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Chapter 285 Meeting the War Knight Again

Chapter 285 Meeting the War Knight Again
There are some things in this world that I just can’t tell whether it’s luck or misfortune. Lin Wan’s words came too suddenly, even more shocking than her deep blood-red eyes that were still shining in front of me and staring at me closely. I felt tremors, and my body seemed to be unable to move, only the place where her fingers brushed kept causing waves of inexplicable throbbing.

I don't know how my body is changing, I just silently believed Lin Wan's words "I am your woman, I will never harm you", so at this time, even if my body is in severe pain Incomparable or any changes that I can't accept at all, I will definitely not move, I will definitely hold back everything, I will definitely not say anything, and I will not do anything.

The throbbing power bloomed in my body like flowing water and spread everywhere. I turned on the phone and pressed the white light in an instant, flickering.

My expression must have changed a bit.

Lin Wan seemed to notice this very quickly, and asked, "Did you see something?"

I was stunned, and after a while, I slowly said: "I... yes, I saw one, a white light spot... on the ticket."

"Can you try to communicate with him." Lin Wan actually said such a sentence.

"There is no way..." I said, "He will transmit some image information to me, but I can't understand the 'text' information. They are all symbols that are difficult to decode. I am not a computer, so I can't convert them..."

"Sure enough..." Lin Wan said, "He's already trying to communicate with you, but you can't communicate with him."

"What do you mean?" I trembled slightly.

"Don't move!" Lin Wan steadied my body and said, "Just tell me where the light spot is and what it's doing."

"I don't know what he's doing, but I can feel where he is, right now he's under the left rib, just on the head, and he's the right arm, diagonally upwards..."

I saw Lin Wan nodding, but I just seemed to see her nodding, I was not sure, because Lin Wan's appearance was also a little blurry, at this moment, my eyes seemed to be covered with a milky white veil , only the white spot of light is the clearest, but also the most unpredictable.I knew where he was, but not so much because I saw him there, more like a message that was implanted directly in my brain, that's all.

I have been standing silently, following the spread of a certain "throbbing" in my body, and the white light spot also circulated almost everywhere in my body, and then slowly stopped and flew slowly, as if returning to my body. His chest gradually faded, but at the same time as he faded, the world around him became clearer. I saw the outline of Lin Wan clearly again. She had a serious expression, and the dark red blood on her face seemed to be beating. The corner of his mouth moved slightly, and he said, "Aren't you afraid of him?"

"Afraid? Afraid of what? You mean, what am I afraid of?" I asked in a daze.

"That white light spot, he seems to have been following you for not a day or two." Lin Wan said, "Maybe...after I injected you with this so-called 'strongest concentrate', this guy has already begun to conceive, It's just that we didn't realize his existence."

"What the hell is he? What exactly is he going to do? What kind of information is he going to send me?" I said with a frown.

"Judging from his current direction," Lin Wan said after a moment of silence, "he is helping you reshape your body."

"Remodeling? What do you mean?" I froze.

"I have sensed that there are alien species hidden in your body a long time ago, but I am not sure what is going on. Just now I slowly injected some processed virus bodies into your body through synchronous action. I wanted to see your rejection. How big the reaction will be, so I am afraid that you will feel pain, but now it seems that there is nothing at all..." Lin Wan said, "That's why I asked you what that white light spot is doing in your body, according to what you just said Speaking of which, combined with the location of the virions I injected into your body, this light spot is 'deep processing' those virions, making them adapt to your body, and at the same time allowing your body to accept those things... this, I It's also very weird…”

"Is that thing helping me?"

"Maybe it's helping you." Lin Wan said, "but I don't know his ultimate purpose. It's not a good thing to hide such a thing in your body after all."

"Should I try to repel or expel him?" I asked with a frown.

"It's not necessary for now, don't even talk about it." Lin Wan said.


"Just because you can't decode his message doesn't mean he can't decode your message and thoughts. You should pay attention." Lin Wan said.

I suddenly had a very uncomfortable feeling. It turned out that my life and thoughts were being monitored by something, and everything could be seen at a glance. For a moment, I felt very insecure, as if I had been pinched by someone. You can put me together at any time, and you can even decide my life or death in an instant at any time.

Lin Wan seemed to see my thoughts, patted my shoulder and said, "Don't worry too much, I'm here."

"I shouldn't tell you this kind of thing..."

I was a little embarrassed, just about to argue, unexpectedly, a roar came from not far away, Lin Wan seemed to feel something at the moment, and suddenly stretched out her hand to push me, because she has the ability to control viruses simultaneously, my body I was pulled out by a force in an instant, flew back, and flew far away. At the same time, a flame shot from between me and Lin Wan, and exploded in the bushes beside me, and a puff of black smoke scattered in all directions. .At the same time, two black shadows flew down from the sky. I just wanted to stabilize my body and fight, but another burst of flames shot from my side, and I quickly lowered myself and retreated again.

Not far away, Lin Wan strode forward and waved her hand violently. The two black figures that swooped down were immediately surrounded by black mist, lost their combat power in a moment, and fell straight down.

But this time, the flames hit Lin Wan's direction, I was shocked, Lin Wan flew to dodge, but still ran out due to the heat wave caused by the flame explosion, rolled on the ground, barely stood up.


I quickly ran to Lin Wan, and at the same time, not far away, I saw a slightly familiar figure.

One man and one horse.

The horse's skin is transparent, blood vessels and internal organs are clearly visible, and the whole body is indescribably weird, while the man's body is covered with sarcoma, mixed with bloody muscles and bone spurs protruding from the body. When he arrived, there seemed to be more sarcoma on his body than the last time I saw it, and there were flames moving inside the sarcoma, as if each sarcoma was the kind of oily air bag on the back of a fire-eater .

That guy was still wearing a large black robe, with indescribable majesty and terror all over his body.

War Knight, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

"He chased me here." Lin Wan said, "I don't need to lie to you, I originally wanted to bring the flames of war to this base, but I didn't expect you to be here... Now you can also choose Lead him to the base, or fight him right here."

"I don't run away." I took a deep breath, stood still, and said, "From the day you left to now, I have never run away from a fight."

"You have never changed. You always think about others more than yourself." Lin Wan said, "Okay, I hope you don't regret it."

I didn't say anything, just clenched my fists.

The war knight started galloping when he was tens of meters away from us, and he had already rushed in front of us in an instant. His target was Lin Wan, but I stood in front of Lin Wan. The moment I trampled Lin Wan to death in the air, I punched the horse's stomach violently, and I felt a burst of fiery hot liquid splash out, and my fist actually hit the horse's stomach vividly. I could even feel the excited cardiovascular system in the chest and abdominal cavity. Then, I instinctively turned my fist over and over again. I felt an inexplicable force spreading around the fist, as if it was an air current. With a bang, the horse in front of me was shattered by me in an instant, with blood splattered, blood mist filling the air, and viscera flying everywhere.

The guy on the horse jumped sharply, jumped several meters backwards, and managed to stand still on one knee.

"Very strong..." he hissed in simple words.

I ignored it and charged forward. The guy waved his hands and stretched out. There was a flash of light between the tumors on his body, and a burst of flames burst out in front of him. It spewed out, and my whole body was thrown out, but in mid-air, my body seemed to be caught by something, and I was sent to the ground steadily.

Only then did I realize that Lin Wan on the side was raising her hand and let out a long breath.

Lin Wan used her ability to catch me.

I suddenly gained some confidence, and the war knight turned around and attacked Lin Wan. He reached out and pulled off a piece of arm bone from his shoulder. Seeing that the flaming sword was about to fall on top of Lin Wan's head.

Without even thinking about it, I flew forward and grabbed the cement block not far in front of me, and threw it towards the war knight. The cement block was more powerful than I thought.

With the sound of "Dang", the war knight was actually staggered by me, and he retreated a few steps to the side, but the flame sword he raised failed to fall.

I saw the time and sprinted again, took out the fighting posture of a little hooligan, directly grabbed the cement blocks and bricks on the ground, used local materials, and went straight to the head of the war knight, and Lin Wan also moved backwards under my cover Retreat and try to distance yourself from the war knight.

(End of this chapter)

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