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Chapter 289 Wings of flesh and blood, from now on I am no longer a human

Chapter 289 Wings of flesh and blood, from now on I am no longer a human
The two teams moved very fast with the help of the faint morning light. They should not have discovered our existence. They just judged by intuition that there will be someone hiding under the withered tree where we are, which is very beneficial to us. Rushing up from the bottom of a gentle slope is simply asking for a dead end.

I was on the side of the depression, using the naturally formed trench to spy on those people. Their guns pointed in different directions, but basically included any sneak attack points that might pose a threat to them. No matter where they were at this time Even if you launch an attack, you may suffer. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but feel a leisurely respect for the well-trained of these guys. Of course, fighting does not allow me to be hypocritical. I clenched my fist lightly, clenched my fist In that instant, I could even feel the flow of "lava" under the black skin, and that feeling was really subtle.

I turned my head and looked at Lin Wan. Lin Wan was still under the dead tree and didn't move. I thought she signaled for her to hide a bit more, but she didn't respond. I don't know if she saw my gesture, but At this time, I didn't dare to shout out. Once I shouted out, it would undoubtedly be equivalent to exposing the positions of both of us.

And just as the two teams were approaching the big tree from two directions, Lin Wan suddenly retreated and waved.

So impulsive!

I screamed in my heart that it was not good for her to expose her position and launch an attack at this time. Lin Wan shouldn't be such an impulsive person, but it was too late for me to stop it at this time. With Lin Wan's wave, the two teams A wave of soldiers on the left immediately collapsed, and two soldiers were thrown out and landed directly in the middle of the formation.

In front of the disintegrated team, two soldiers with guns immediately shot in Lin Wan's direction, and Lin Wan had already hid behind a big tree at this time. Since they had not rushed to the top of the high ground, even the explosive bullets could not hurt Lin Wan. Wan, just blasted the dead branches and leaves and withered low bushes around, and the dry and cold dust kept flying.

At this time, Lin Wan faced the hail of bullets and waved her hand sideways again. This time, a black mist flew out of her hand like a long whip, quickly enveloping the body of a government soldier. , the soldier suddenly seemed to be firmly grasped by an invisible big hand, Lin Wan waved lightly, and the man's body was pulled aside, and the gun in his hand immediately fired randomly, All the time, the two teams were in chaos. The soldier seemed unable to stop the weapon in his hands amidst the screams, and his comrades exploded in front of him one after another.

And he was the one who shot.

Lin Wan's move even made me feel a little scared—it was really cruel.

But soon, someone from the two well-trained teams rushed out.


With the sound of a gunshot, the soldier restrained by Lin Wan immediately fell apart, blood mist splashed, and the black mist that Lin Wan "summoned" with a wave of his hand also dissipated immediately, the two teams immediately changed their attack direction, and all the guns turned to After reaching the top of the slope, Lin Wan was completely exposed to the guns of those who rushed up the slope this time.

My eyes widened. At this time, I had to rush out no matter what, but at this moment, Lin Wan opened the hand hidden behind her waist and waved it gently to me. I knew he was signaling me not to If there is any movement, I really don't know what Lin Wan will do next. I only know that if I don't rush up, Lin Wan will definitely be injured or even killed by the opponent.

But before I could react, Lin Wan strode towards me in a stride. Behind him, there was an explosion, dead branches and leaves were constantly splashing, and smoke and dust were constantly scattered around. Although her pace was fast, where was it? She is the opponent of the soldiers who keep coming up. Once these soldiers are on the same level as her, then her body will be completely exposed to the gunpoint, and she will definitely die at this time.

I know that she wants to lure all those soldiers to the top of the hillside, so that I can directly attack as long as I get out of the depression, and reduce all those soldiers to ashes at once.

But in this way, Lin Wan is very dangerous.

After a while, people came near the big tree, but they didn't pay attention to me. Instead, they all cast their eyes on Lin Wan who was running. .

The two troops began to assemble. Although they had suffered a lot, they were still quite capable of fighting. The leader shouted loudly, and those people quickly raised their guns to shoot. I watched Lin Wan's body running in the smoke and dust from afar. At that time, the probability of the bullet successfully hitting the target was only 30.00%, but the situation of the exploding bullet was different. Sure enough, at this moment, I saw a bullet explode not far from Lin Wan's feet. Her body was immediately thrown out by the shock wave, and she soared into the air.

At this time, I couldn't hold back anymore, and rushed out of the depression with a stride.

Seeing that the soldiers were about to shoot, I roared violently, opened my hands, and a ring of fire spread out. This ring of fire immediately rushed the soldiers to this side. The soldier smashed a soldier's head with a punch, snatched the gun from his hand while the blood and brains were splashing, and used the surging flames to clear the way, burning and sprinting, killing a path in the crowd. After I rushed into the crowd, before the soldiers dispersed, I fired continuously. The soldiers around me began to scream one by one. Among them, I only saw charred black corpses and the black mist that continued to spread.

Soon, my pistol ran out of bullets. I grabbed a soldier's arm and tore it off with the weapon. The gun in the stiff palm fired again, and after a while, two teams with dozens of people were killed by me.

Surrounded by flames, those people didn't dare to shoot casually, because even if they hit me, my body might explode due to the high temperature, which would also affect them. These people are afraid of death, but my speed Soon, they couldn't distance themselves from me, so they could only retreat step by step.

I just saw their mentality, so I fought close to me, released flames desperately, and attacked with explosive guns. They were afraid of bursting, but I was not afraid.

I don't know how long I've been "ravaging" among the crowd.

Everything I have done is not just fighting, but a massacre.

I may know in my heart that this is wrong, but when I think that they all want to kill me and Lin Wan, I start to feel calm. I am also a small person, and I have no righteousness. time, I would go crazy.At this time, I have completely become a bloodthirsty maniac.

After a while, I felt that the surroundings became calm, and even made people feel a little desolate, but when I looked around, I only saw charred, fragmented, bloody corpses, all of them were killed by me, and There wasn't even a drop of blood on my hands, only a dark gray color and horny skin on my hands.

I opened and closed my hands, breathing the smelly air, and after a while, I started to breathe heavily, I actually felt heart palpitations, fear, I was afraid of myself, at this moment, I didn't even dare to look at Lin Wan, I was a little afraid that I would go crazy again.But at this time, Lin Wan never wanted to come out to me.

She was fine, the explosion just now did not cause her any harm.

"Ahem, you... are you okay..." I moved my lips and asked.

"I'm fine..." She shook her head.

I raised my hand, the interweaving on my hand still didn't fade away, and when I raised it in front of Lin Wan, it even burst into flames, I felt my eyelids twitching wildly, and there was some dull pain in my back, beside me, Black fog continued to gather.

"They...why do they have so much Ebola virus in their bodies..." I said.

Lin Wan reached out and stroked my face, and said: "Everyone is relying on that kind of power. Although they haven't injected the concentrated liquid, they will more or less use that kind of power to strengthen their bodies... Haha , everyone has such a desire. When they sneered at the concentrate, I knew it was just sanctimonious..."

I frowned.

"All human beings have long been subject to the Ebola virus. It seems that some things are right. What we rely on is not only technology, but also our own desires."

"I..." Looking at the black mist that still didn't stop flowing beside me, "Am I also controlled by that desire, am I also bewitched...I...I kill..."

"Maybe you are just instinctively good at fighting." Lin Wan said.

"Uh...I..." I was stunned for a moment.

Lin Wan shook her head and said: "Fighting is also human instinct, desire is also human instinct... Maybe the Ebola virus has already understood this characteristic of human beings, so they can find a way to control human minds and stimulate human desire."

"I... don't want to be controlled..." I trembled slightly, and I even heard my voice trembling.

"You..." Lin Wan seemed to want to say something, but at this moment, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back. I have never felt it since I discovered that I can also absorb the flesh and blood condensed by the Ebola virus. With such pain, I couldn't hear what Lin Wan was saying, so I yelled loudly: "Oh!" Lin Wan reached out and grabbed my arm, as if trying to support me, but I was already bent over, Immediately afterwards, I felt something protrude from behind, and then, I saw a black shadow—two black shadows, and those two black shadows spread out beside me, I was stunned, the sharp pain , also disappeared at the same time as those two black shadows appeared, and disappeared very quickly, as if my body had accepted something.

I turned my head and saw clearly what was the black shadow behind it.

——On my back, a pair of wings formed by condensed black flesh and blood grew out.

"Wings..." Lin Wan also widened her eyes.

" can I have wings...I..." I looked at Lin Wan suddenly, "What is this? Winged man? Am I... Winged man?"

"'s not that simple..." Lin Wan didn't know whether she was analyzing something rationally, or simply wanted to comfort me, and said.

And I shook my head desperately, and said: "No...impossible, we have been fighting the infected for so long, I killed so many infected people, I... I killed the infected when I saw it, why, in the end, could it be I have become an infected person myself, how is it possible? Why is it so ridiculous, how is it possible?!" I almost shouted hoarsely, "How could God be so unfair to me?"

"Calm down, there is no God in this world!" Lin Wan said, "Even if there is, God is dead at this time!"

God is dead?

God is dead?

Is everything dead?
I know that I may encounter misfortune, but why do I always encounter such ridiculous things? ?

"No... Impossible..." I still couldn't accept it, but I could clearly feel the huge special power brought by the pair of wings behind me. I even instinctively understood that as long as my shoulders and chest muscles exert strength and flap the wings, I Immediately I can flap my wings, and I even have an instinctive memory of flying.This feeling is too strange, too scary, too elusive.

"Calm down!" Lin Wan said again, "Maybe it's just..."

This time she was also a little confused, but before she finished speaking, another voice came.

"Unexpectedly, you turned into this kind of thing." Not far away, the voice was indifferent and erratic, followed by the sound of military boots stamping on the ground, the voice had a special calm rhythm, just hearing this voice, I I already guessed who was coming, but I didn't expect to see him here.

Sure enough, soon, a tall figure appeared in front of me. The man had his hands behind his back and looked at me with interest, with a faint smile on his face: "You kill people more cleanly and neatly than before." The man Said, "You are nothing short of a beast."

"I'm not a beast." I gritted my teeth and stared at the man.

Zhang Chu.

I saw Zhang Chu appearing in front of me, and Zhu Ming was already dead. None of the people around him were my old friends. This time, even Mo Xiaojie did not appear. I only saw a group of soldiers from the resistance organization, following him , pointed the gun at me.

"I don't know if you are a beast, but you did commit cruel bestiality, didn't you?" Zhang Chu said with a smile.

"That's all forced by you." My voice was a little hoarse.

"Hehe, is that right? There is no way, everyone wants to win." Zhang Chu said, "Some of what you said just now is right. People have desires, and they can't control this desire. No matter how you cover it up, you will always reveal your true nature .”

"You..." I tried my best to calm myself down and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

"You are like a key now." Zhang Chu said, "There are many puzzles on you. I believe that many people want to get information on you. It will not let you die so easily, but choose to study it first, for us, you are equally important."

I shook my head and said, "Haven't you already turned against the resistance organization? Could it be that you..."

"We have indeed broken away from the resistance organization." Zhang Chu said, "and we have lost our troops. I think how much I have paid and how much blood I have shed in this battle, but in the end, this is the result..." His tone seemed to be A little helpless, a little sad, I rarely see Zhang Chu showing this sadness, "So, I also need to take back that part of what belongs to me."

"Hehe, something that belongs to you?" At this time, Lin Wan said, "The infighting in your resistance organization started decades ago. Everyone is looking for death. No one is better than the other. How about you?" Why bother to say everything in such a high-sounding manner? It’s nothing more than a trick, but it’s really enough to say it so righteously.”

"Hehe Lin Wan, don't you become like this now?" Zhang Chu said, "If you weren't influenced by some kind of attachment, how could you become like this?"

"Thanks to you." Lin Wan said, "From the beginning, I was just a pawn, I just kept getting rid of this kind of control, so at that time, you wanted to kill me."

"You..." I was a little speechless in astonishment, my mind was still in a mess.

"Hey..." Zhang Chu sighed slightly, and said, "Yes, I really wanted to attack you at the beginning, but unfortunately, some people were not obedient, but Zhang Ziyang is not your opponent..."

"What the hell are you trying to do!" I'm tired of these charades, I'm already uncomfortable enough, I've turned into a monster, I'm not in the mood to talk to them about this, so I yelled straight.

"It's very simple. We need your help, or in other words, the help of your special physique." Zhang Chu said, "Everyone knows that to solve everything in front of us, the theory of 'dust civilization' is the ultimate password. Chun, Lin Baihe, and Liang Yue haven't figured out why, so we can save ourselves... And I think the key to all this should be you, Chu Tingsheng."

"I won't let you take him away." Before I could speak, Lin Wan said.

"Oh? Public or private?" Zhang Chu looked at Lin Wan.

"You don't need to worry about it. Now I belong to him, and he belongs to me." Lin Wan said, "We may die together, but we will not be separated."

"Hehe... very romantic, right?" Zhang Chu said, "It's a pity that I'm already past the age of watching idol dramas, and now that the city is so severely damaged, TV dramas have probably stopped broadcasting, right?"

"You want to use me as an experiment?" I don't know if it was inspired by Lin Wan's words, but I became less nervous and said, "You better think carefully about whether you can do it!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Chu waved his hand, and behind him was the sound of weapons being loaded.

Zhang Chu is here to catch us. It seems that there is no need to hesitate. This battle is inevitable.

"Do you think you can do it?" Lin Wan raised her hand coldly, facing the group of resistance organization soldiers and Zhang Chu in front of her: "It's just a defeated general, what else do you want?"

"Hehe, people change." The corner of Zhang Chu's mouth twitched.

What I saw from his confident expression was a kind of unquestionable self-confidence, which made me a little uneasy. I don’t know what gave him self-confidence, but there must be a reason for Zhang Chu’s self-confidence.

I grabbed Lin Wan's arm and didn't say a word. I was ready to protect her at any time, and I believe she also felt what I meant.

But Lin Wan still made a move, and the stumps of several government soldiers nearby turned into black mist and gathered towards her hands.

But at this moment, Zhang Chu waved his hand lightly, and suddenly, the other two corpses fell apart and turned into black mist and gathered in Zhang Chu's hands!His speed was faster than Lin Wan's. Then, Zhang Chu just stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly, and a black mist turned into a sharp sword, which was directly mounted on the black mist gathered in Lin Wan's hand, and the scattered mist disappeared immediately.

"What, you guys?!"

Zhang Chu smiled coldly and said: "I said that last time in the valley of Hunan Province, we just wanted to prove one thing. Now that this thing has been proved, we will naturally have something to do. And this is It's a feedback from our research."

"You have mastered that power too?" I said.

Lin Wan said in a low voice: "They are even more skilled than me in controlling..."

The voice was still there, but the scattered black mist gathered on me again and disappeared into the black cuticle on my skin.

"Shoot!" Zhang Chu gave an order, and the soldiers of the resistance organization behind him immediately pulled the trigger. I gritted my teeth, turned around, and directly protected Lin Wan.

I felt constant vibrations and explosions behind me, but those bullets didn't seem to hurt me at all. Those exploding bullets all hit the black fleshy wings behind me, and my wings seemed invisible, but sometimes they were as hard as iron. Those explosions couldn't hurt my essence at all, they just brought bursts of spreading pain.

"Are you ready?" After a while, I said to Lin Wan who was in my arms.

"You can do whatever you want." Lin Wan gave me a trusting look.

"it is good……"

I nodded violently, and then hugged Lin Wan, kicked upwards, violently mobilized the muscles in my shoulders and chest, and vigorously flapped the huge black wings on my back.

"Call" sound.

I was not even ready yet, my body was lifted up, I gritted my teeth again and repeated the previous action, but after a while, my body rushed straight up into the air, as if I had found the trick, or it seemed like it was just an instinct, In the hail of guns and bullets, I carried Lin Wan into the sky, and the last time I flew, I was caught in the hands of Yiren and fought desperately with Yiren. Unexpectedly, this time, I seemed to become the so-called Yiren. A person, an infected person, a monster, rushes to the sky under the fire of human bullets.

(End of this chapter)

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