Chapter 25

I quickly replied: "Yes, of course I can!" At this time, even if he asked me to cooperate as his grandson, I probably could reluctantly agree. I just wanted to run away quickly. The person who caused trouble, but now all the troubles came to him at this moment.

The alarm bell should have sounded only when something urgent happened. The two soldiers immediately abandoned me and rushed out of the bathroom.

As soon as they walked out, I staggered and fell down, leaning my back on the tiles in the bathroom, and opened my mouth wide. I think my expression must be very distorted at this moment.

I started to cough crazily, and gradually my chest hurt.

But I don't dare to stay here anymore. If the two soldiers react halfway, or if the alarm is suddenly lifted, I'm afraid I will be in trouble!
So, hey, I pushed open the bathroom window, turned over and jumped out.

No one can control me anymore.

I walked out of the grass behind the bathroom, not daring to go directly to the open space in front of the hospital, so I could only go around the woods and look at the situation near the hospital from afar.

At this time, everyone seemed to be gathering outside the police station.

what happened there?
No, this is not the time to be curious—I remind myself.

Whatever happened over there has nothing to do with me now.

My hands brushed over the rough tree trunks, and I just felt that without the support of these trees, I might fall down at any time.My legs were weak, my chest hurt, and I was coughing and retching with unbearable nausea. This time, my body was not only hot, but every joint was aching. I even felt that I couldn't stand at all, and I moved forward entirely with the extraordinary perseverance to survive.

I heard gunshots not far away, dense gunfire.

This is the first time I heard the sound of a submachine gun in reality. It seems that there is another fierce battle over there.

With great difficulty, I moved along the wall outside the forest to the side door of the health station—the side door was closed tightly, and I could only climb over the iron railing to get out. Jumped a few steps on the railing, then grabbed the upper edge of the wall with one hand, rolled over, and jumped out of the railing.However, although my movements were clean and neat, the landing was not beautiful-my whole body almost fell sideways heavily, and the scratches on my body were shaken away again, but the pain made me feel a little better Well, at least it distracted me and made the pain around me less obvious.

I got up in embarrassment, without caring about patting the dust off my body, I quickly walked away from the side door and walked to the street outside.

After more than ten minutes, when I was about to reach the intersection, I suddenly realized that my clothes were still covered with blood—this was too conspicuous, what should I do?It's a pity that my backpack has been lost in the battle, and there is nothing left, otherwise the few single clothes inside can at least withstand it for a while.

When I was at a loss, I suddenly saw a few men's coats drying in the anti-theft net on the first floor across the street.

I frowned.

I know it's shameless, but—there's no other way.

Yes, living is more important.

Thinking of this, I quietly looked around, and while there was no one around, I immediately ran to the outside of the anti-theft net, jumped lightly, quickly took a piece of clothing from the hanger, turned over and put it on myself—blood stains It is covered, so it should be much safer.

However, the repeated strenuous exercise made my body more and more unable to bear the load. I only felt a splitting headache and couldn't help but spit out another stream of jaundice.

If you vomit any more, maybe you should vomit blood, right?I touched my painful chest, put my other hand in my pocket, and walked forward with my head down.

I don't have any money on me, I don't know who to go to, and I don't know what to do. By the way, I still have a mobile phone in my pocket, and the mobile phone still has some power. The charger for this small broken mobile phone is very good. Yes, it's just that I don't have the money to match it at all.

In the dark night, I look so out of place in the whole city.

Walking on the street, I found that there are some things that I think too much - that is, no one looks at me at all, they don't take me as a embarrassed traveler seriously, everyone has their own busy, every day Everyone also has their own concerns. In this city full of neon lights and flickering lights, everyone is used to indifference and haste. It is precisely because of this that they don't know the danger that spreads. The entire East Cuiping Road and the eastern suburbs of Cuiping were closed, but the citizens in the south of the city were still busy.

In fact, it’s no wonder that the population in the south of the city is hard to tell. It is almost impossible to evacuate overnight. In order not to cause panic among the citizens, the police, army and government can only protect and cover up. Issues.

I came to the overpass and looked in the direction of the Chengnan Police Station. The street at the main entrance has been closed. There are many citizens watching from the roadblock, but more people are still walking on the street, coming and going.

I simply sat down by the railing of the flyover, closed my eyes and meditated, which could relieve the pain of my body a little.

Within a few minutes, I suddenly remembered something.

I seem to have left some money in my school dormitory.

Yes, that’s right, I remember correctly, I have two bank cards, one is used to pay tuition and living expenses, the other is used to pay for books, and the one for books has been kept in the school dormitory There should be at least 500 yuan in it that has not been spent. This money is used to pay for materials for professional courses, and I have never dared to touch it.

In addition, as long as I can get a bank card, I can borrow money from relatives and friends in my hometown, including my parents... Although I am not going to tell them the real situation in Z city.

In short, as long as I get that bank card, I may still have hope of living.

Just go.

Now I count every second.

I stood up, but due to the fast movement, the sudden dizziness almost made my eyes go black, and I fell down.

But in the end, I walked down the overpass holding the railing. It is a long way back to school from here. It may take more than an hour to walk, but it is only [-] o'clock or less than [-] o'clock. I should not have reached the gate when I go back Time, as long as the school has not been affected and I am careful, I will be able to successfully get that bank card.

I turned a corner and was about to take the shortest road back to school. On the way, I passed the roadblock a few hundred meters outside the main entrance of the police station. I found that there were many people crying, especially the elderly and children. And the woman, I guess their family members must be trapped in the police station. At this time, I can no longer hear the gunshots over there, and the battle should have ended long ago.

Thinking of this, I feel a chill in my heart. The battle is over, but the roadblocks have not been removed, and the family members of those citizens have not returned. What does this mean?

Could it be that this temporary command post can't stop the pace of the infected?
I was stunned and saddened secretly, suddenly, at this moment, a shocking change occurred!

On the other side of the barricade, a few black shadows ran over suddenly, but they didn't see their faces, but they could already hear their screams: "Run! Everyone, run! I can't stop it! Run! !"

I was startled suddenly, and upon closer inspection, I could only see the outlines of their uniforms.

It's the police!
"Run, everyone, run! Hurry up!" The leader shouted at the top of his voice, but the people on the side of the roadblock obviously haven't figured out the situation, they just looked around in astonishment, and some sat on the ground crying The old people and children didn't stand up even at this time.What about the pedestrians next to you?Instead of running away, they stopped and watched, and some even squeezed into the crowd to join in the fun.

Where is this time to join in the fun? !

There was a "swipe" sound, and in the midair, a black figure swooped down and attacked the three fleeing policemen from behind.

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, but the exclamation was still there, and the black shadow had rushed straight to the head of the policeman.

With a strange cry, the black shadow in mid-air rushed up into the sky again, and the policeman under the street lamp still staggered a few steps forward, then twitched and went down.

That body, which had already lost its head, spewed out a stream of thick blood, which scattered and splashed in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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