whipped hard, and hit the controller of the defense device not far above Zhu Ming's head. It is used to prevent prisoners from escaping. Once someone rushes out of the prison, or an abnormal object walks under the prison, it may be activated.

And this pumping seems to have activated the machine, and two machine guns stick out of the wall.

"Zhu Ming lie down!" I yelled.

But it was too late. The two guns had already launched an attack because they sensed the human tissue on the Flesh Whip. Immediately, tens of hundreds of bullets poured into the prison door where Zhu Ming was.

A burst of smoke and dust flew away, a burst of blood mist flew across, there was not even a scream, only the overflowing and splashing blood, the shattered flesh, and the dirty viscera...

In just a short moment, those special bullets used to kill the infected or serious criminals instantly penetrated into Ju Ming's body. Before Zhu Ming could resist, it had already turned into a hornet's nest, and even burst his abdomen, and his internal organs leaked out.

How powerful Zhu Ming was once, yet he died so embarrassingly, and all of this was caused by me!
(End of this chapter)

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