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Chapter 279 Exploding to death, flesh and blood fission

Chapter 279 Exploding to death, flesh and blood fission

I shook my hands fiercely, but the flesh and blood seemed to have completely entered my body and spread apart. I could feel that special throbbing, but my body didn't change in any way, it just flowed. The energy-like fluctuations revolved around me, circling slowly, and I felt that something quickly surrounded me.

What's more frightening is that I heard some small whispers, which sounded a bit like human language, but not necessarily, the voice, like a bunch of undecoded machine sounds, messed up, in my head Jumping around, unable to form a complete sentence.I also saw that white spot of light moving in front of my eyes. He seemed to be reminding me of something, but I really didn't know what he was going to do. At this time, he didn't even give me any hints of images, nor did he have any hints. Fragments of memory.For a moment, I was a little confused, and I felt that I had fallen into an endless crypt, a darkness.

In all directions, there is information that has not been decoded, and there are swirling spots of light.

"Chu Tingsheng! Chief Chu! Chu Tingsheng!"

Suddenly, I heard a sound of calling, from far to near, my whole body was struck by lightning, and I realized that I closed my eyes and stood still.I opened my eyes suddenly, and I found that I was already standing in the open space outside the prison. I looked around, feeling extremely bewildered for a moment, and the people around seemed to be more puzzled than me, and all of them stared at me with wide eyes.

"What's going on?" I looked at them.

"Shouldn't we be asking you this?" A senior officer who looked like a government army said.

"Have you really forgotten what you just said?" Tu Shu also asked.

I supported my head with one hand, and after a while, I said, "By the way, that person... that killer of the resistance organization..."

"He has passed out and is currently being treated at the base hospital." The officer said, "If you want to see him, I suggest waiting until he wakes up."

I looked at that person, cleared my mind a little, and probably understood what the other person meant.

They want to interrogate that guy before we do.

I sighed and said, "Okay, it's okay..."

"Chu... Tingsheng, how do you feel now?" Tu Shu beside him spoke with concern.

I shook my head and said, "It's okay." I wanted to ask myself what I said just now, but after thinking about it, I held back the thought and said instead, "Let's go back first."

"Well..." Tu Shu said, "I have sent people to clean up Zhu Ming's body, and I think Zhang Chu's people will come soon."

"What are you going to say about it?" I asked.

"Let's talk as we walk." Tu Shu glanced at the government soldiers beside him, his eyes changed slightly, and said, "You are tired, let's go back and rest first."

I nodded, and just walked a few steps, suddenly, I saw a government soldier running over quickly and shouted: "Sir! Sir, something happened!"

"What's the matter?" Before I had time to speak, the officer who started the conversation with me turned his head, and the soldier who was running wildly gave a military salute even though he was out of breath, and said: " Commander, report to Commander...that...that killer committed suicide..."

"What?!" Everyone stared at the running soldier.

"What's going on?" The officer stepped forward and asked.

"That man... After waking up just now, he suddenly injected a tube of special medicine into his body... It exploded... It exploded..." The man stammered, a soldier would have such an expression, he must have encountered Very scary thing.


"Yes!" The man nodded firmly.

"Go and see!" said the officer at once.

All of us followed the soldier to the base hospital. The corridors of the hospital were filled with stench. When I walked in, I only saw blood stains all over the floor, human tissues stuck to the walls, and scattered flesh and internal organs... There are also various filthy liquids, and it is impossible to see a complete human figure.On the other side of the corridor, a medical worker leaned against the wall with his head bowed. The wall behind him was stained with blood. His whole body was bloody and he couldn't make out his face at all. Only the blood-stained white coat could be barely recognized. identity.

On the other side, half of a medical worker's body was hanging on the window sill, and the other half had disappeared. Only blood and internal organs continued to flow downstairs outside the window.

I wiped my nose lightly. Although I didn't feel any discomfort seeing such a scene, I was more or less shocked.I said, "What's going on, such a strong explosion?"

"Yes..." the soldier said, "The two medical staff and the three of us brought him here, and this guy suddenly injected himself with a shot...and...then it exploded, and our wounded have been sent away Yes, these two medical staff died on the spot, so..."

"There is no one guarding here, what if something happens again?!" The officer yelled, "Also, why didn't you search him first when you brought him here?!"

"Report sir..." The soldier saluted again, and said, "We didn't know it would happen. The man was already dying when he was punched by Officer Chu Tingchang. We thought nothing happened... Also, just now The fact that he exploded and died was something we didn't expect, so everyone panicked and sent the wounded away quickly, so here..." Just as they were speaking, two more soldiers brought more medical staff The personnel ran over from behind, and after saluting the officer, they began to sort out the mess here.

"Let No. [-] come here." Looking at the busy medical staff, I thought for a while and turned to Tu Shu.

"Okay..." Tu Shu didn't ask the reason, but simply said.

In less than half a minute, No. [-] trotted all the way to the corridor. At this time, the scene had not been cleaned up. I said to the officer beside me, "Can we let our people inspect the situation at the scene? Maybe it will help a little."

The officer was obviously a bit "exhausted", sighed, waved his hand at me, and said, "Look at it casually, they are all allies..."

Apparently, the government army is already battered, and now they not only have to face the church and the infected, but also face the vicious, almost crazy resistance organization.

I signaled to No. [-] and said, "Your recent research results, combined with the situation at the scene, let's see what kind of medicine this guy injected and what he did."

A smile appeared on No. [-]'s cold face, and said, "Well, you can rest assured, Chief Chu."

As he said that, he walked slowly towards the pile of flesh and blood, and inspected for a long time, about ten minutes—in short, it was too long for me.

Then he stood up, came back to me, and said, "Mr. Chu, you may have forgotten one thing."

I froze for a moment and said, "What's the matter?"

No. [-] threw the bloody glove into the trash can and said, "After you came back, you didn't seem to tell us any of your new discoveries... Although I have theoretically done some research and proved everything that happened recently. , but it’s just a theory after all, I need more tangible evidence to further deepen my thoughts, you see…”

I frowned, indeed, I just told everyone about everything I encountered in Hunan Province, and submitted a simple log to the independent storage system of our communication device, but I didn't put everything I had Tell everyone about the theoretical research results and status that I know. For example, I didn’t say a word about the "dust civilization" that Liang Yue mentioned to me. I just said: Professor Liang Yue has already understood all of these Research results.

That's it.

I planned to open Qiqi's dust-laden memory, combine Liang Yue's and Xie Chun's research results into one, and then tell everyone everything after I get the final answer, but now, obviously, I can't continue to hide it.

I stared at No. [-] for a long time before slowly saying, "If you need anything, you can tell me directly."

"I just need some proof," said Five. "We can talk alone, and maybe you can inspire me."

I frowned, looked around, and said, "Okay, shall we go to your temporary research room?"

No. [-] nodded and said, "It's the only way to live under the fence."

When I said this, I glanced at the government officer next to us. His expression obviously changed slightly, but this change was fleeting, and eventually he returned to the exhausted and helpless In addition to his expression, perhaps for him, everything around him is not very important now, because he has too many things to consider.

I didn't say anything more, and signaled to No. [-] and Tu Shu.

Soon we came to the so-called "temporary research institute" on the [-]th.

When I got here, I figured out why No. [-] had such a big emotion. This so-called "temporary research institute" is not even comparable to a college's laboratory. It has no equipment. The most pitiful thing is that it doesn't even have data. Only one terminal computer was executing the transmission, and the rest were scattered bottles and jars and a small bed. The curtains that fell beside the bed were covered with burnt black marks and brown blood stains. I picked it up, the government army gave us such a condition, I don't know if it was because they looked down on us, or there was really an unspeakable secret.

"The place is too small, there is no place to sit." No. [-] twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a bit of a vicious smile, and said, "Both officers, just stand still."

"This kind of ghost place." I said coldly, "Can I do research? I'll go and talk to them..."

"No need." Number five waved his hand and said, "For me, it's the same wherever I do experiments. All I want is the results. Of course, if I have to be given a laboratory, I hope it will be a bigger one." , independent, with the most advanced equipment, these things are not what we can ask for, we need to use our own hands to work hard!"

When I said this, I saw the flame of ambition in his eyes again. Instead of answering him, I waved my hand and said, "Let's think about how to solve the problem in front of us first."

(End of this chapter)

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