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Chapter 24 Police Stations and Barracks

Chapter 24 Police Stations and Barracks

I was escorted into the car, and two soldiers sat on both sides, not looking sideways. They had guns in their hands, and I didn't dare to act rashly. After more than ten minutes, the car stopped in the compound of the Shinan District Police Station.

I have been to this place before, but at that time I came to apply for an ID card.

The moment I got out of the car, I felt that the whole police station seemed to have changed. There were armed police standing on both sides of the main entrance hall, as if a leader had come to inspect it.

A well-endowed police station has now become a compound of the Military Commission.

I looked around helplessly, and then I was escorted into the lobby of the police station. The first floor of the lobby seemed to have not changed. The police were still working normally and accepted trivial reports.

But soon, I was led up a small staircase on the side, and one of the soldiers escorting me opened the iron gate at the end of the stairs.

The second floor.

The sense of solemnity and solemnity here suddenly made me breathless.

In the not-so-wide corridor, every few steps stood a soldier with live ammunition. On one side of the corridor, there was a sign that was probably newly made. The simple words gave off a heavy feeling. .

——Z city combat readiness emergency command center.

This is a temporary sign, but it has an extraordinary weight.

I was pushed into a room on the side of the corridor. In the room, two middle-aged men in military uniforms were drinking tea and chatting, and a young policeman in police uniform stood aside, saying something from time to time. .

When they saw me being taken in, all three of them showed a look of astonishment.

An older officer pointed in my direction with his hand and said, "What's going on?"

"He ran out of the restricted area on Cuiping East Road, covered in blood and injured." The soldier beside him said bluntly.

The officer just pondered for a while, and then said: "If you are sure there are no signs of infection, treat the wound first. It is our duty to protect every citizen."

"Yes!" After saluting, the soldier pushed me on the shoulder again, ready to escort me out.

After walking a few steps, the officer behind us stopped us again and said, "Hey! Be polite to him, he is not a prisoner."

"Hmm...yes!" The soldier saluted again.

Although I don't know who this officer is, at this moment, I feel an inexplicable affection in my heart.

The two soldiers let go of their shackles and walked downstairs side by side with me. It can be seen that they are still very wary of me, but they dare not be as rough as before.

I feel a little relieved.

At this time, my idea was very simple. I used the resources of the military hospital to see the doctor first, and then I took the opportunity to escape. After all, it is wartime, and they have no time to come to me. This temporary headquarters does not know when will be taken away.

However, the moment we returned to the first floor again, a figure made me change all my calculations and plans.

I saw a policeman standing by the desk on the left side of the hall, drinking tea calmly, looking around like a falcon.

It's him!This is the person.

The guy who "drew blood" at my door the other day, and the guy who got into a fight with me at the hospital, was this guy!
I thought of the wiretapping device, the fierce battle in the hospital morgue, the [-]-style gun of the police, and even more the corpses of the two policemen in my house—whether this person is good or evil, I think, as long as I am Face to face with him, I was a dead end.

The moment his eyes were about to touch mine, I immediately turned my face away. This subtle movement did not attract the attention of the two soldiers beside me, but I managed to avoid this fatal glance.

The so-called "hospital" of the military is located behind the compound of the police station. It used to be a sanitation station. I have noticed it before, but now the place has changed, and it is much cleaner and tidy than before.

This is a wartime hospital, right?

However, this wartime hospital is not as bloody as in the movies and TV shows. There are no seriously injured people here, only medical staff chatting and a few sick citizens and soldiers who were given needles.

I was a little weird at first, but figured out quickly what was going on.

There are no injuries in this battle, only life and death. Once you are knocked down, you will immediately become a corpse, and there is no need for treatment.

Because this time everyone is not facing humans, but monsters that have never been seen before.

Thinking about it this way, Mo Ge is actually considered lucky.

My body is actually full of minor wounds. I have almost never had physical contact with those infected people. Most of them were scratches while running and dodging. It’s just that the large amount of blood on my back is too shocking, but this blood Not mine, but Mo Ge's...

Mo Ge, how is she doing now?
I sighed—hehe, you are so stupid, Chu Tingsheng, you are in danger now, and you still think about a woman.

You used to care so much about your goddess Lin Wan, but she lived a much more wonderful life than you!
Just thinking about it wildly, those doctors had already done a simple bandage for me, and a careless male doctor patted my shoulder and said, "Young man is in good health, there is nothing wrong."

"Then what happened to the blood on his back?" A soldier who had been guarding me said suspiciously.

"That's not his blood." The doctor coughed dryly, with a weird expression on his face, then turned his head to one side and said, "From the blood stained situation, who did he carry on his back? He bled so much and couldn't be cured." if……"

This doctor seems to be careless, but his words always seem to be full of city, every sentence is full of uncertainty, every sentence is full of various possibilities, but in fact, letting him talk like this is equivalent to sending me to the hospital. In the abyss, before he finished speaking, I quickly opened my mouth and said, "My friend was injured and was rescued. We strayed into your so-called restricted area, and she was injured by a monster."

"Have you met an infected person?" the soldier asked me.

I nodded.

After I nodded, I regretted it a little. How could I survive if I met an infected person?

For a moment, my mystery and suspicion probably reached the maximum level in this soldier's heart.

"It's not an ordinary person who survived the infection. You might as well recruit him into the army." The doctor laughed dryly.

Another fatal sentence, the doctor probably never believed me from the very beginning.

"You'd better explain this matter clearly." The soldier glared at me with deterrence in his eyes.

I squinted at the doctor, but he spread his hands, walked to the side, and said as he walked, "I said the wrong thing, I said the wrong thing, I solved the case without saying anything!"

I gritted my teeth, wishing I could kill this guy, but at this moment, I didn't dare to openly get angry.

After a moment of silence, I took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible: "I really don't know how to tell you that my friend's skills are not bad. When we were escaping, we met an infected person and her shoulder was picked. , but I ran out with her on my back, the soldiers in the restricted area have been covering us."

"Oh... you met the army." The soldier thought for a while and said, "That's easy to explain."

I nodded quickly and said, "Well, they, they cover us out."

"what about your friends?"

"I was rescued." I said, "There is... a resistance organization called, it was rescued..." I tentatively said, I don't know what kind of resistance organization exists in their eyes.

The soldier frowned and said, "It's them again... Forget it... If you don't feel uncomfortable, you should go and explain these things to the chief. Although you are an ordinary citizen, you are the person involved in the incident after all. I hope you can Cooperate with us."

I nodded.

"Then what else do you want?" The soldier was careful.

I said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

Before I came, I caught a glimpse of a large toilet outside the health station. Generally, this type of toilet has side windows, which should be enough for a person to climb out. I wondered if these soldiers were already on guard against me. If so, this should be my only chance to escape. Once I return to the lobby of the police station, I will meet "that policeman" at any time. I will absolutely not allow such a thing to happen.

The soldier seemed to hesitate a bit, but finally chose to compromise.

I got into the toilet as I wished, but the terrible thing is that the two soldiers followed in and stood in the corridor outside the cubicle. I walked into the last cubicle, squatted down without thinking, and stood there thinking. what to do.

This place seems to be a blind spot at all. If I go out, I will definitely be found. The soldiers have guns in their hands. If I make a slight movement, I will escape no matter what. Even if I have some magical power at this time, I will definitely not be the opponent of bullets.

Misfortune never comes singly.

Before I knew it, my body was attacked by heat and pain again.

I stretched out my hand to hold on to the door panel of the compartment, not daring to cry out, the feeling this time seemed to be stronger than ever before, I really don't know how it happened at this time.

I bared my teeth, not daring to go out, and not daring to make a sound.

The people outside were obviously tired of waiting. Someone came over and knocked on the door a few times, saying, "What are you doing? Are you still okay?"

I gritted my teeth, said in a slightly embarrassed tone, "I... have an uncomfortable stomach... ha... haha..." When I laughed dryly, I think my whole face was contorted.

"Then hurry up." The man outside said briefly and forcefully.

I let out a "hmm", and couldn't help feeling warm in my chest, and I spit it out with a "wow". There was nothing in my stomach, and all I spit out was bitter icteric water. I just felt a stench, which was unbearable. , It was really unbearable, at this moment I seemed to be back on the bloody and foggy street.

"Hey, what are you doing?! What's the situation!" The outside became tense.

I quickly said: "It's okay! It's okay... I, I have an upset stomach..."

"Are you sure you're okay?" the other said again.

I coughed dryly and said, "Well, sure, sure..."

In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm absolutely fine.

Dizziness and labor pain hovered above my head, and I felt something was constantly beating on my celestial cap, and the hotness all over my body became more and more obvious. All of a sudden, this small compartment seemed to have become a huge steamer.

Damn, why is this happening!

I clenched my fist, and my nails had sunk into the flesh.

My heartbeat also began to speed up, and I couldn't bear the load more and more.

Bleeding, my nose started to bleed again, and the blood dripped in the urinal, was scattered by the clear water, and turned pink.

"Uh..." I growled in a low voice.

Every time I have a "sickness", I am walking on the edge of life and death.

how so.

Just when I didn't know what to do, suddenly, a rush of bells rang in my ears like thunder.

"What's going on!" I heard the soldiers outside shouting.

"Alarm bell at headquarters!" said another soldier.

"No, we have to hurry over."

"But this person?"

They were caught in a tangle. Although I was in pain, everything was in my ears.

I felt that I had a chance, so I hurriedly wiped the blood off my face, opened the door of the compartment, and pretended to be surprised and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay," the soldiers were still pretending to be calm, and one of them said, "How are you, body."

I said: "I just have a bad stomach, and I'm a little bit angry... Maybe I'm scared..." I talked about my "illness", they were a little impatient, and one of them said: "We have business to deal with now ,you……"

"Let him go to the lounge for a while, don't leave the hospital." The other person was probably helpless, and thought of a bad idea, then turned to me and said, "Can you cooperate? This is also for your safety."

(End of this chapter)

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