Chapter 287

The flames gradually extinguished, and the blood began to dry up quickly. The body that the war knight didn't reveal suddenly seemed to be weathered.

I froze for a moment, I have never seen any infected person fall apart after death, I have only seen them slowly turning into a pool of blood instead of quickly turning into powder.

At this moment, Lin Wan stepped forward and said, "This guy is covered in flames all over his body. Once the whole body loses its biological functions, the surviving Ebola virus hidden in it will die quickly and in large numbers. You killed the war knight!" , for the Ebola virus group in the body of the war knight, it is basically a disaster..."

I nodded slightly.

Lin Wan wanted to say something, but suddenly, her expression changed completely.

"and many more!"

I was also stunned, looked at Lin Wan, stared and asked, "What's wrong?!"

"Those ones……"

In a trance, I found that there were clusters of black mist spreading around. Those black mist should be formed by the virus in the body of the disintegrated war knights. However, these black mist not only did not spread around, at this moment, but Gathering towards my body, I almost stood up in fright, but there seemed to be a force strangling me, and I saw some very strange changes in the black skin on the back of my hand. At the same time, I felt that bright white light emerging near my lower left arm, I could see and feel it.

"What are you..." I couldn't help but speak.

Of course, no one will answer me, and that little spot of light is even more impossible.

At this time, I felt bursts of hotness blooming on my arms. Although the hotness didn't make me feel particularly uncomfortable, it really made me feel a little overwhelmed. Between the skin, there was a lava-like liquid flowing faintly, shining golden fire, I widened my eyes, a bit in disbelief.

Suddenly, I felt an indescribable throbbing, and then I waved my hand. In an instant, a hot flame spread out in front of me. The flame formed a ring in mid-air, and spread outward little by little. Dissipates in the air.

"You have absorbed the ability of the war knight..." Lin Wan said with a glare.

I glanced at Lin Wan, still a little terrified.

"What kind of energy is this..." Someone was talking.

"What is he doing..." There was a lot of discussion.

"Chu...that's Chu Tingsheng, that Chief Chu? How could he..." The soldiers beside him have already started talking one by one, they seem to have forgotten who rescued him just now They all started to step back step by step, as if I had become an out-and-out monster in their eyes.

"That woman, that woman also..." Someone focused on Lin Wan.

"How could Chu Tingsheng be with an infected person..."

Those people might have seen Lin Wan's side of cheek.

"Look at Chu Tingsheng's body, he is a monster at all, he is not human!" Those people said more and more ugly.

But my body began to recover, the black skin on my arms began to fade, and the lava-like flames began to extinguish. Those things seemed to slowly merge with my skin and be assimilated by my body, but After a few minutes, my body returned to its original state without any change. I looked back at Lin Wan, who was also full of surprise. It seemed that even she couldn't understand this matter.

At the same time, I heard the sound of the gun being loaded.

I was startled suddenly, and when I raised my eyes, I saw that under the command of the officer who dealt with the prison rebel organization's killer incident before, everyone pointed their guns at Lin Wan and me.

Without thinking about it, I directly pulled Lin Wan to my side, hugged her tightly, and then stared at the soldiers.

The group of government soldiers immediately formed a circle, surrounding Lin Wan and me, with no intention of raising their guns.

"What are you doing?! Don't know who I am?" I yelled.

"Chu Tingsheng, you hide very well." The officer said coldly.

"What do you mean?!" In fact, I understand what they mean, just like what Lin Wan said, people who are not of my race must have different hearts, and everyone will be punished if they get it. At this moment, we are different from ordinary human beings, and they will definitely It seems to be the instinct of human beings to treat us as different. If I were replaced by me in the past, I would probably deal with them in the same way. I understand them, but I also want to survive, and I also have the instinct to survive. I must not die at the hands of these guys , and will definitely not die in their hands.

"Hmph! You know what you mean." The officer shouted, "Get ready to shoot!"

His voice was still there, but Lin Wan suddenly turned around and rushed out of my arms. With a wave of her hand, the bodies of several government soldiers flew away sideways screaming. The soldiers in the army were in chaos because they had never seen this situation before, and none of them knew whether to shoot or turn around and run away. When I saw this scene, my hands vibrated instinctively, and then, another biochemical wave appeared on my arm. There is a layer of black skin, and the flames are shining between the cracks in the skin. I suddenly screamed, and my arm shook violently, and another burst of flames spread out in all directions, with violent hot wind.

The hot wind forced the soldiers on the side to step back one by one, and some even fell to the ground.

And I saw the right moment, and pulled Lin Wan out of the gap in the encirclement.

"Don't run!" The officer didn't seem to be too affected, and shouted sharply behind him.

Lin Wan turned around while running, and made a move with one hand. When I looked back, I saw the officer's body retreating sharply, and then fell headfirst.

I also waved my hand sideways, and pulled out a flame on the ground. The flame was like a curtain, galloping on the ground to form a barrier. I know this barrier is nothing to modern weapons, but it is enough to disrupt them. The situation, let them stop.

Lin Wan and I ran wildly all the way, and we didn't know how far we ran before we stopped slowly.

At this time, I realized that we seem to have run out of Guangzhou City, or the living area of ​​Guangzhou.

Lin Wan and I entered the mountain forest. Although there are no real deep mountains and old forests nearby, due to the war and infection, the suburbs here are particularly cold and desolate. The only life that appears is those infected animals or humans.

We slowed down, Lin Wan took a long breath, turned to look at me, and said, "How is it, what does it feel like to be treated as a different kind?"

I froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that this feeling seemed to be exactly what Lin Wan had endured these years. I couldn't help but feel a little sad, but then I thought about the same thing now, but I felt a little more at ease. After all, at this time, I can already stand with Lin Wan without any scruples.

I don't have to worry about anything anymore.

"It feels... at least for now, it's good." I said.

"Okay?" Lin Wan looked at me suspiciously.

"At least we're the same." I said, "At least now I've been abandoned, and I don't have to worry about those so-called friendships, the so-called fellowship, hehe..."

"Before, you just didn't have the courage..."

I froze for a moment, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

"I can understand you." Lin Wan said, "For some things, it is impossible to make up your mind unless you are in a specific position."

"Where are you going next?" I asked involuntarily.

Lin Wan shook her head and said, "I don't know, I could have found a place to die, but I came back just to prove the things in my heart."

"Now you have evidence," I said.

"I have already figured out everything I wanted to know before," Lin Wan said, "but there have been more things that I didn't understand."

"Hehe..." I smiled lightly, and continued to walk forward slowly. At this time, I actually felt very relaxed. I haven't felt this way for a long time. "I probably understand..."

"And you, what are you going to do?"

"I... still have a lot to do." I turned around and looked at the city of Guangzhou not far away.

Lin Wan seemed to see something, frowned and said, "You still want to help them and save them?"

"I'm trying to save myself," I said.

"Then what are you going to do next and where are you going?" Lin Wan asked.

I said, "I'm going to find someone to reveal the most important thing. Once that thing is solved, everything can be solved easily."

"Really?" Lin Wan raised her eyebrows, as if she was very interested in what I said.

I smiled and spit out two words lightly: "Xie Chun."

Lin Wan was stunned, stopped in her tracks, turned around, looked at me, and said, "Who are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about... Xie Chun." I let out a long breath and said, "Xie Chun, your father is an old friend, and he holds the most important information in his hand."

"We all know this kind of thing." Lin Wan said, "Everyone knows that Xie Chun has the most important research materials, and everyone knows that Xie Chun is dead...but no one knows where those research materials are."

"In his daughter's head," I said.

"Xie Chun's daughter?"

"Yes, Qiqi has the key to unlock everything in his mind," I said, "As long as we unlock the password, we may be able to get first-hand information. Also, I have already contacted Liang Yue."

"You, Liang Yue was also photographed..." Lin Wan's expression was even more surprised.

I nodded and said, "Yes. I have already made an agreement with him to combine Xie Chun's information with his research results to get the final answer."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lin Wan said suddenly, which made me feel a little uneasy. She should know something, but she probably doesn't know what kind of secret is hidden behind this. do not know either.

(End of this chapter)

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