global variation

Chapter 23 Blood Stained Sky

Chapter 23 Blood Stained Sky
I've never seen someone beat an infected person so cleanly, unlike me.

The splattered flesh and blood made me keep raising my hands to cover my face.

After a while, all enemies were wiped out.

At this moment.In the dense fog, another tall man slowly came out, dressed somewhat similarly to Mo Ge, the windbreaker slowly "dancing" with the thick and turbid gunpowder smoke, this man was at least 1.8 meters long, his hair was probably caused by fierce fighting, Already a bit messy, but not sloppy at all.

He wears sunglasses, but I guess the eyes behind the sunglasses must be very deep.

His face was clear and sharp, with sharp nose bridge and sharp lips. Although he was handsome, his face was unavoidably inhuman.

He raised his chin, as if he glanced at the dead body on the ground, and I, who was supporting Mo Ge, said lightly, "Can I go?"

I said, "Barely..."

Mo Ge had already passed out by this time, I sighed and said, "I'll carry her on my back."

"Temporarily stop the bleeding for her first, and I thank you on her behalf." The man said.

I followed the man's instructions and pressed the supraclavicular fossa for Mo Ge - I felt like a fool at the time, if I had stopped the bleeding for Mo Ge, her body wouldn't be so cold, but I didn't understand anything .

The board-inch man took out a bandage from his slanted backpack, squatted down and bandaged Mo Ge.

"Let's go!" The square-inch man on the side looked even more carefree, with no city in his chest. After a few minutes, he stood up again, clapped his hands, and said loudly, "That swordsman can't be killed. He will come over in a while and we will be in trouble." .”

"Kill...Kill that monster, Zhang Chu, Song Yi, kill him..." The voice of the bancun man was still there, and he murmured weakly.

I froze for a moment, looking at Mo Ge beside me who still had his eyes closed, I was at a loss for a moment.

"She's talking in her sleep." The man in the sunglasses said coldly. In an instant, he loaded the rifle in his hand, turned around and fired another shot into the thick fog.I didn't see a figure, but I only saw a cloud of blood flying up.

This man in sunglasses can actually snipe the target through that thick fog? !

"Hurry up, if you don't want to die." As soon as the gunfire fell, the stern voice of the man in sunglasses sounded again.

I gritted my teeth and quickly picked up Mo Ge. Mo Ge was still whispering. I was in a very complicated mood, so I could only stare at the front and keep walking.

I don't know how long it took before I felt that the world in front of me became clearer. At this time, the sun had already slanted to the west, and the thick fog behind me looked even more flushed, like a burning flame, like a sea of ​​blood churning.

I didn't dare to look back, because I felt that Mo Ge was getting colder and colder, and my back was getting stickier and wet—how much blood she had bled, I don't know, the bandaging didn't seem to help at all, she was still bleeding.

At this time, I suddenly saw a silver-white Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle at the corner of the street. There seemed to be people moving around beside the commercial vehicle, while the slim man and the man in sunglasses and trench coat beside him walked straight to the commercial vehicle.

Approaching the car, I saw a man and a woman get up from the car.

Both of them are very young, even younger than me. The man was gentle, and when he saw us, he adjusted his glasses in a slightly "pedantic" way, and said in a soft voice: "You are finally back! ..."

The girl on the side is relatively short, about less than 1.6 meters, with big eyes, slightly yellowish hair, wearing a white dress, I don't know if it is printed and dyed by the sunset, she looks a bit dreamy, like walking out of an anime The character who came out was small and exquisite, and in popular terms it was a typical "loli". When he saw me, his expression was very eager, and he pointed at me—or at Mo Ge behind me, and said loudly: "Why? What happened?! What happened to Sister Mo Ge?!"

"Sister Meng, don't worry, there is no way you won't get hurt in a war..." The voice of the man with glasses was still calm and soft, very gentle.

"Nonsense! Sister Mo Ge is so powerful, how can she be defeated so easily?!" The girl frowned, ran to my side, and exclaimed, "A lot of blood, my sister shed a lot of blood!"

"Stop making trouble, you! Put her in the back seat of the car and lie flat." The man in the sunglasses glanced at me and said in an orderly tone.

I was a little helpless, but now is not the time to bargain with my mother-in-law, so I quickly put Mo Ge on the back seat of the car and got out of the car.

"Send her to the base hospital." The man in sunglasses said to the gentle boy wearing glasses.

"Yes." The boy actually gave a military salute to the man in the sunglasses, his movements were standard.

Are these people really soldiers?
But from Mo Ge's words, how can I hear that they are just a simple civil resistance organization?It is even unclear whether such an organization is legal in China.

The boy with glasses pulled the "little loli" into the car, and the square-inch man turned his head and said to me: "You are the relevant personnel, you should go to the base hospital too."

"Hmm..." I nodded, and just as I was about to get in the car, suddenly, the man in the sunglasses behind me yelled, "Wait!"

I was stunned for a moment, then I turned my head abruptly, and the bancun man also looked at the man in the sunglasses with some doubts, "Zhang Chu, what are you doing?"

"Miscellaneous people are not allowed to enter or leave any organization or stronghold of the rebel base at will, have you forgotten?" said the man in sunglasses.

"He's not an idler, as you can see, he..." Bancunnan looked at me.

"He's either a member of the organization, or a citizen, or an idler." The man in the sunglasses said without doubt, "Let him go."

"Me? Go?" My heart skipped a beat.

I was still thinking that at least my life would be safe if I followed this group of people. Now it seems that they don't welcome me at all.

This time even the bancun man didn’t speak. It seems that among this group of people, this unreasonable guy named Zhang Chu has the highest status.

The man looked at me, still raised his chin, looked very proud, and said: "Luka is only 500 meters ahead from here. After passing Luka, everything is safe. There are fewer enemies in this section. You can deal with it with your skills. Sorry. , The organization base is not a charity organization, and cannot accept outsiders casually."

"I know!" I said through gritted teeth.

"You can leave your contact information. After Mo Ge gets better, he will naturally find you if there is anything to do." Zhang Chu said.

"I...Okay..." Although I felt a little humiliated, a good man would not suffer the immediate loss. I thought, it is better to contact the resistance organization than to fight alone. After thinking about it, I still reported my mobile phone number.

The person opposite didn't record it with a pen, but said lightly: "Remember, as long as this city can still make calls, I will remind her."

"Thanks." I took a deep breath and tried my best to suppress the anger in my heart.

Zhang Chu nodded silently, said nothing more, and made a gesture to the man in the middle. Neither of them spoke, but turned around almost at the same time, and rushed back into the mist.

Are they still going? !

So just now, they just escorted us out?
Suddenly, my opinion of this man in sunglasses changed somewhat.

In front of me, the commercial vehicle also started to start, and soon left in the dust, leaving me standing alone in the sunset.

I suddenly felt an indescribable loneliness, as if I was really the only one left in the huge city—even more terrifying than the only one left, because, around me, there are countless people who can transform me into a person with a wave of my hand. Infected who turned into meat paste.

I gritted my teeth, tried to calm my mind, and walked to the other side of the street. After about four or five minutes, I finally saw Luca. There was no fierce fighting at Luca, and a group of soldiers patrolled back and forth, as I expected , When they saw me appearing, they raised their guns on guard. I quickly raised my hands, ran forward and said, "Don't shoot, I'm human, citizens, don't shoot!"

At this time, some of the soldiers with their guns closed their guns and rushed over, flying and pinning me to the ground. I knew I couldn't resist. If I resisted, I might die on the spot. It's best to be caught by them. The safest option.

My world was turned upside down, my face was pressed against the ground, the concrete floor and dusty sand were dry and cold, but I felt a little kindness, and I finally got rid of the smell of blood for a while.

After a few more minutes, the soldiers just questioned me briefly and took me into a car. I didn't know where I would go next.

(End of this chapter)

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