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Chapter 22 The Sniper in the Mist

Chapter 22 The Sniper in the Mist

Things have come to this point, I have no room to retreat.

There was a hint of despair in my heart.

Life is like a play, I didn't expect that I would die with this woman in the end?

I almost closed my eyes when there was a loud bang in my ear.

However, I felt no tremors, no shock waves, no scorching winds, no shaking of the ground—I was still alive.

I couldn't help but opened my eyes.

Mo Ge was still standing beside me, holding the grenade flat, unscathed.

She also seemed a little taken aback.

What was that noise just now? !

I looked around, only to find that the group of infected people had stopped in their tracks, and they seemed to be a little flustered. Several infected people started to look around, and among them, one infected person had already fallen to the ground, his body still twitching. It's just that the head has long since disappeared, and around the broken neck, minced meat and brain tissue that has not yet turned into blood, white brain pulp, hair and bones are broken and spread.

"This...this is..."

"Rifles!" Mo Ge raised his eyes and said, "Zhang's Zhang Chu..."

"Who is Zhang Chu?!" I froze for a moment.


Before Mo Ge could answer, there was another loud noise.


I heard a painful cry from an infected person. I followed the sound and saw that a hole the size of a softball had been opened in his chest, and blood continued to flow out of his body.


Immediately afterwards, there was another gunshot, and the guy's head burst open in front of us, blood and brains splashing everywhere.

The headless body swayed in front of us, and fell down. At the hollow neck, the throat was dark, the broken bones were white, and the flesh was red.

The infected are not ordinary zombies, they are just mutated human beings, so they are also afraid. After two consecutive companions were accurately sniped, the infected finally began to mess up.

But at this time, not only did the crisis not end, but something even more terrifying happened—I saw that the swordsman had stood upright again. Although he was scarred, he was still walking steadily, without any feeling of falling down.At this time, he was waving that pale arm bone and walking towards us.

But at this moment, there was another crack in the air, and I felt a gust of hot wind blowing not far away, causing a burning sensation on my skin. When I looked back, I realized that, The head of an infected person behind us was also accurately crushed. The bullet seemed to penetrate his temple. In an instant, he had only half of his face left. Take it out and scatter it all over the ground.

"Let's go!" I looked at the vacancy created by the body of the fallen infected person, grabbed Mo Ge, and rushed out of the encirclement of the infected person.These shots really saved our lives at the most critical time.

I don't know how long I ran, but suddenly I felt that Mo Ge next to me staggered and was about to fall.

I hurried back to support her.

She was still bleeding, and while holding her up, the blood had already wet my arms and sleeves, and it was warm.

On the contrary, Mo Ge's body seemed to be getting colder and colder, especially her palm. When I supported her, the palm that grabbed my wrist felt like ice.

" are you?"

"Excessive blood loss..." After a long time, she slowly said these words.

Nonsense, of course it's blood loss, can't I see it?

I said again: "How about we rest for a while, right here."

"No, they, they will catch up... let's go!" Mo Ge objected.

"But you will..." I wanted to argue, but it was irrefutable. Mo Ge walked forward, as if refusing my help, but within a few steps, she wobbled and almost fell down. I went up to hold her shoulder again and said, "Take a break, you are like this, you..."

"Uh..." I didn't finish my sentence, but there were a few low shouts not far away.

"Kill!" Another beast-like roar, but this time the word "kill" can be clearly heard. It seems that their language function has not degraded? !

Why is this road so long, why is this fog so vast, why are we always unable to get out?

and also!

Why are there so many alleys on this road? In the alleys, there always seem to be fatal infections.

Just out of the tiger's den, and into the wolf's den.

Seven or eight infected people came from all directions again.

"Hehe... this time, this time I'm afraid it's really..." Mo Ge took out the grenade again.

I was startled.

This time I'm unarmed, no matter how powerful I am, I can't defeat so many infected people with bare hands!

The infected are getting closer, the encirclement is getting smaller, and we are getting closer to death.

I gritted my teeth and said, "Okay, forget it, I'm unlucky! When they come over, you detonate it, and there will be someone to take care of you when you get down."

"You... are you really willing to be with me? Die? You know, you don't have to get involved in this matter..." Mo Ge said weakly, moving his lips.

I shook my head and said, "Didn't you say that this city is already like this, and no one can escape this disaster. Who said that I don't need to intervene? It's all come to this point, damn, you still say that these tourists There is a fart for the cliché..."

At this time, I was more calm.

The corners of Mo Ge's mouth hooked slightly, but he didn't say anything more.

I waited for him to detonate the grenade.

At this time, I was just a little bit unwilling. I was about to escape, but I came to a desperate situation again. God really likes to joke.

I deliberately distracted myself and looked to the side, but all I could see were bloody infected people and scorched dead bodies. The thought that I would soon merge with them made me even more unwilling.

At this moment, a ray of fire suddenly ignited not far away.

Accompanied by the fire was a huge explosion, as if even the air was burning and bursting, condensing into an eye-catching bright ball in mid-air, and then scattered in all directions, exuding breathtaking energy.

what?Or, who? !
In the dense fog, a black figure rushed out, followed by several explosions. The infected people beside us followed the explosions one by one to the end. Some of the fallen infected people were motionless, and some were still. There was breath, but without exception, most of their heads and faces were cut off, and some even had their entire heads blown to pieces.

After I saw the surrounding situation clearly, I realized that the guy who shot was a human being, a stocky and strong man, holding a revolver with a long barrel in his hand.He is not tall, maybe even not as tall as Mo Ge, with a square face and short short hair. It's winter, but his strong muscles make people feel that he will definitely not be cold.

Who is this person?

Could it be the "Zhang Chu" that Mo Ge just mentioned?
I wonder.

This strong man turned around the pistol that still showed a trace of silver light even in the dense fog, sneered, and said: "In front of the uncle, a group of skinless monsters dare to spread the wind?"

And the few infected people in front of him have hesitated.

I was admiring this guy, but suddenly found that not far behind him, an infected person with only a half-stretched head stood up, and a steel bar appeared in his hand, which was probably the one I used just now. Attack the steel bar of the swordsman.

"Be careful!" I yelled, but it was too late, the infected person had already flew up, and saw that the steel bar was about to crush the back of the strong man's head.


But there was another gunshot, and the remaining half of the head of the flying infected person shattered and flew away.

In the dense fog, a clear and penetrating voice said: "Huh... Old Song, haven't I told you many times? If all the brain tissue is not removed, they still have the possibility to stand up."

"Hehe...what are you so embarrassed about? I just made a mistake, and you, a guy who only hides in the dark and fills his guns, are you ashamed to say me?" The strong man smiled lightly, and then raised the wheel again. The pistol swung, and the surviving infected in front of him stepped back.

"Get rid of the evil and do everything." In the dense fog, the clear voice sounded again.

Then, there was another shocking gunshot.

An infected person falls to the ground.

"You're still ruthless." The strong man shrugged, holding his pistol flat.



The flames flew, and for a moment, the infected people in front of me burst their brains one by one, and fell down one after another like dominoes.

(End of this chapter)

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