global variation

Chapter 290 The Ultimate Melee

Chapter 290 The Ultimate Melee
The air in the sky is very fresh, but it is very cold. When I fly to a certain height, the bullets below can't hurt me at all.

My body was floating in the sky, and I turned my face to look at Lin Wan.

Lin Wan stretched out her hand to caress my cheek and said, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head and looked down, only to see that the soldiers who resisted the organization still hadn't dispersed. I thought Zhang Chu must be among these people. I don't know what method they will use to take action against us, but at this time, is it to escape? Whether to stay or not must be carefully considered.

"I'll send you to a safe place, and you will meet these bastards when you come back." I said coldly.

"Don't worry about me." Lin Wan said, "I am by your side, I will only help you, not drag you down."

I wanted to say something more, but after thinking about it carefully, I just felt that what I said was meaningless. Once a person like Lin Wan made a decision, he would definitely not change it, so I glanced at Lin Wan again and said: " are you ready?"

"Okay." Lin Wan said lightly, holding me tightly with one arm.

At this time, Lin Wan and I are like bombers, we want to rush down and bomb the group of guys who want to kill us, we must defeat them, defeat them at once.

Just as we were about to start, I was about to dive down when I suddenly discovered that the group of guys below was surrounded by another team.

Both Lin Wan and I were stunned for a moment, I thought for a while, and led Lin Wan to turn over and fly down from the side. I landed between the branches of a big tree not far away, silently watching the two groups of people.

I found that, judging from their clothes, the group of people who surrounded them seemed to be from the resistance organization, but their guns were aimed at Zhang Chu. What surprised me even more was that among the group of people, the leader of the group It was actually that "facially paralyzed" girl Mo Xiaojie.

Isn’t she on the united front with Zhang Chu?
I looked at Lin Wan again, Lin Wan's expression seemed to be watching a good show, I closed my eyes slightly, and looked at the two groups of people over there.

Due to the power of the concentrate, I was able to hear the conversations of those people clearly.

"Zhang Chu, where is Chu Tingsheng?" Mo Xiaojie said.

"Fly away." Zhang Chu's voice was very indifferent.

"Fly away? Can you explain in detail?" Both of these two people have a calmness that is different from ordinary people. This kind of confrontation between people seems very depressing, and this kind of depressing even makes me a little breathless, but Of course I will not act rashly, this matter has nothing to do with me, I just need to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, if they fight one and lose both, it will be even better for me.

"Chu Tingsheng's body has completely mutated, we can't catch him, and we don't know what kind of ability he still has." Zhang Chu said.

"Really?" Mo Xiaojie said lightly, "How should we believe that you didn't detain Chu Tingsheng privately?"

"I don't ask for your trust." Zhang Chu said, "I have made up my mind to tear myself apart from the resistance organization since I invited you to the Southern Guangdong area to conduct raids and investigations. I believe you know this better than me, don't you?"

Mo Xiaojie seemed to sigh.

"I guessed that I would be watched, but I didn't expect you to be the watcher, and you are so restless." Zhang Chu said, "If you calm down, we will solve Chu Tingsheng completely and bring the research results to you." If you get it, wouldn't it be better for you to intervene again?"

Mo Xiaojie did not speak this time. Although she has always been cold and calm, she should not be as good as Zhang Chu in terms of scheming, but judging from the current situation, she must be backed by General Zhong. This battle is essentially between Zhang Chu and General Zhong A struggle between the two.

Zhang Chu continued: "Now, what do you want to point your gun at us? We don't have what you want, but Chu Tingsheng doesn't know if it's on a tree or in the sky near here Stay in the middle, if we fight among ourselves, maybe he will dive down from mid-air and wipe us all at once, if you don't believe me, I can accompany you."

"Hmph..." Mo Xiaojie's cold snort seemed to have no confidence.

I am very much looking forward to their fight at this time, maybe I can really go there to take advantage of the fisherman.

However, at this moment, I saw from afar that another team appeared not far away. It was a government army team, and I could see their uniforms from a distance.

"Government troops are here too?" I whispered.

Lin Wan said: "We slaughtered the two elite teams they sent. They were able to locate the team's location, but they couldn't contact the team members. They must send someone to search for it. This is a good show."

The first reaction of the government army when they saw the members of the rebel organization was naturally to raise their guns. It is probably no secret that the rebel organization blatantly killed government soldiers, not to mention that their killers rushed to the government prison to kill people, even though Zhu Ming was brought there by us. Yes, but anyway, the prison is a secret place of the government army, and the government army and the rebel organization are also at odds with each other at this time.

It really was a good show.

The government army formed another semi-circular encirclement, and another row of weapons was raised, aiming at the group of soldiers of the resistance organization.

While Mo Xiaojie waved her hand, half of the soldiers of the rebel organization turned their guns on the government army, and half of them were still monitoring Zhang Chu and others.

"Hehe...that's interesting." Zhang Chu said, "It's getting more and more chaotic."

Someone in the government army obviously saw the miserable situation around Zhang Chu, and I heard a trembling voice: "Our people, all, have..."

"You guys did it?" There was another calm voice, but the tone was still full of anger. This should be an officer of the government army.

"Chu Tingsheng did it." Zhang Chu said lightly.

"Chu Tingsheng, alone?"

"There is also Lin Wan." Zhang Chu said, "Now they have all mutated, and they will be our most terrible enemy in the future."

"Chu Tingsheng, Lin Wan, two people, wipe out our entire two teams?!" The officer obviously didn't believe it, "Do you think this is reasonable, does it make sense?"

"If your research is in the right direction and you know how to accommodate new ideas, I think you will figure it out." Zhang Chu said coldly. I know this guy has never liked the government army, and he has always been so proud. It can be seen that this The First World War is inevitable, and I expect them to fight more and more. Perhaps, as Lin Wan said, people have some special desires in their hearts, and once those desires continue to expand for some reason, people will always be able to fight. More or less paranoid or even perverted thoughts.

"You don't need to comment on this point. We just want to know the truth of the matter and what the rebel organization is going to do. You have already killed many of our people. Don't you want to take this opportunity to give us an explanation?"

"Then, you don't have to ask me, you can ask them, I have already left the resistance organization." Zhang Chu remained calm.

Next, there was another round of disputes. This group of people refused to give in to each other at all, and no one was willing to take a step back and speak. Seeing that an infighting gun battle between humans was about to start, but at this moment, there was a sudden loud noise, Above the ground, wisps of smoke and dust flew up, and the dead branches and fallen leaves seemed to be pushed up by something, forming a small hill for a while.

"This is……"

"It's a group of corpses..." I widened my eyes. If I hadn't seen such a scene in the jungle of Hunan Province, I might not be sure, but I didn't expect that a group of corpses had already appeared near Guangzhou." It's getting more and more lively, even infected people and dead bodies have to get involved."

Sure enough, my voice was still there, and a large pile of rotten meat had drilled out of the ground, and I could even smell the rotten smell from a distance. In appearance, at the same time as it appeared, a large group of black giant beetles also drilled out from the ground, some squirmed on the ground, and some flew directly into the air.

"Not good..." Seeing this situation, I whispered to myself.

"Huh?" Lin Wan frowned and said, "Are you afraid that these things will affect the surrounding cities?"

"Yes..." I whispered.

"Don't worry, beetles and corpses are also controlled by the Ebola virus. Although these viruses are intelligent, they also have special hobbies, weaknesses, and tendencies. These things control corpses, so their range of activities will also be around corpses. , and corpses tend to gather in places where there are many corpses. This pile of corpses will appear, probably because we killed too many people just now, and the blood and rancid smell attracted these Ebola viruses. In other words, they will not go there In the cities, it's so 'clean' they can't even survive."

I feel a little relieved.

"Let's watch the play..." Lin Wan smiled lightly and said, "Let's see how the play will end."

I gritted my teeth.

At this time, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

And below, no matter the members of the resistance organization, Zhang Chu's people or the government army, they all turned their guns to point at the group of corpses at this moment, and started shooting without hesitation.

I thought that human beings would fight among themselves here, but who knew it would be unanimous in an instant.

I can't help but feel a little ready to move, now I seem to have formed a habit, whenever I see an infected person, I want to fight, but unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten that I myself have become an infected person, and when I think of this At that time, my heart couldn't help but sink, and I had no strength or mood to make a move.

Those guys fought with corpses and beetles, green weapons mixed with blood mist, I know that this battle will inevitably bring them the heaviest loss, but for some reason, I'm not in the mood to be here secretly Applause, I even feel that some soldiers are a little innocent. Of course, I just feel that way, but I have no intention of going up to help them. Enemies, it is better to count one less as one.

The crowd of corpses rushing in not far away, sometimes gathered and sometimes scattered, those government soldiers didn't seem to have really encountered such an opponent, and they didn't have much resistance strategy at all, and they lost their positions in a short while.

Although the people of the rebel organization have some "super power" level power, they can only control a part of the corpse group. The movement of the corpse group is too flexible, sometimes scattered, sometimes gathered and intertwined, even with one hand , a leg, or even a head can cause fatal injuries to ordinary humans, but when gathered together to form a pile of flesh and blood two or three meters long, the power is even stronger, and it is very difficult to deal with.

What's more, there are huge beetles flying in the air. Even if the beetles can be killed, those government soldiers with weaker physiques can hardly resist the damage caused by the green mist.

I saw everything in my eyes, and felt chills rising from the bottom of my heart. Although the life and death of these guys had nothing to do with me, I had to think longer term.

That is, these piles of corpses are like aircraft carriers or heavy tank-level weapons produced by the Ebola virus, and they are so intelligent. As humans, how can we resist such a terrifying force? We are just ordinary people. It is impossible to enter the two-dimensional world and fight Ibola head-on.

And this kind of contest between dimensions gave the Ebola virus an opportunity.

I couldn't help saying to Lin Wan: "For this kind of thing, we can only kill one by one, but there is no way to completely eradicate it."

Lin Wan naturally didn't answer, I believe that at this time Lin Wan also has nothing to do.

I said again: "Besides killing them from the source, maybe there is really no other way."

"At the root." Lin Wan said, "Are you sure you are on the right path?"

"Not sure..." I said.

"Then you still plan to leave?"

"It's the only thing I can do," I continued.

"Then I believe that's right." Lin Wan said.


"At least before, you trusted me so much." Lin Wan said with a smile.

I didn't say anything more. I found that the appearance of those three teams in the battle brought about some very subtle things-the soldiers of the rebel organization seemed to shoot at the government soldiers on the premise of being able to protect themselves, while Zhang Chu's From time to time, people lead people from the two teams to a dead end. At this time, they are not only cooperating with each other, they are also opportunistic in the battle, trying to hurt both the opponent and the enemy. Immediately, I am not going to have any more Any action, just now I had some sympathy for them, but now I feel that they are nothing more than seeking their own death.

I don't know if it has something to do with desire, but it definitely has something to do with these bastards.

At this time, I suddenly saw that Zhang Chu had retreated to the outside of the crowd.

I realized something was wrong.

Because I found that Zhang Chu was running towards the direction where Lin Wan and I were.

"Zhang Chuhui is eagle-eyed..." I couldn't help but growl.

Lin Wan obviously understood what I meant.

Zhang Chu may have seen us at this time, or he has already seen us, but he has no chance to make a move. At this time, the four teams are in a melee, and he just has a chance to free up his hands to deal with us.

Without even thinking about it, I carried Lin Wan and rushed to the sky again. At the same time, the top of the dead tree under me exploded with a bang, almost cutting off a huge piece of the top of the dead tree. Zhang Chu shot as expected. And the shooting was very accurate, as long as I flew up a few seconds late, maybe Lin Wan and I would have been blown to pieces by this time.

I was flying in the air, while Zhang Chu was running in the dead woods. At some point, he had already picked up his sniper rifle.

I have learned how strong Zhang Chu’s sniping ability is.

I flew directly sideways to the left, but saw a white line across the air across the position where I was flying just now, clean and neat, with a tearing sound.

I knew it was a sniper bullet.

Immediately afterwards, I swooped down again, and another bullet passed obliquely above me, almost hitting my wide black wings.

I know that to avoid Zhang Chu’s sniper rifle, the only way is to fly as high as possible in the air, and that is to act dangerously and not play cards according to common sense.

The third shot was about to be fired soon, I was sprinting high into the air while turning around, another bullet passed by my back, I still hugged Lin Wan tightly, trying to judge the possible trajectory of the bullet, Don't let Lin Wan's body touch the trajectory of the bullet.

"You don't have to do this." Lin Wan seemed to see my intention, and said, "You don't have to care about me so much."

"Nonsense, if you die, my battle will be meaningless." I said.

"If it wasn't for me, you might be able to give it a go, even now." Lin Wan said.

"what do you mean……"

"It's useless to dodge blindly. You don't know how good Zhang Chu's marksmanship is. If you can dodge ten bullets, you may not be able to dodge fifteen, or even twenty, thirty bullets!"

"you want me……"

"Dive down." Lin Wan said, "I control him, you attack him!"

"We're not sure!" I exclaimed. "The result is very likely..."

"We are one. If you are afraid of death, then I will run away with you. If you are not afraid, then will I be afraid?" Lin Wan said, another bullet grazed my body, although it still missed me , but my balance has been completely broken, and I may fall at any time.Perhaps what Lin Wan said was the best way.

Of course I am not afraid of death.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I turned around in mid-air and rushed straight towards Zhang Chu.

Zhang Chu didn’t seem to think that I was so bold, maybe he thought that I would hold Lin Wan in my arms, and I would have some scruples, but he didn’t think that we are all so desperate. Zhang Chu’s sniper rifle is suitable for long-range shooting, but not necessarily suitable for close combat , the moment I raised the gun, I had rushed to less than ten meters in front of him. Lin Wan waved his hand, and Zhang Chu's body took a few steps back. Before the explosion, Zhang Chu flipped to the side, and flew up by the trunk of a dead tree beside him. At some point, the sniper rifle had returned to his back, and he had a dark military thorn in his hand. The military thorn of the rebel organization was very deadly. .

And his body also jumped in mid-air, rushing towards me, I quickly dodged sideways, the guy passed me by, but backhanded everything, stabbing Lin Wan in mid-air.

Lin Wan dodged instinctively, tilted her head, and saw that the military thorn was about to pierce into my shoulder.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I flapped my wings violently. A gust of wind flew me backward several meters away. At the same time, it also pushed Zhang Chu who was fighting with me in the air. Zhang Chu flipped over in the air and knelt on one knee He landed on the ground, looked up at me coldly, suddenly turned his wrist, and threw the saber in his hand directly at me.

His target is still Lin Wan in my arms.

Lin Wan seemed to see something, and suddenly struggled.

At that time, I didn't expect that Lin Wan would make a sudden movement, and when her arm softened, Lin Wan fell straight down.

My hand freed up, and I accurately grasped the army thorn flying over.

But Lin Wan fell from a height of five or six meters. No matter how powerful she is, she still has a human body, so falling like this will definitely break her bones.

I knew she did this in order not to drag me down, so I couldn't help feeling sour, and with a roar, I turned over and fell, and at the same time, the general stabbed Zhang Chu and threw it.

Zhang Chu stepped to dodge. At this moment, I found an opportunity to catch the falling Lin Wan again, hugged her in my arms, and with one hand waved, I shot a burst of flames at Zhang Chu. This time, an indescribable explosion erupted in my heart Angry, spraying flames and approaching forward, Zhang Chu is also an ordinary person after all, obviously he can only keep retreating, but I, who was attacking wildly, ignored one point, that is, although Zhang Chu is a human being, he has a strength that is even stronger than Lin Wan The ability to control the Ebola virus, my continuous attack gave him a chance to breathe, and his dodge seemed to be just ready to go. After pulling away from me by five or six meters, he suddenly waved his hand, and I realized that He was using his ability, but there was no warning at all when this ability was used. What was released were resonant magnetic fields and invisible pheromones, and there was no trace to be found at all.

Before I could react, my body had already been ejected.

I'm off balance right now.

But at the same time, Lin Wan put her hand on my chest, and suddenly, another special force "holds" my body firmly, stabilizing it in the sky.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Just as Lin Wan stabilized my body, she waved out her other hand. A jet of black mist shot towards Zhang Chu. Zhang Chu stepped sideways and waved his hand to disperse the black mist. , got out from the soil next to him, and wound around Zhang Chu’s body.A lot of dead people were obviously buried in the ground of this place, otherwise the pile of corpses would not appear, and Lin Wan took advantage of this.

Zhang Chu moved his windbreaker, looked back again, and broke up the black flesh and blood again.

Although Lin Wan's two attacks didn't work, they gave me a chance to breathe. At this time, I had already landed on the ground, and Lin Wan flew to hide behind the dead tree next to me. Then he rushed to Zhang Chu.

Zhang Chu's calm connection showed a trace of surprise again.

I'm going to fight this guy hand to hand.

I have never really fought against Zhang Chuzhen. This time, I happened to experience his so-called strength.

I shook my hands, and suddenly, the whole body was full of flames, and Zhang Chu's body was also surrounded by the virus group and hot wind I created...

(End of this chapter)

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