global variation

Chapter 26 Dog Fight

Chapter 26 Dog Fight
This is the monster that attacked me and Mo Ge that day!

This guy actually appeared here?
But soon I found out that I was wrong, the second and third flying monsters swooped down from the sky, the soldiers next to the barricades started shooting at the sky, the crowd finally started to commotion, everyone was scared stupid , Panicked, some frail old people, women and children even threw themselves down. At this moment, no one maintained order, and no one cared about anyone else. Everyone rushed, ran, and stomped on each other, screaming and tearing each other. The screams echoed among the crowd.

I was knocked back and forth by the surging crowd, and at this moment, there was nothing I could do. Although I was carrying that powerful concentrated liquid, I was still not a superman, and I couldn't fly up and drag those bastards down in the air.

The guys in the air were as rough and fleshy as the ones on the ground. The soldiers fired, but they were still able to hover in the air calmly, swooping down from time to time.

As I rushed forward, I didn't know the surrounding situation at all, let alone the situation in the air. I could only hear waves of panicked shouts, most of them were from the citizens, but of course, there seemed to be some voices from the air. those monsters.

I don't know how long I've been running...

Although my body can no longer bear the wave after wave of pain, I have stronger physical strength and endurance than ordinary people after all.

Therefore, when I stopped, I found that everyone had been far behind me.

Before I knew it, the street was silent again, and I was once again plunged into darkness.

In a panicked city, this darkness and silence is especially chilling.

I slowed down my pace, the heat and joint pain had been gradually relieved during the exercise, but the feeling of dizziness and bouts of nausea began to intensify, and I seemed to be able to hear the gunshots in the distance, and the battle was not over yet.

At this time, what I was most afraid of was the swordsman who followed me everywhere, I was afraid that he would suddenly appear in front of me again, waving his arm bone, showing his teeth and claws, if that was the case, I would be powerless to fight back.

I looked at the street signs on one side, fortunately, I didn’t go the wrong way because of running away, this side is indeed still the distance to the school, and because of running, I have saved a lot of time, it should be less than 10 minutes away from the school at this moment [-] minutes or so on the way.

I walked on, still with hope in my heart.

It's only 10 minutes, so there shouldn't be any danger, right?

I kept taking deep breaths to wake myself up, but at this moment, a few dogs barking suddenly came from beside me.

"Wow! Bark!" The barking of the dog was extremely sharp, especially on this dimly lit path, between the old houses on both sides, the sound was harsh and shocking, I couldn't help being startled, almost fell down, and became dizzy .I hurriedly supported the number next to me, and turned my face away.That should be a wolfhound, I can vaguely see his outline.

"Dead dog. Call you uncle!" I yelled loudly, and made a posture of throwing stones. This is the posture that dogs are most afraid of. However, to my surprise, instead of running away, the dog barked louder when I tried to smash it.

I suddenly felt that things were strange, and I didn't dare to stay for a long time.

What I have encountered recently has made me very sensitive to the dangers around me.

So I spun around and walked quickly, trying to land on the ground as smoothly as possible with both feet, for fear of falling down and dying.

However, before I took a few steps, suddenly, a black figure rushed past me, still barking unceremoniously.

It was that dog!
I finally saw the true face of the dog.

At this time, it was standing under the street lamp, making the attacking posture that a dog is used to—but that is a dog, how could a dog become like this? !I would rather it hide in the darkness and not show up than see his true face.This dog has no fur all over its body. It looks like a newborn mouse. It is bright red and transparent. Under the light, I can even see the organs and viscera in its body through the thin skin, and even see the thumping rhythm. heart of.

The dog's head was completely distorted, and it was terrifying. It was impossible to tell where the eyes were and where the nose was, but the dog's mouth was abnormally large, with two rows of white sharp teeth exposed.

A fierce battle is inevitable, this is not a dog, this is a mutated monster.

I was unarmed, but the big dog's teeth were different, revealing a strong deterrent force, as if it could tear me to pieces with just a slight movement.

I clenched my fists tightly, but I didn't have any strength, I just felt dizzy and nauseous.Especially when I saw the appearance of the dog, I felt even more disgusted.

I couldn't help but take a step back, and the dog started to growl "whoosh", which I knew was the harbinger of attack.

I clasped my right wrist with my left hand, trying to stabilize the one at hand, but my whole hand was still shaking. This is no joke, life and death are only a thin line.

"Wow!" Suddenly, the dog rushed towards me so fast that I had no time to dodge, so I could only fall on my back to reduce the damage caused by the dog. In the last moment, the dog was already dead. It landed in front of me, only half a meter away from me, and I could already smell the smell of rotting flesh on it.I didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and my body rolled on the ground hastily, lest the dog turn around and bite my face. While rolling, I curled up as much as possible to prevent the dog from tearing and biting me Crucial opportunity.

After a while, I distanced myself from the dog again.

On the not-so-wide path, I took a few steps back, leaned aside, and picked up the cement blocks that fell in the middle of the pile of building materials next to me.

Although I don't have much strength in my hands, I always feel more at ease using this thing as an aid.

The dog lowered its body again, and I saw its internal organs wriggling slowly, as if every horrible and hideous place on its body exuded a greedy breath.

"Bastard..." I gritted my teeth.

"Woof!" Suddenly, there were a few more barks in the darkness.

How can it be? !
"Wang Wang!"

The barking continued...


I suddenly felt that I had fallen into a piece of ice, and in an instant, five or six dogs of the same kind had appeared in the darkness—the devil-like dogs, each of them was staring at me, lowered their bodies, and was ready at any time Attack me and kill me.

I only have a block of cement in my hand, and a dog can't handle it!
I gritted my teeth and stepped back.

I didn't dare to breathe, the dizziness was weakened a lot because of fear.

Once people are afraid and nervous, they tend to bluff, especially people like me. I yelled at the group of damned demons: "Come on, you guys come on, come on together, I can't fight you today, I will fight you!" I don’t believe that the concentrated liquid I’m carrying on my body can’t resist a group of mad dogs like you!”

The other party was still growling "Woooooooo", I don't know if this is a deterrent from dogs or a mockery of me.

I gritted my teeth, suppressed my fear, and continued to back away.


With a roar, the dog that almost killed me just now attacked again. I swiped my hand horizontally like a cement block in my hand, and it happened to pass through the dog's abdomen. After all, that transparent dog has weaknesses. It can be seen that although their most terrifying weapon—the teeth, seem to have been strengthened, they have been gradually weakened, and their physique has become much weaker, and their defense ability is really weak. With one swipe, the side of the sharp cement block cut open the dog's abdomen in an instant, and a bloody smell filled the air. The dog let out a wail, fell down, rolled on the ground, and barked "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

"Bastard!" I cursed.

He also cursed at the group of guys in front of him: "Bastards, a bunch of bastards, come on, come again, I will kill you!"

In fact, I know that I can't kill them, they almost tear me apart.

Soon, the dog that I scratched turned over and got up dragging its blood-dripping body, and I knew this guy was not that easy to deal with.

I was once again surrounded by these vicious dogs...

However, at this moment, something that shocked me happened.

The injured dog was about to jump up and bite me, but several other vicious dogs made movements at the same time, and they flew up, but it was not me who was culled, but the injured dog, and soon , There were bursts of wailing from the dogs, and blood and minced meat splashed up——I didn't realize it at first, but I soon realized that it was blood!It is the bloodthirsty nature that attracts these guys. At first they will besiege me, maybe it is also because of the blood on me!

very good!

I turned around and ran without looking back, without stopping a step, I knew that the dog's small body was not enough for these hungry beasts to eat a few times, I must take this opportunity to escape from here!

Three steps and two steps, 10 minutes away, I ran it in four to five minutes.

Huh... the school is just across the road.

I put my hands on my knees and bent down.

The "rejection reaction" finally began to lessen, and my mind became clearer. Maybe I should really thank those vicious dogs. If it weren't for them, I might not be able to recover so quickly.

After resting for a while, I looked around the side of the road.

There were no vehicles, and the entire road was very quiet. Outside the school gate, there were no security guards or school guards, only the empty school gate, and lonely roadside trees on both sides, swaying in the evening wind.

It was cold, unusually cold, and I felt that the air had dropped to freezing point. The dim light of the street lamps on both sides also made me feel strangely strange at this moment.

What the hell is going on here?Could something have happened here?Could it be that this place...has been affected?
I didn't dare to continue to think about it, so I quickened my pace and walked towards the school gate.

The school is also completely silent. The familiar school road, logically speaking, at ten o'clock, there should be many students and couples who are going to study by themselves in the evening, but at this moment, there is nothing here, only a few pieces of waste paper. The wind was flying, and there was a white plastic bag fluttering in the air like a soul-inducing banner.

A feeling of desolation filled every corner.

The dormitory is not far from the gate of the school. I quickened my pace and walked towards the dormitory. After a few minutes, I finally came to the downstairs of the dormitory.

The whole dormitory building was pitch black, but to my surprise, the door of the dormitory was open. The thick glass door was unguarded, but it was opened strangely, as if it was telling me something.

I suddenly felt a little afraid to go in. What is hidden in this darkness, could it easily kill me?I don't know, I don't know anything...

(End of this chapter)

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