global variation

Chapter 280 The Secret of Ebola Virus

Chapter 280 The Secret of Ebola Virus
No. [-] glanced at me, with a look of resentment, then turned his head away, lowered his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me about the information you know, and I will take care of the rest."

I said, "Open the terminal, and I can just fill out the report on it."

No. [-] snorted coldly, and said, "The chief is the chief, it's quite official."

I shook my head and said, "Since it's going to be made public, let's show it to everyone."

I don't want No. [-] to monopolize any resources. Although he is still useful to me, his personality is different from mine after all. Everyone sees everything I know, so Number Five doesn't have any advantage, but has to work for me.

No. [-] was still helpless, because Tu Shu was present, so he couldn't say much, so he quickly called up the terminal and the research report filling system for me.

I quickly entered a lot of data and text on the terminal, and those texts were quickly transmitted to the entire resistance organization's communication device system, and everyone said they saw everything I learned in Hunan Province.

About half an hour later, I finished inputting everything, shut down the system, re-opened the data read-only mode with shortcut operations, moved the terminal in front of No. [-], and said, "You can take a look."

"Huh..." No. [-] still just let out a cold snort, staring at the screen for a long time, the indifferent look on his face was replaced by a trace of excitement, and then, that trace of excitement turned into shock again, I saw his eyes widen , did not sit down, but tapped the keyboard quickly, entered a lot of symbols and words, and continuously called up different data for comparison. Tu Shu and I stood behind, and after a while, I checked Tu Shu Shu said: "For a while, he can't find out why, so you can let Mo Ge and Ah Meng come over together, just wait for the results to come out and let's all take a look together."

Tu Shu nodded.

Without No. [-] noticing at all, I called Tu Shu, Mo Ge, and Ah Meng to the so-called crude laboratory, and everyone stared at the screen. Of course, even here is the most powerful place for theoretical research. Tu Shu may not be able to fully understand the above content and the extremely fast operation of No. [-], let alone me, I can only understand part of the data. As for the symbols and the vectors used for comparison I can't understand the picture at all, I can only join in the fun.

No. [-] was completely immersed in his own research. After an unknown period of time, my eyes were a little sore. He suddenly slapped his thigh, turned around, and collapsed on the chair as if he had collapsed, staring at us, looking at us. After a long while, he shook his head again and said, "Here they are..."

"What did you find?" I asked.

"I found a lot." Number Five said.

"Then speak slowly." I tried my best to maintain the calmness that an officer should have.

No. [-] didn't refuse this time, nor did he have any mocking smile, but just said lightly: "Okay, then come and have a look."

We all take a step forward, but there is no need at all. This so-called research institute is so small, even if we stand at the door, we can see all the content on the computer, and have a clear view of everything.

No. [-] said: "I compared the data and came to a conclusion..." He called up a lot of data and comparison graphics. Anyway, I didn't understand them at all, but I knew that Tu Shu and the others should be more knowledgeable than me. Understood, I just waited quietly for him to come to a conclusion—after talking for a while, Number Five slowly said: "...This means that the medicine used by the killer at the scene—is the medicine that exploded himself, It is a drug that has a super strong mutual repulsion with the Ebola virus. The drug and the Ebola virus absorbed by him are incompatible, so the two collisions caused the Ebola virus in his body to react and change violently. In the end, an explosion occurred. This drug is very powerful. I believe it can be used not only as a suicide weapon, but also as a murder weapon. If you inject a milligram of this medicine, you will immediately explode and die..."

"The new weapon of the rebel organization." I frowned slightly.

"You can say that." Number Five nodded, "But this is not the most interesting part."

"The most interesting place?" I stared at him.

"Yes, there is one of the most interesting things, that is, I separated and collected the medicines left at the scene, and then compared their properties just now. Do you know what I found?"

"You said..." I don't like No. [-]'s charade style.

"I found that this drug has almost the same properties as the Ebola virus." He said, "This drug is like another Ebola virus..."

"What?!" I gritted my teeth, and looked at the people around me again. This time, even Ah Meng, who dozed off when talking about theory, widened his eyes.

"That's right, you heard it right." Number Five said, "Two different batches of Ebola viruses collided, and eventually produced mutual repulsion, and then, an explosion occurred. Don't you think it's weird?"

"How is this possible... How could the Ebola virus with the same nature..." Tu Shu frowned and said, "Shouldn't they fuse in the body to turn that guy into a stronger infected person..."

"Hehe, so I overturned my original guess." Number five said, "Logically speaking, it should be like this to make sense—this potion was supposed to be used to strengthen the killer of the rebel organization, and even he Before injecting himself, he didn't know that what he injected was a potion that would make him explode. He thought that once he injected this potion, he would become stronger and be able to escape from this camp... It's a pity ..."

"It's a pity that it failed." I said, "You mean, that person didn't know that the potion would kill him, and even the resistance organization didn't know."

"Yes!" said Five, "but it doesn't matter."

Neither of us spoke any more, listening to Number Five continue.

Number five continued: "Well... the resistance organization should have failed this time, but his failure can prove one thing... that is, mutual exclusion may also occur between Ebola viruses, so I want to Look at Chief Chu... the information you have learned. It is also the research data of the so-called 'dust civilization'... and the combination of these research materials and all the data I know, the final result is that this is the Ebola virus A random reaction between people, that is ... a kind of group-to-group struggle, just like the war between human nations, it is the same."

Everyone was silent.

And in my heart, I already felt a little uneasy.

All the research results show that those damn Ebola viruses not only have thinking, oriented activities, and memory, but can even form a country and society. These infected people may not be controlling the Ebola virus to strengthen themselves, but controlled by the Ebola virus.

These damned viruses seem to come from low-dimensional creatures that we can hardly see clearly. They are communicating with humans in one-dimensional time in three-dimensional space in a certain way, and trying to - counterattack!

The Ebola virus has evolved for millions of years, and the history of human evolution has only been a few hundred thousand years since the ancient apes. From a historical point of view, we may not be their opponents, but we have won the favor of God. , was lucky to become the primate of all things, actually?What can we do when we face this kind of attack from low dimensions?

After thinking about it, No. [-] continued: "We underestimated the Ebola virus...Mr. Chu, do you remember that you once told us about your confusion, and you were confused about why many very strange things happened to infected people? Changes, such as the appearance of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, for example, those winged men will biomorph into different types and have different abilities."

"Yes, I always thought it was the reformation of the church." I said, "but the church actually doesn't have such a powerful ability to reform."

"Yes, those are the effects of the Ebola virus." Number Five said, "The Ebola virus has undergone many different mutations after entering the human body. At the beginning, they were simply to adapt to the large environment of the human body, so they just produced Then, they discovered that they needed to change the living environment, so humans began to mutate—and further, their ambitions became greater, and they wanted to control humans, so they began to change the appearance of humans, They even change the habits and abilities of humans, they make humans extremely powerful, and kill another group of humans, these are their real goals!"

"Scary..." Mo Ge suddenly whispered, she was obviously shocked.

"It's ridiculous that humans, the church, including us, thought they had controlled the Ebola virus." Number Five said, "Isn't it?"

"We also have Ebola in our bodies," I said.

"Yes." Number Five said, "Although the amount in our body is small, hasn't our body changed? There is more blood, internal organs are diseased, and we have acquired many very strange abilities, not to mention those simulated The ability of animals. Have you ever thought about it? How many of us gained the ability to discharge, breathe fire, and manipulate magnetic fields? We are only human beings. Even if we are mutants, how can we gain the ability to manipulate the time element? Have such ability? There is only one explanation, that is, the Ebola virus needs a special living environment, so through their spontaneous actions, they changed us!"

(End of this chapter)

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