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Chapter 27 The Seriously Injured Classmate

Chapter 27 The Seriously Injured Classmate

Inside the dormitory building's half-hidden gate, there were gusts of cold wind, so I had to pull the stolen coat and try to cover my chest to be warmer.

To be honest, I am not feeling very well at this time. On my body, there are the new blood of the vicious dog, and the blood that has been solidified by Mo Ge behind me, and there are sporadically scattered blood from my own wounds. The whole body is sticky and smelly. If it wasn't for the sea breeze in winter, I think walking on the calm road would have attracted people's attention.

Holding the glass door with one hand, I looked up at the deep stairway.

How come I don't usually find the aisle so long, so dark, so eerie?
I stomped my feet, and there was no voice-activated light. It seemed that the light was broken.

I sighed. Although I was afraid, I still had to do what I had decided. I had to go back to the dormitory and get my bank card.

It doesn't matter whether there is anyone in the dormitory - and it doesn't matter whether the people staying in the dormitory are people or ghosts.

I touched the railing of the stairs, and walked upstairs with one foot deep and the other shallow. At this time, I felt my body was light and light, probably because of the dizziness that came up again.My dormitory is on the third floor. Logically speaking, it's not a very long distance, but I feel like I can't finish it no matter how I walk.

When I came to the corner of the corridor on the second floor, there was a sudden loud bang, which almost made me fall down the stairs. Looking around, I realized that the door of the dormitory on the side of the corridor on the second floor was blown by a strong wind for no reason. blown away.

I took a deep breath and glanced quietly into the dark dormitory room.


I hurriedly looked away and said to myself: "No, no, no extra trouble, it's business to find the bank card as soon as possible!"

But the moment I turned my face away, I suddenly saw a large puddle of strange liquid splashed on the wall on one side of the corridor.

In the darkness, the liquid was dark in color, in sharp contrast with the snow-white wall. It was as if a grimace appeared on the wall for no reason, and the slender body of the grimace was connected to the ground all the way.

I couldn't help but reached out and touched the "ghost face". The "ghost face" was already dry. Although I couldn't see the color, I could still tell that it was probably blood.

Such a big pool of blood, if it was left by a person, then that person must be dead.

The school is a pure land, how could anyone go through such a disaster? !

I didn't dare to think about it, so I continued to walk upstairs. I suddenly realized that the more I went up, the more dark liquid fell under my feet. In some places it was a puddle, in some places it was just a few drops. I took out my mobile phone to illuminate it, and took a closer look at what it was, but I was a little scared and conflicted.

I simply closed my eyes, gritted my teeth, and said to myself: "Don't worry about anything, whether it's a haunted house or a cemetery, just grab your things and leave!"

I took three steps at a time, almost bouncing up to the third floor. The corridor on the third floor was also quiet. My room was almost in the middle of the corridor. I took a deep breath and walked towards my goal without looking sideways. I almost counted my steps and came to the door of the dormitory, but the door of the dormitory was closed tightly. Some of the doors of the dormitory were closed, and some were opened. It was very irregular, but I didn't understand why I was so unlucky. The door is tightly closed.

Couldn't God arrange a luckier encounter for me? !
Can't handle that much anymore!
I took a step back, ran up, jumped, and kicked.

Boom!With a violent crash, I kicked the entire wooden door out, and it fell to the ground with a "slap".

I was a little surprised, not to mention anything else, just from the point of kicking the door, my strength has really increased by more than a star and a half.I remember I also kicked this door when I was a freshman. At that time, our dormitory used an induction cooker to cook supper. Because it was summer, the dormitory was very hot, and the brothers ran to the corridor to enjoy the cool. Who would have thought of the evening breeze? As soon as we blew, the door was closed directly. In desperation, we decided to kick the door and go back to the dormitory. In the end, we kicked the door alone, and only broke the lock. In the end, the whole dormitory gave us a demerit.

Compared with the power of the day, the current strength is simply as bad as heaven.

I quickly dodged into the dormitory.

In the dormitory, the smell of blood was very strong. Looking around, I could only see stains on the cabinets, the floor, and even the beds.

I reached out and touched it, and found that the blood in this place was still wet.

Here, what the hell is going on? !My friends, my teachers, my classmates, the campus I once loved, every inch of land I am familiar with, what happened here? !Could it be that this time God is determined to deprive us of everything?

I opened the drawer and rummaged inside for a while, but the drawer suddenly collapsed—the drawer had already been cracked, but the wooden door of the cabinet below barely supported it. When I pulled it, it lost its support The drawer shattered and fell to the ground with a loud crash. I had to turn on the flashlight that came with my phone and rummaged on the ground—the drawer fell into a pool of blood. Sure enough, I didn’t know that the room was humid and hot. The reason is something else. Although the blood here is already thick, it is not completely dry.I couldn't help but slowly followed the bloodstains, and suddenly, I found that in the corner of the dormitory, there was a person curled up with a shivering person.

He is still alive!

I hurriedly scanned it with a flashlight, but what I saw was a face covered in blood.

Horror spread across the face of the curled up person, but that person seemed to be completely powerless, and he didn't even have a chance to shout and resist.

Just now, he just stared at me silently, staring at me as an "uninvited guest", I could even feel his fear.

How much blood has he shed from the blood on the stairs to here?I don't know, all I know is that he may not be dying.

" are..." I'm sure he's human.

He seemed to see me clearly through the light of my phone, and his eyes widened: "Tingsheng... Tingsheng..."

When I heard him call my name, I couldn't help being stunned, and hurriedly crawled to his side.

"It's you! How could it be you! How could Wang Bin be you!" I finally recognized his face behind the sticky blood.

That face should have been delicate and delicate.

What kind of person is Wang Bin?

In my mind, I pictured an image of a fair, quiet, taciturn and somewhat shy boy.He walks alone in class and after school, and eats alone. Usually, he wants to actively participate in the activities among our classmates, but he is always out of place.Over time, everyone gradually forgot about him, and sometimes no one even remembered him when he didn't go to class.

Unless the teacher rolls the roll, everyone suddenly realizes: Oh!Wang Bin didn't come.

Often at this time, he is sick.

His grades are very good, but his learning efficiency can be said to be half the result with twice the effort. No one will study like him in college.

He must be the one who studies the hardest, but not the one with the best grades.

He is silent and ordinary, forgotten and overwhelmed in the crowd.

Perhaps, many people have such a person around them, and many people have forgotten such a person when they were students.

But now, this kind man appeared in front of me covered in blood. He never harmed anyone, but his fate was so unfair.

"How did this happen?! How did you do this?! Tell me!" I said loudly.

"I..." He moved his lips and said, "I... I don't know, when I woke up, no one was there, the power went out in the room, there was no one, no one in the whole building... There was no one in the school. I ran downstairs and they were, actually, fighting, shooting... I saw, I saw monsters, it was scary, I thought, I thought I was dreaming. I..."

"How are you, where are you hurt?"

"I was... I was hit by a bullet..."

"What?! Bullets?!"

"They...they are all crazy. Those soldiers and monsters are shooting desperately, desperately...I have been shot in the legs and stomach...I, Ting Sheng, am I about to die?"

"No! I'll take you out! I'll carry you out, they're all gone, and there's no one below." I said, "I'll take you to the hospital right away."

"Okay... Thank you, Ting Sheng, save me, I don't want to die." He begged.

"I won't let you die! Wang Bin, listen, hold on, man, isn't it just a few bullets?!" I said.

"Okay, I... I will try my best..."

His voice was getting deeper and deeper, and I knew that time was running out, so I quickly tried to find a way to recite him.

At this time, I remembered that I had no money, and if I went to a hospital in a peaceful city, they would still have to charge for medical expenses.

I was sure that the bank card was still in the pile of sundries on the ground. For a while, I couldn't care about it so much. I lowered my body, picked up the wood chips and sundries on the ground, wrapped them in my clothes, and supported the king with one hand. Bin staggered towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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