Chapter 288
"I...definitely, now that we have come to this point, we have no other choice." I said.

Lin Wan was silent for a while, then nodded, and said, "Since this is the case, it seems that I can only risk my life to accompany the gentleman."

"You don't need to get involved." I said, "I can completely solve this matter myself."

Lin Wan didn't speak. We walked together for a while before she slowly raised her head and said, "I'm just very interested in this matter."

I know that she is duplicity, but I don't know how to respond to her at this time. The decision she made cannot be changed after all.

Before I knew it, it was already dark. In fact, what I want to ask Lin Wan the most at this time is how she survived, what happened to her, and why she became like this, but I don’t know how to open my mouth. In that desolation, there was even a slight stench in the air. We walked slowly, not knowing where we were going. After a while, Lin Wan broke the silence again and said, "Where are you going to find Xie Chun?" daughter."

"She's at the base." I said, "We have to go back to downtown Guangzhou, and then we'll just bring that little girl out. She trusts me and shouldn't be wary of me."

"What about the others?"

"They're probably no match for either of us," I said.

"When did you become so heartless." Lin Wan asked, "Aren't you always kind?"

"Me? Mercy?" I shook my head and said, "I don't know when I stopped believing in this word, maybe it's just because those people have never been kind to me."

"Hehe..." Lin Wan looked up at the sky. After a while, she suddenly turned around and hugged me from the front. I was stunned and didn't know why she did this suddenly. After a while, she slowly said again: " You never thought that this time, I might be using you too?"

"I thought about it..." I said, "No, it should be said, in fact, I have always known that maybe you will use me, maybe you are close to me, just because of my so-called value, but for me, because What do you do, as long as I am willing, I don’t have too many other ideas, just use it... As long as I can accept it, what is the use? Even if you kill me, so what?”

"If it's not that I can't kill you, maybe I will really kill you?" Lin Wan and I were very close, under the moonlight and starlight, her eyes were a little blurred.

I looked at Lin Wan, she was still so unpredictable, after a while, I said: "Okay, then I should die."

"You, damn it?"

"Well, that's also my own choice, shouldn't I deserve to die?" I smiled and said, "Actually, I have lived enough. If it weren't for the support of some so-called beliefs, I would have died too. If it wasn't for you With the concentrated solution injected into my body, I might die before participating in this battle. My life, you can also say, was given by you, so why should I resent it?"

"You are so calm with me, but you are not calm with yourself at all." The corner of Lin Wan's mouth twitched suddenly.

I did not speak.

Maybe she's right.

"Do you still remember that before I left you, I said to you in despair, why did you abandon me when I never hurt you?" Lin Wan said.

I nodded and said, "Of course I remember..." Of course I remember the scene that day. Although I only saw a piece of blood flying everywhere that day, I could clearly hear it and clearly write down every word they said. In a word.I can even remember the rhythmic gunfire that day, especially the sound of the sniper rifle exploding when Zhang Ziyang shot Lin Wan. That kind of sound, even now, often appears in my dreams.

Those bastards who resisted the organization also became the enemy buried deep in my heart from that moment on.

At this time, I couldn't help thinking secretly: I haven't seen Zhang Ziyang and the others for a long time. When Zhang Chu appeared last time, Zhang Ziyang didn't seem to appear either, which is a bit surprising.

But soon I stopped my erratic thoughts, it seemed that the night always makes people feel a little lost, I stared at Lin Wan again, and Lin Wan continued to say to me: "Now, I still want to tell you that I have never harmed you. You, maybe sometimes I want to use you, and sometimes, I do do some unnecessary things to you in order to achieve my own goals, but I have never harmed you, and I will never hurt your life. Do, I will never do things that I am not sure of..."


"Will you believe me?" Lin Wan said.

"I believe." I nodded.

"Do you really believe me?" Lin Wan smiled and said, "You don't need to comfort me, and I don't need anyone to comfort me now, you know that I've never cared about those things, have I?"

"So I would never lie to you with this kind of thing." I said.

Lin Wan seemed to smile again, but she didn't say anything more. Her heart is always elusive, and she doesn't seem to want others to guess it. up.

After a while, Lin Wan said: "It seems that we can only sleep in the wild tonight."

"Are you afraid?" I said.

"For me, what else is scary?" Lin Wan said, "People are nothing more than fear of death and the unknown. But all the unknowns in this world can be explored for me, and death, I have more than How can you still be afraid of death if you have died once?"

I nodded.

Lin Wan and I didn't have any more conversations, we seemed to have a tacit silence, without saying a word to each other, we found a dead tree, leaned on it and fell asleep, in my sleep, I once again When I met that white spot of light, he seemed to be sending me some information, but I still couldn’t understand it. Those non-figurative text symbols were beyond the range of my cognition. I can even be sure that even a supercomputer There is also no way to decode such complex and changeable information symbols in a short period of time. Although I know that those symbols are not random, but have traces to follow, I can't find the rules at all, and I can't grasp them. Context, let alone decipher them.

However, after the white light spot input a lot of information, I found that something in my body gave information feedback, and I suddenly felt like an outsider, standing aside and watching two people talking, and it was two people People speaking a language I don't understand at all were talking, I felt very at a loss, I could only watch in silence, let alone interrupt, I didn't even have a chance to explore their expressions and movements.

After the transmission and exchange of these information, I saw a mountain of fragmented pictures. This time, the pictures that appeared in front of me were like screens, from one to four, four to eight, more and more, even Superimposed together, those pictures actually let me see a huge composition from ancient times to the present, which is simply a gorgeous epic.

I didn't expect to see these in my dream, which shocked me, so real and so spectacular.

Everything happened and died before my eyes. Mountains, rivers, rivers and marshes formed before my eyes, canyons and cracks sank before my eyes, peaks and trenches alternated before my eyes, spring, summer, autumn and winter changed before my eyes, the sun, moon and stars rotated before my eyes, and all kinds of Different creatures, life and death, I not only saw my own life all at once, but also seemed to see the whole life of others, the life of this world, such a huge and magnificent picture information seemed to shock my head a little bit. It hurts, but I can't stop staring at them.

I'm actively receiving those messages, rather than being passive like I was before.

And behind these picture information is the continuous analysis of symbolic information. I still can't successfully analyze this information, which makes the pictures I see lose their logical relevance. I seem to be a layman, standing here watching the excitement.

I don't know how long all this lasted in the real world, but my intuition has been circulating in my mind for tens of thousands of years.

And I was awakened by Lin Wan's call.

"Someone is here!" Lin Wan lowered her voice and said, "Chu Tingsheng, someone is here!"

I opened my eyes immediately, and I found that the moment I opened my eyes, I immediately lost any drowsiness. Although my mind was still a little chaotic, it was very energetic. It seemed that my whole body was full of energy. I raised my eyes and looked not far away. Looking around, I saw two government army squads approaching where Lin Wan and I were.

The two of us slept in a pit on the high ground, surrounded by dead branches and leaves, and a big withered tree as a cover. It was still hidden, but those guys seemed to be doing a carpet search at a very fast speed and in a wide range. Guang, it is not difficult to find us.

I couldn't help but leaned forward and looked around, and said, "It seems that I can only fight."

Lin Wan said: "There are more than 30 people in the two teams. I have no certainty of victory."

"Come on one by one," I said, "Divide and attack...that's the only way."

"Tactically, you are stronger." Lin Wan said, "You tell me what to do."

"Wait for them to come," I said calmly, "As far as I know, there are not many government soldiers in Guangzhou City, and there are even fewer elites. If the ones they sent to look for us are elites, we can solve them this time. After successfully sneaking back to the base, it will be easier to find Qiqi."

Lin Wan didn't speak.

At this time, the two teams had already begun to search the mountain.

I rolled over and landed in an open space not far away from the team.

At this time, black cuticles and flowing flames appeared on my skin that had recovered its principles last night...

(End of this chapter)

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