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Chapter 278 Black

Chapter 278 Black
Zhu Ming's death was simply unacceptable to me. I never thought that he would die so fast, so unclear, and so elusive.

The guy in front of him retracted his hand, and the flesh-and-blood whip was retracted into his hand, and a layer of cuticle quickly appeared on his arm.

Only then did I see clearly the enemy I was facing. He was dressed in black casually, with long hair that almost covered half of his face, only one cold eye was exposed, and the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, showing no pity for human life at all It even made me feel that Zhu Ming's death made him very excited.


"You don't recognize me." The man said coldly with a hoarse voice, "I used to be just a small soldier of the resistance organization, but you were the growth officer of Chu Ting, commanding the wind and the rain, one person under ten thousand, right? "

What he said was exaggerated, but I can basically confirm that this is indeed a soldier of the resistance organization, and a soldier who has been suppressed for a long time and wants to get promoted and make a fortune. This guy must have accepted some kind of experiment for quick success, and I accepted a very special mission, that's why I came here, and I killed Zhu Ming in an instant. Moreover, he obviously didn't intend to leave, and he obviously wanted to do something to me and Tu Shu.

Inside the prison, there is no way to communicate with the outside world. This is the rule here. Our communication device signals have been blocked, and the corridor is narrow. Fight to the death with us, this battle is inevitable.

"You're a member of the Resistance," I hissed. "What do you want?"

"What do you want to do? Of course it's to fight the enemy. What else can the soldier do?" The man moved his horny black arm and said coldly, "Are you still here to catch up with us? There seems to be nothing old between us. !"

"Hehe..." I sneered, but didn't speak.

In fact, for people like them, to deal with them, you can only wait for an opportunity. I know that once you distance yourself from them, you can only be passive.

I observed his every move and the changes in his surroundings very carefully. I wanted to figure out what he was going to do next. At the same time, I leaned in front of Tu Shu, not because Tu Shu How important Shu is to me, I have to protect her, but at this time I know that Tu Shu doesn't understand this guy, and he can't be his opponent. The recklessness dragged me back.

"You have no chance of winning!" the sinister guy hissed, "Hehehe..."

"Whatever you want." I took a step forward, then raised a hand to block Tu Shu, signaling her to back off.

"Why, what do you think you can do in such a small space?" The man said coldly, and as he spoke, his arm moved again. On the ground, flesh and blood rose up, blood mist scattered, and once again condensed in his hands, this time he His entire hand turned black, like a sharp sword. His appearance reminded me of that swordsman—but the swordsman had already been broken by me inexplicably.

"Do you think you are a human or an infected person?" I tickled the corner of my mouth and said, "You look like a human, don't you think you are a monster?"

"Haha... how pedantic you are, you are still sticking to your appearance at this time!" said the man, "Can human beings have such powerful power as me? Shouldn't the advancement of science and technology make human beings stronger? Hehe, what is the meaning of the so-called beauty and ugliness?"

"I don't want to argue with you." I said lightly, "Let's do it."

"Hehe, die!"

Before the man could finish his sentence, his whole body was already flying into the air. Although the space in the corridor was small, he was very flexible.

"Praying Mantis Concentrate..." Tu Shu behind me gave a short reminder, I closed my eyes slightly, and took a step back, the sword in that guy's hand was almost sticking to my toe, piercing straight into the ground.

Then, another stroke upwards, this stroke even carried a special sharp aura, my retreating body was blown by a gust of wind, if it was changed in ancient times, this might be the so-called sword aura, but, These two strikes failed to hit me. He was obviously a little impatient, and he turned around and stabbed me from the side. This time, the sharp sword suddenly turned into five sharp claws. To crush me.

I bent down to dodge, and then suddenly charged forward. The guy obviously didn't expect me to be so bold. Before he could retract his outstretched arm, he was pushed out by me. Extremely bad, with my push, the already unbalanced man completely lost his stability and fell out.

I took a step, jumped up suddenly, then raised my fist, and slammed it straight into the guy's face.

As I have the so-called strongest concentrate, I believe the strength of this punch is enough to kill him directly.

But the guy with the mantis concentrate is not easy to deal with. When he moved, I punched him on the ground less than [-] centimeters from the head. Immediately, the metal plate on the ground was dented a lot by me. Well, if this punch really hit that person in the face, it is estimated that his face has been deformed.

I myself did not expect such a terrible improvement in my strength.

Of course, in battle, nothing can be overthought.

After the man dodged my punch, he was obviously taken aback, turned from attack to defense, and began to retreat towards the corridor.

I will never let this guy escape. Zhu Ming's battered body is still nearby. Let alone whether I feel guilty in my heart. If I can't catch this guy, Tu Shu and I can't tell. You know, the government It is not a trivial matter to die in the prison of the army, and Zhu Ming is an important helper of Zhang Chu's subordinates. I don't want to have too much conflict with them for the time being. It is very bold to lock up Zhu Ming, let alone let Zhu Ming die here? !
I chased after him, the guy pushed to the side of the corridor, and suddenly stretched out his hands.

All of a sudden, the bodies of Zhu Ming and the mutilated government soldier began to change, the skin and flesh shrank, cracked, and turned into black and red mist, gathering towards the guy.

This guy seems to be practicing some kind of peerless magical skill, absorbing all the elements of this time.

And people who practice kung fu forcibly tend to go crazy, and this guy is no exception-when the thick black mist gathered on his body, I had already stopped moving, I think this guardian puppet must bear it. Not that special "gift".

Human body functions need to be balanced. From the perspective of "dust civilization", human beings are already a perfect society, a perfect country, and a perfect structural system. If other things are forced to be added, the only possibility The result is the overall imbalance, and the final result of the imbalance will be collapse.

Just like a country, if the population is too large, or the currency is inflated, the entire system will collapse accordingly.

The guy in front of me soon couldn't accept the flesh and blood elements attracted by him.

He suddenly stretched out his hands to hug his head, and began to howl desperately.

I didn't go forward, and I stopped Tu Shu behind me from shooting—this guy's roar would definitely attract government troops, even if they couldn't detect it before, and we couldn't communicate with the outside world, at this moment, his terrifying hoarse voice was exhausted The roar can definitely be heard by those people.

Sure enough, after a while, armed government troops rushed in from the side of the dilapidated prison door. They were extremely fast, but they blocked the door one by one, not daring to rush forward. They pointed their guns at the madman. Roaring black monsters, but no one dared to shoot.Until one of the leaders, an "officer" pushed through the crowd with a pistol and walked in, ready to do it himself.

And I motioned to the man and said, "Don't shoot."


"This may be an important experiment," I said.

"What is this!" The man seemed to realize that the painful-looking guy in front of him was no longer capable of hurting others. That guy had been covered in a layer of virus-covered flesh and blood, and he was almost unable to move. As a result, the "sir" also gradually relaxed physically and mentally.

"Let's find a scientific researcher. I don't know what it is, but I can find a way to subdue him. This guy killed Zhu Ming and your people." I said.

"Ah!" However, this time I was wrong.

That guy is not without the ability to hurt people, and he has even become crazier, I still can't speak, the guy's body wrapped in black flesh and blood suddenly moved, let out a roar, and rushed straight towards me, I was stunned for a while , Without even thinking about it, I reached out and punched that guy.

The moment I punched, suddenly, I saw some strange image.

light spot!

It is that white spot of light, flickering, what is it doing at this time? !I was a little confused, but how could I take back the punch I had already struck, and the moment my fist was about to touch the guy in front of me, the black flesh and blood around him suddenly dispersed with a "hoosh", and rushed towards me , before I had time to dodge, my punch had already hit the face of the man in black who was rushing forward, I was a little hesitant because of the black flesh and blood rushing towards my face, under one punch, The man was sent flying, but it didn't seem to smash his head directly.

And the moment I stood still, the black flesh and blood completely condensed on my arm.

Suddenly, I felt an unprecedented throbbing, and I felt an indescribable pain all over my body.

"Ah!" I yelled.

Everyone started to retreat, the government army, Tu Shu, everyone was scared.

In fact, it was me who was most afraid at this time!

I shook my arm violently, but suddenly, I found that the black flesh did not form a cuticle on my arm, but began to merge into my body...

(End of this chapter)

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