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Chapter 21 Desperate

Chapter 21 Desperate
I wanted to make another hole in that bastard's spine, but this time, I was obviously a step too late.

Mo Ge is still unaware of the danger in front of him.

She calmly reloaded the bullet, and raised her hand again, but at this moment, the swordsman's arm bone had already been raised high, and it only took an instant to fall.

"Get out of the way!" I yelled as I sprinted forward.

But I only saw a splatter of blood.

At the same time that the steel bar in my hand pierced into the swordsman's back, his arm bone actually pierced through Mo Ge's shoulder.

I yelled "ah".

Mo Ge was still standing, with the pistol still held flat, as if he had forgotten the pain.

"Boom" was another shot, which hit the swordsman's head.

I violently pulled out the steel bar inserted in the swordsman's back, and the steel bar brought out thick blood of doubt.

I raised the steel bar above my head, and hit the slow-moving swordsman hard on the back of the head, another thick blood splashed out.

How much blood does this guy have in his body?When will it run out? !
I roared and dropped the second stick, the third stick, and the fourth stick again.

I even saw pieces of blood mist stirring up and scattering from under the steel bars I fell.

Finally, the swordsman pulled out his deadly arm bone, and a stream of blood leaked from Mo Ge's left shoulder.

Before the swordsman had time to turn around, I swung the steel bar and hit him on the back of the neck again.

This force is definitely enough to break his neck bone.

There was a crackling sound, and the swordsman's head tilted forward.

"Go! I slowed him down, let's go!" I yelled.

Mo Ge staggered, and the pistol fell to the ground.

It was as if she had just woken up from a dream. She only felt pain and danger at this time. She covered the wound on her left shoulder with one hand, gritted her teeth and moved towards me. Mo Ge, step back step by step, I dare not turn around and run away with Mo Ge, because I don't know if this damn swordsman will make any changes the moment we turn around.

Supporting Mo Ge, even my palm was already blood red, but my other hand was still holding the steel bar tightly, and the steel bar was raised horizontally, pointing at the monster that was about to crawl down.

The swordsman turned his back to us, covered in blood, and never turned around. I could even vaguely see the internal organs and bones in the bloody hole.

I really can't understand how he can continue to maintain his life after his body is destroyed like this.

After running about five or sixty meters, I felt a little relieved and turned to look at Mo Ge. She was panting heavily, and blood was still coming out of the wound.

"If you continue to lose blood like this, I'm afraid..." I was a little flustered, I don't know how to deal with this kind of problem at all.

"Take me to the hospital." Mo Ge gritted his teeth and said, "Now... what road is this? What street?"

I looked around, the fog and gunpowder smoke had blurred the city, to be honest, I couldn't be sure if this was still the street I was familiar with.

"Maybe Cuiping East Road." I said.

"Here... there is no car, damn it..." She seemed to be thinking about something, but the blood still couldn't stop, and kept dripping down.

I feel a little hopeless in my heart, I seem to have foreseen that soon, another person will die beside me, although the time we spend together is only half a day.But I felt extremely lost, even terrified and hopeless.

Once she falls down, I will once again be alone in this painful, twisted and dark urban wasteland, wander alone in the terrifying forest full of steel and blood, and get lost alone.

"Forget it... Maybe, I can't go." Mo Ge said suddenly, "Go by yourself."

"Come together, of course go out together, don't talk nonsense!" I said loudly.

However, blessings come without pairs, and misfortunes never come singly.

Before I could finish my words, God made another really unbearable joke for me.

Between a few roars, seven or eight infected people with disheveled hair came up behind us. They were covered in blood and seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle. Looking back, I even saw a human leg dragged by one of the infected people's hands .

Could it be... that army has been defeated? !
Those infected people didn't give me any chance to think, they rushed straight towards me and Mo Ge, I roared, and swung the steel bar in my hand backhand, the two leading infected people were hit on the head, staggered fell on the side.But the other infected people didn't stop, blood spattered, which made them more excited, and their actions became more unscrupulous. The roar indicated that these guys had already lost their humanity, no different from wild beasts.

I supported Mo Ge with one hand, and frantically waved the steel bar with the other. However, the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, impenetrable, and Mo Ge suddenly pinched me. I was in pain, so I quickly turned my face away. Mo Ge straightened up and gritted his teeth. Said: "Let you go, but you are looking for death. It seems... It seems that neither of us can escape this time."

I said loudly: "Hey, what the hell are you talking about, so I won't die at the hands of this pile of rotten meat!"

But Mo Ge didn't seem to hear me, and suddenly took out something from his arms. Under the dark sky filled with thick fog, I vaguely glimpsed that it was a cylindrical metal product, and there seemed to be some special device on the upper end, which looked precise As for professionalism, although I don't know what it is... However, Mo Ge's next action made my heart shudder.

She raised the cylinder horizontally, coldly facing the infected people who surrounded them.

These infected people seemed to have seen what it was, and a few guys actually walked all over the place, as if they were still a little hesitant.

My brain was working rapidly. At this moment, I seemed to suddenly understand what it was, and also realized what Mo Ge wanted to do.

I turned my head to look at Mo Ge in horror. Mo Ge's face was pale, and she seemed to be enduring the pain. Every word seemed to burst out of her mouth, and it took a lot of effort: "They, they hesitated!" Now, you are here, kill out, hurry up!"

"No, I can't leave you!" I said.

"Stop acting in TV dramas. It's not about relatives. The most important thing is to survive. I'm a soldier and you are a citizen. The duty of a soldier is to protect civilians like you!" she said loudly, "Hurry up!"

I froze for a moment.

That's right, maybe I should really go, but I know that what Singer Mo landed must be a bomb, and she must die with this group of infected people.

At such a critical moment, how can I abandon her and escape alone?What kind of man am I if I do this? !

I held Shuangquan tightly, and shouted: "Come on, a pile of rotten meat, come up, come one and hit one, come two and hit one pair!"

" don't hurry up, idiot!" Mo Ge shouted eagerly, his voice hoarse.

I ignored her and continued to say: "The ugly bastard looks like a bird, and he dares to come out and walk on the street! Come on, if you can't beat everyone, you will die together. Two people will win you and the other, let's see who loses more!"

I know that as long as I'm here, Mo Ge will have some scruples in his heart, so he probably won't detonate the bomb in his hand.

I don't want to die, and I don't want to watch Mo Ge die either.

"Are you really not leaving?" Suddenly, Mo Ge asked loudly again.

At the same time, another daring infected person rushed up. I pierced the guy's abdomen with a steel bar, but the guy took a step back suddenly. In order not to let myself be pulled down by him, I He had no choice but to let go quickly, and the steel bar was brought back by his body.

The guy staggered a few steps, and finally fell down. After all, these ordinary infected people are not as powerful as swordsmen, and they are not invincible.

But the biggest problem now is that I have no weapons.

As soon as the infected person fell down, his "comrade-in-arms" reached out and pulled out the steel bars in his abdomen, and he, who was still alive, lay on the ground and struggled continuously, bleeding from his intestines.

I raised my hand and clenched my fist, even myself feeling weak and weak.

"I'll ask you again, are you refusing to leave!" Mo Ge spoke again, this time, his tone was much calmer.

I nodded.

Mo Ge said: "Okay, then even if you are also a member of the army, you should sacrifice your life with me. Remember to find me on the way to Huangquan!"

"What?!" I was shocked.

This guy is too rude, it seems that I completely misunderstood this person.

I don't allow me to think too much about it. Mo Ge has already stretched out his hand to detonate the bomb. In the next second, we will be turned into bones and rotten flesh!
(End of this chapter)

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