global variation

Chapter 281 Horror Mutation, Ultimate Infection

Chapter 281 Horror Mutation, Ultimate Infection
I was silent for a long time before I opened my mouth and said to No. [-]: "What you said is your guess or it already has a basis."

"Heh, what's the difference?" Five said.

I shook my head and said: "Without a solid basis, this kind of theory that can subvert the entire biological science community is untenable and will only be laughed at."

"Haha... you're still like this," No. [-] said, regaining that arrogant smile and a faint mocking look, "after all, you are afraid, you are afraid of subversion, you are afraid of change, you are afraid of everything that is enough to change your surroundings." Things that depend on the living environment... You are the most typical human being, or in other words, many people have the same idea as you, so you experience everything they have experienced, and they also experience everything you have experienced. You will never change and accept change. Small changes are huge changes in your eyes, and major subversions are disasters in your eyes. Therefore, since human beings have become human beings, they have hardly made any progress on an individual basis. There has been no real change, you are just improving, you are just using the existing things in this world to change external things, but you have never changed yourself. Hehe... In the end, it is still necessary to maintain the Ebola virus. Creatures come to change you, and it is a passive change, you are really pathetic, it's really ridiculous!"

"Stop talking!" Before I could speak, Ah Meng actually said loudly, "You speak as if you are no longer human. Human beings have been working hard to improve, and the Ebola virus is obviously invading. No matter what you say True or false, they are all evil!"

"Little girl, you don't understand what is evil and what is justice. The so-called morality and human relations, all of these things don't exist in the first place. Humans will use those so-called moral dogmas to restrain others and themselves, so that everyone can form an equal contract, protect themselves, and cover up their own cowardice!"

"You are simply crazy." Mo Ge said, "It is simply unreasonable."

"Everything you think is unreasonable is precisely the truth of this world. Human beings always think that they have mastered the truth. In fact, human beings are just creating a set of truths that they think are correct. Most of your explorations and discoveries are subjective conjectures. Of all you have done, how many of them can really change you?" Fifth became more and more crazy.

I suddenly felt, where have I heard these words before——I frowned, and remained silent. It took me a long time before I wanted to come. I heard these words from someone!The man was dead, long ago.

In my memory, that guy has several names, but the one that impressed me the most is "Liang Wenhui". That guy created the swordsman and changed my life. When I was still in the rental cabin, he was in He appeared in the form of a policeman, and after several fights, I still couldn't figure out his identity until I finally saw him on the computer screen in the central fortress. It is very similar to everything that number five has said now.

Liang Wenhui is dead, but I don't know how many fanatics similar to him are still alive in the world, at least number five is one. Thinking of this, I suddenly raised my hand, and with a "snap" I pulled out her matching suit from Tu Shu's waist. Pointing the gun at No. [-]'s forehead, he said coldly, "You're not human, are you?"

"Me?" Number Five was stunned for a moment, then looked at me and said, "It's funny, you're finally anxious and scared, right?"

"You said yourself, you are not human." The corners of my mouth twitched, and I said, "People who are not my race must have a different heart. Since you hate humans so much, then I will reiterate a truth in the inferiority of human beings."

"You...hehe..." No. [-] obviously didn't think of this, and said, "It seems that you are not cowardly and cowardly, but stupid and arrogant, hehe!"

"Really? Then let me continue to be arrogant." I still twitched the corners of my mouth and said through gritted teeth, "Maybe I don't have your great ambitions or your great wisdom, but at least I still have a little bit of respect for human beings." Responsibility, any kind of improvement, as long as it can make everyone live a relaxed and happy life, then I will not stop it. Any kind of change, even if it has thousands of benefits, but many human beings have to be sacrificed, I will kill it even if I do my best. , I didn’t have this ability before, maybe I didn’t need it, and I didn’t have the energy to think so much, but now I have this ability, so, sorry, I have to shoulder this responsibility.”

"Ha!" Number Five sneered, as if he had nothing to say, but he was not refuted by me, I could feel that he was helpless to me, even to all of us, maybe also to the world.

This guy may be a bit high-spirited, maybe he is avant-garde, of course, maybe he is just a lunatic.

I ignored his sneer and said again: "I'll ask you again, are you no longer a human being? You just need to answer yes or no."

"I'm different from you." Number Five said, "I'm a human being, but I'm beyond you. I didn't realize it before, but now I have completely discovered it."

"Okay..." I sneered and said, "Since it's a different kind, then so be it."

I'm ready to pull the trigger, just one light shot, and in front of me, this guy's head will explode like a rotten watermelon, his brains will splatter, blood will flow out, and this guy will be obliterated from this world from now on.

"Wait!" Ah Meng suddenly said, "Chu Tingsheng...he has a problem, but Ah Meng thinks..."

"Shut up!" I replied coldly.

"Chu Tingsheng, you really should..." Tu Shu also said, I knew she wanted to stop me too.

"Shut up!" I yelled again.

"Chu Tingsheng, calm down!" Mo Ge stretched out his hand and grabbed my arm, my hand shook slightly, but at this moment, No. [-] suddenly moved, he suddenly raised his hand, I Seeing a silver-blue blade falling out of his sleeve, I knew it was definitely an "ominous thing", but it was too late to dodge it.At the same time, Mo Ge, who obviously has the eagle eye ability, also saw all this. Before I could dodge my hand, one of Mo Ge's hands was placed under my hand, and the blade slashed open with a "chi" Touching Mo Ge's skin, I heard Mo Ge's gasp - a calm person like Mo Ge would have such a reaction, it must be a very special kind of pain.

Without even thinking about it, I took a step forward and put my foot on No. [-]'s chest.

No. [-] was kicked by me, the whole person flew out, and hit the test bench full of bottles and cans. Immediately, all the experimental medicines were spilled, and he was drenched from head to toe. There was a loud scream in front of us, but I didn't pay attention to his scream. I grabbed Mo Ge's arm with my backhand and held it in front of me. Suddenly, I saw a terrible burn scar on her white arm. That knife is obviously extremely corrosive, and no one knows why No. [-], who is a researcher, has been carrying such a knife.

I gritted my teeth and said to Tu Shu, "Take Mo Ge away! Treat me!"

"I...I'm fine..." Mo Ge insisted.

"Shut up!" I yelled to shut up for the third time, and then I pointed my gun at No. [-]. At this time, No. [-] actually raised his head. His hair, arms, the skin on his face, everything They have been corroded. At this time, he is already three parts like a human and seven parts like a ghost. He can't see a person at all, but he laughs loudly. When he laughs, the flesh on his face is also cracked. , he was obviously in pain, but he still wanted to laugh, blood flowed from the laugh, saliva flew from the laugh, disgusting.

I heard Tu Shu also draw out the nano-knife, and the sound of Ah Meng's weapon being loaded.

"Ha, you can't kill me!" After No. [-] died, he suddenly took out a needle from nowhere, and there was a blue liquid in the needle——I immediately realized that this thing was the name of the resistance organization. A drug used by killers to commit suicide. When injected into the body, it will either mutate or explode.

"Be careful!" I quickly spread my hands, not daring to be negligent, and told Ah Meng and the others to retreat immediately.

And No. [-], as expected, stuck the needle into his festered arm with his backhand. After this stab, I only saw black lines appearing under his skin, and strange horny cells began to grow on his skin.

"Ah! Ah!" He stood up in pain, the festering skin on his body began to fall off, and the bones began to protrude from his body. The speed of the change was unimaginable to me.

Between the splashes of blood, the skin and flesh of this guy's abdomen had been completely torn apart, leaving only a layer of light red film covering the still throbbing internal organs and the picky white ribs.

"He's mutating!" I yelled, aiming at the stomach of the monster that No. [-] turned into. Unfortunately, Tu Shu's gun is not an explosive gun. , Actually blocked the bullet I shot, and then, that guy screamed again, leaned forward, jumped up, broke through the window on one side of the research room with a "bang", and rushed to the sky .

"Damn it!" I strode to the window that was knocked open. Beside me, a rocket flew out—it was the rocket shot from Ah Meng's flame crossbow, but the arrow still missed the impact. No. [-] who entered the sky, that guy turned into a winged man in an instant, and this kind of winged man seems to be more advanced than the ones we met before, because I saw that while he was flying, there was a black "fog" all over his body. "Surrounding, I know, it is very likely that the movement of virus molecules or muscle molecules synchronized with his body, those things may be turned into many invisible or tangible weapons.

I blindly fired several shots into the air, feeling an indescribable fear in my heart.

But No. [-], who became a winged man, had already disappeared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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