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Chapter 284 From today onwards, I am your woman

Chapter 284 From today onwards, I am your woman

I shook my head, but I didn't know what to say, yes, we are monsters, we are not human beings at all, we are war machines at full power.The government army, after the war, may be able to be awarded honors as meritorious officials. Even if they die, their family members can get a pension. What do we have? I still don’t know if my family members are still alive, and my family members Well, they probably already accepted the fact of my death.

In the future, we will only become a group of blind people without status, and those who died in battle will be lucky, and if we can survive, we may be even more unfortunate, because we will not get any protection, we have nothing, No one will remember us, no one will tell us what we should do.

"You should understand." Lin Wan looked at me and said, "If you still don't understand..."

"You..." I was about to speak.

Lin Wan had already lifted her long hair, revealing the other half of her face.

I was stunned, followed by a burst of indescribable sadness.

I saw that half of Lin Wan's face was covered with red blood, and some parts were even red and black. Her originally fair and beautiful face had an indescribable strangeness and horror at this moment, and the whites of her eyes had also become It was blood red, and the black pupils could hardly see clearly.

"Did you see it?" Lin Wan said coldly, "Have you seen clearly what I have become? You said you like me, would you like me like this?"

My heart trembled, and then I walked forward slowly.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Wan was obviously surprised by my actions.

I didn't speak, I knew that I didn't need to speak at this moment, what I said would be powerless, now Lin Wan is very powerful, she doesn't need any comfort, she can even kill the infected person to ashes with a wave of her hand, she will She is no longer the female researcher who dragged the team back, she is even stronger than any soldier of the resistance organization; but now Lin Wan is also very fragile, and her fragile heart may shatter to the ground if touched.

So, I didn't say anything, just walked up slowly.

"What are you doing here?!" Lin Wan seemed a little annoyed, and suddenly raised her hand. Immediately, I felt a force tugging at my whole body, making me take a hard step back, almost falling down.

But I quickly stabilized my figure and continued to walk forward.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Lin Wan yelled again, waved again, and I was "bounced" out again, my whole body was pulled and hurt, I fell to the ground and rolled several times, Only barely stood up.

I still didn't stop, and continued to lean towards Lin Wan.

This time, Lin Wan raised her hand again, but her hand froze in the air. I walked towards her step by step. She didn't use her "ability" any more, and she didn't push me out. I came to her In front of her, staring at her, staring at her face, that bloodshot face that looked like it was full of scars.

"What are you going to do? What can you do, nothing you can do..."

Before Lin Wan finished speaking, I had already hugged him tightly. Lin Wan struggled a little, but I didn't give her any chance to resist, and kissed her lips directly. I don't know where I came from Courage, don't know why I even thought of doing it, I just did it...

I felt Lin Wan trembling, but soon, she gradually relaxed, and after a while, she stretched out her hand to caress the back of my neck, but her other hand tightly grabbed my arm, and I felt no pain , I only feel Lin Wan's temperature, her lips, everything about her, maybe I have waited too long for this kiss, but I didn't expect that I would kiss the goddess when she becomes ugliest She, perhaps the reason why she liked Lin Wan at the beginning was indeed only because of her appearance, she was beautiful, she was refined, and she transcended everything, but now, I found that everything was not like this, my feelings for Lin Wan were no longer that This naive and simple feeling, I don't know when it started, it made me secretly make a certain kind of determination.

A few minutes later, Lin Wan gently pushed me away.

She stared at me, still wrapped her arms around the back of my neck with one hand, and held my hand tightly with the other.

"Why are you? Don't you feel disgusted? A heterogeneous, inhuman existence." She said.

"You, that's you." I said, "I just want you to know that maybe I'm not qualified to like you, but you're not unqualified to be liked."

"You're an idiot!" Lin Wan pinched her hands even harder, "You've been so stupid since college, you knew I wouldn't look at you more, but you still gave in silently, do you have the need? What am I? Am I that good? I really don’t understand you! What do you want? I used to think you just thought I was... good-looking, but now I’ve become like this, what on earth are you for? You said... I have been using you all the time, but you are still determined... If I had known that everything would turn out like this today, I might as well have just died!"

"I'm sorry..." I was silent for a long time, and said, "Unexpectedly, what I did would have the opposite effect, and it would make you think so..."

Lin Wan was already a little incoherent, but I just felt sad and distressed.

"You are such a fool! What the hell do you know, and what is in your head?" Lin Wan suddenly raised her hand and punched me in the chest. The punch was not heavy, and I was still standing upright.

But she suddenly threw herself on me and hugged me even tighter. I was stunned and at a loss for a moment.

"You can't understand what I said at all. You are too stupid emotionally." Lin Wan's voice was a little sad, "If there is no such battle, what are you going to do? Are you going to keep me waiting? You Are you going to keep giving silently like this?"

"I...Didn't I say it..." I tremblingly said, "That day, I planned, I planned to confess my love to you, who knows what will happen to me..."

"Then if you heard my friend's voice that day and thought it was mine, what would you do, would you leave me?" Lin Wan suddenly said again.

"I...I don't know."

"If I tell you that I am a dirty woman, I am not as good as you think. Not only am I dirty, but I am also very scheming. I have been using you, coaxing you, hurting you, and even wanted to kill you. Do you still want me? Will you still like me?" Lin Wan said again.


"Why did you answer so simply?!" Lin Wan said.

"You can call me stupid, say I'm stupid," I said, "but what I think is that simple, if you really do those things, I will be sad, I will even hate, but I know very well that I still Like, still love, no matter whether I have the qualifications, I can't fool myself, no matter whether I have the opportunity, I can't fool myself, no matter what you do, I can't fool myself...Really, in fact, I am that simple..." I coughed dryly, not because I was nervous, but because I felt something choked in my heart was suddenly vomited out, and I felt a little relieved.

" idiot." Lin Wan raised her hand, put it on my chest, and said, "Do you think that we are all dying people, and no matter what we say, we don't have to be responsible?"

"I will take charge."

Lin Wan was silent for a moment, then said, "Will you be responsible?"

"I can."

"Will you be responsible no matter how painful it is?" she asked again.

"I will!" I said loudly, "I said I would!"

"Whatever I am?" she added.

"I like you just because you are you! Why don't you believe me!" I said again.

"Okay, remember your words, if one day you suffer from pain, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance!" Lin Wan suddenly stretched out her hand and pressed my chest. Suddenly, a black mist gathered and poured out my chest. Going in, it seems to have entered my flesh and subcutaneous tissue. For a moment, I felt that strange throbbing again, just like the last time when I was poured into my body by black flesh and blood.

But this time, I didn't resist or panic.

"Don't move." Lin Wan said, "Don't worry about what I did to you. Remember, I won't hurt you. From today on, I, Lin Wan, will be your woman until I die..."

(End of this chapter)

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