global variation

Chapter 286 The power of terror

Chapter 286 The power of terror
The knight of war did not stand still, and the weapon I picked up locally had already reached the top of his head, and he did not show weakness. He blocked the bone sword with flames, and with a bang, the thing in my hand naturally Smash, and I was shocked back a few steps, this guy's body temperature is too high, even if I have more physical and strength than him, it is difficult to resist his ability similar to elemental control.

Afterwards, I tried to get closer to the War Knight several times, but he started to keep a distance from me after being wise, and sprayed flames at me and Lin Wan from a long distance. , and from time to time can suddenly change a certain part of his body into a weapon, and burn his own blood into a weapon.

After a while, the flame in that guy's hand turned into a long whip, and it came directly towards me. At that time, the distance between me and him was at least ten meters, and there was no way to directly cause damage to him, and when the long whip attacked Lin Wan couldn't raise his hand to help, so I could only keep dodging, and finally got into a side alley with Lin Wan.

"The viruses in the flames are all dead." Lin Wan said, "I can't form a synergy with them."

I nodded and said, "Then I can only force it..."

After a while, the war knight rushed to us not far away again, and the long whip became a spear, still carrying a raging fire.

I jumped in front of Lin Wan.

"what are you doing?"

"I don't have the ability to heal, I'll fight him!" I shouted.

"Fool! That flame can kill the Ebola virus, your healing power comes from the concentrated liquid and Ebola...that's..." I knew that Lin Wan wanted to dissuade me, but I sprinted ahead before listening to her persuasion And above, the spear came straight at me, I swayed left and right to avoid several attacks, the war knight stretched out his hands, and poured a stream of corrosive hot oil from the tumor, I rolled to the bushes I barely avoided the hot oil, and then rolled to the front of the war knight not far away, but the guy roared wildly, and a burst of flames burst out from his body, but this time, I didn't dodge.

This kind of flaming action is obviously a bluff, the flame is not too hot, and the barrier formed is like a thin curtain. I passed through the middle of the curtain and jumped in front of that guy. The guy obviously didn't expect I was so bold, the spear in my hand immediately pierced towards the top of my head with flames, I dodged sideways, rolled over again, and circled him, while the flames around the war knight burned more and more intensely, almost completely enveloping myself in it, The sarcoma all over his body continued to swell and even cracked, and thick hot oil sprayed out. There seemed to be very special chemical substances in the hot oil, which could burn in the air at any time. My body was immediately burnt red.

At this time, Lin Wan couldn't help me either. The entire war knight had completely turned into a ball of fire, but his body was full of dead Ebola virus. This guy was like a crematorium for Ebola virus. Every time he burns, he releases a fireball that wraps the corpse, and the fireball grazes my skin, and the burning pain is beyond my imagination.

The pain seems to involve the whole body, not just the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and even internal organs, every part is affected.I finally understood what Lin Wan was worried about. This flame can burn the Ebola virus to death, and now the Ebola virus has formed a whole in my body, and it affects the whole body, so even a small piece of the Ebola virus is dead. , will also bring extremely serious damage to my body.

Moreover, going on like this is not good for me, my body is being eroded by the flames little by little.

I can't help but also a little scared.

However, at this moment, I saw that white spot again. When I saw him for the first time, I was a little repelled, but soon I remembered what Lin Wan said, so I had no choice but to accept his appearance. I saw this guy moving slowly, like a brush, blurring my world all of a sudden, but my body was still moving around instinctively, circling with that damned war knight.

But at this moment, I suddenly noticed that something strange appeared on my arm and back. When I saw all this clearly, I found that it was a layer of black horny. The black horniness was like the layer that appeared on Lin Wan's arm when he just killed the winged man that day.But this cuticle doesn't seem so rough. This layer of cuticle is very regularly laid out on my arms, chest and neck, and of course my back. Although I can't see it in some places, I can feel it.

At the same time, my body no longer seemed to feel the heat.

I was a little puzzled, a little stunned, but in the middle of the battle, if I think about it, I will lose the opportunity.

I roared and rushed forward, the flames hit me again, but this time, I was really no longer afraid of the flames, those flames scattered on their own when they touched my already black skin Turning on and off, I gritted my teeth, clenched my fists, and jumped up. The war knight was obviously a little surprised.

There was a slight change in his facial features, which were almost blurred by the tumors, and I knew that change represented panic.

He swung his sword to resist, and my punch directly shattered his bone sword, spear, and flames, and at the same time penetrated all his defenses, hitting him directly in the chest. The person was sent flying by me, and that guy was tumbling in the air, and fell to the ground like a huge meteorite, with bursts of black smoke spewing up all around, and there were ashes and debris everywhere.

I continued to catch up, and the war knight struggled to stand up. I turned around and kicked sideways.

The war knight raised his hand to resist, but was kicked by me and staggered.

My strengths are stamina, strength and oppressive attacks. I can't keep a distance from this guy, otherwise who knows what he will do. Thinking of this, I quickly punched and kicked. There is no routine at all, just speed Very quickly, I mobilized all the power in my body, even every cell-whether it was human cells or Ebola's ability.

I believe this is the fastest I have ever punched and kicked, and the speed of this attack is beyond my control.

The guy in front of him can only step back step by step. The two greatest abilities of the war knight are to destroy the defense system, the electromagnetic signal device and manipulate the flame. When all these are useless and his war horse is broken , then he is nothing more than a piece of trash.

After a while, the war knight had pushed to the base not far away, and the flames around him became smaller and weaker.

I still haven't stopped attacking, I think I will never stop until the last lesson.

This battle obviously attracted a lot of onlookers, and soon, many soldiers with live ammunition rushed out from the government army base, and there were officers commanding them. They should have suffered from the flame war knights, so one by one None of them stepped forward, but pointed their guns at this side from a distance. While I was attacking, I also saw all this in my eyes.

I also found that Lin Wan also walked forward slowly, raising her hand. I found that one of her hands was facing the direction of the government army, and the other was pointing at the war knight and me.

She is doing double insurance, she has always been like this, and she doesn't trust anyone.

The war knight has been completely suppressed by me. He may know that his life is not long, but at this moment he wanted to take a back. He suddenly turned around and stepped back a few steps when I was punching. A flame shot towards the government army. Jetting in the direction, those people didn't have time to take precautions, and they seemed to be a little dazed. In an instant, the two soldiers in the front immediately turned into black skeletons, and they didn't even roar.

At the same time, scattered government soldiers began to shoot at the war knights.

The guns and weapons of the government army are quite advanced, and the war knight began to be overwhelmed after a few shots, but it was also because of the suppression of firepower that I couldn't continue to approach the war knight to attack.

"This group of mediocre people!" Lin Wan cursed secretly, and suddenly waved her hand. The leading government soldier staggered and bumped into the soldiers behind him. Lin Wan waved again, but after a few times, the group of government soldiers The team immediately collapsed, and no one dared to shoot again.At this time, the war knight was so overwhelmed by the vitality that he couldn't lift his head. I rushed up, kicked the guy to the ground, raised my hand and grabbed his flesh and flames, and pulled it hard. Suddenly, a wave The special hot oil splashed together with the blood. One of my pictures was corroded by the hot oil, but my body, which had turned black, was fine.

I punched that guy again on the "face". The guy roared and his whole body went limp.

The war knight has completely lost its combat effectiveness and is at the mercy of others.

I gritted my teeth and raised my fist again. Who knew that at this moment, the war knight who was restrained by me suddenly spoke, the voice was still hoarse and terrifying: " are the same as us..."

"what are you saying……"

"You... no, you are different..." the guy said again, "Why are you doing this, what is your purpose?"

I froze for a moment, and said, "Shouldn't I ask you this sentence?!"

"What do you want?!" the guy spoke again.

I was restless for a while, and for a moment, it seemed that there was some special information urging my brain to work, which affected my mood. I let out a low growl and said, "Stop talking nonsense, farewell!"

After finishing speaking, I punched that guy's head again, a burst of flames burst between my black arms and palms, and the war knight's head instantly turned into fly ash.

(End of this chapter)

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