Chapter 291
It is the greatest help for Lin Wan to hide herself at this time. Zhang Chu and I have drawn closer, and Zhang Chu has lost his advantage.

At this time, he cut towards me sideways.

This blow came directly at my neck. When I turned my shoulders, the wide fleshy black wings on my back spread out automatically, turning into a cloud of black mist, and quickly formed a shield-like horn on my shoulder.I feel that this reaction seems to be instinctive, without any training at all.This layer of cutin made Zhang Chu’s hand stop in mid-air, hesitating for a moment and dare not cut it off, I waved a wave of heat, I even saw scattered sparks, Zhang Chu hurried back several steps, I took The hot wind went up and punched Zhang Chu’s chest. Zhang Chu didn’t dodge at that time, but took a step back, and suddenly closed his hands.

I couldn’t retreat my fist anymore, and hit Zhang Chu’s chest directly, while Zhang Chu’s hands firmly grasped my wrist. I saw a stream of blood spit out from Zhang Chu’s mouth quickly, but his expression was already calm, and his hands Still stable as usual, tightly strangled my wrist.

I knew immediately what he wanted to do.

Before I could break free, I felt dizzy for a while. It seemed that some abnormal fluctuations began to spread from my wrist. I seemed to know what it was, but I was not sure.

In an instant, that white spot of light reappeared, and the rampage seemed a little excited, as if he had encountered something terrible.

After a while, my grasped wrist began to ache, and I saw a black mist spread from my arm and gather towards Zhang Chu's arm.

Zhang Chu used his "ability" to forcibly absorb the Ebola virus energy in my body!

I wanted to escape but it was too late. Zhang Chu and I seemed to be serialized together, like an already connected information network, communicating continuously, and there was no way to disconnect halfway.

It's just that this communication is one-way. It seems that only Zhang Chu is absorbing my viral energy, and I don't get any feedback.

"Your body... can't bear it!" I said sharply, not all for self-protection, but at this moment I suddenly remembered the soldier of the resistance organization who was caught in the prison passage because of absorbing the energy of flesh and blood.

"Hehe..." Zhang Chu sneered, without saying a word, still absorbing.

I feel my strength being pulled away—

At this moment, suddenly, a black mist gathered from the side, and I felt a cold wind, so I couldn't help turning my head, and Lin Wan waved her hand to control a black mist, soaring towards Zhang Chu.

Zhang Chu freed a hand, roared, and dispersed the gathered blood and virus gas.

But Lin Wan jumped up and rushed towards Zhang Chu straightly, striking Zhang Chu’s back with both hands, and Zhang Chu didn’t dodge this time.

"Lin Wan, be careful!" I reminded loudly, but Lin Wan had already made a move, and nothing could stop her.

I saw a dagger suddenly "changed" in her hand, and the dagger was stabbed into Zhang Chu's back. Zhang Chu said painfully, but his body was still straight, and I still felt that he was constantly coming out of my body. suck something up.

"You are looking for death." I said again.

"Save your energy." Zhang Chu gritted his teeth and hissed.

"You..." Suddenly, I heard Lin Wan also exclaim, and I saw that her body seemed to be unable to move, it seemed that there was no way to pull out the dagger, but there was a black gas occupying her whole body, as if It was also ready to come out and gather towards Zhang Chu's body. At the same time, I found that a layer of black horny skin began to appear under Zhang Chu's face and neck. He was indeed absorbing our strength.

"You forcibly use this synchronous relationship in an attempt to domesticate the Ebola virus that is purposeful, has a certain talent for language communication, and even has a social nature." Lin Wan said tremblingly, "Your command is seeking your own death."

"I don't need you to teach me." Zhang Chu said, "I have worked so hard to manage the team for so many years and cultivate the elites for so many years. Those so-called upper-level figures can be disintegrated and destroyed with just one sentence. Do you have the slightest intention of saving the world? Lin Wan, you should also know how many legendary achievements your father Lin Baihe and Xie Chun had made back then, how much strength they contributed to the resistance organization, but in the end, what happened to them ? I think I understood it early. In this world, the law of the jungle is still the most fundamental law of survival..."

This speech made me a little stunned.

I really didn’t expect Zhang Chu to say such a thing.

"This has nothing to do with us." Lin Wan retorted, "You are frustrated, you are underappreciated, what does it have to do with us, General Zhang Chu, although I don't like you, I used to have some respect for you. Now it seems that you are nothing but He is also a petty person, which is really disappointing."

"I'm not a great man, not even now, the whole world is in chaos now, I just need to find a place for myself to survive." Zhang Chu said.

Instead, he looked at me, with a playful smile on his face, and said: "At first, my plan goal was very clear. I knew that the rebel organization had long wanted to give up the life fortress and a group of people, and at that time they most wanted to give up What's more, you, Chu Tingsheng, are closely related to Lin Wan and other researchers they fear and hate the most, so the higher-ups have long wanted to find a chance to get rid of you, even if it's not in the Fortress of Life, It could be somewhere else, it could be Hong Kong, it could be overseas.”

"You mean..."

"So I specially arranged for you to guard Guangzhou City in the Fortress of Life." Zhang Chu said.

"You are throwing pawns to protect your car and your position!" I yelled sharply, "Have you thought about our lives and deaths? Isn't each of us a living human life?"

"Hehe, living human lives, I admit... At that time, I really didn't care too much about your life and death." Zhang Chu's body was constantly changing, and black cuticles appeared on his arms and cheeks. The cuticles were different from mine and were messy. Unbearable, without any rules, this way, his distorted face looks even crazier, "However, if you say I lost my pawn, you are underestimating me. My real intention is to keep you alive."

"Survive!?" I snapped. "Do you think we'll survive like that?"

"Of course, you survived. Didn't Mo Ge and Song Yi also survived?" Zhang Chu said, "I know that with your strength, even if you can't defend the fortress of life, the whole army will not be wiped out , there must be some of you who can survive, and you will hate the rebel organization, General Zhong and the others, and you will become a nail I put outside, holding back General Zhong and the others Live the entire resistance organization."

"Use us." I gritted my teeth and said, "So what Zhu Ming said was..."

"That's right." Zhang Chu said, "Juming has some sympathy for you, so I told him that my purpose is not to let you die, but to make a certain sacrifice, and finally join forces with you to kill those bastard high-ranking members of the resistance organization." This is actually my original intention. Drink..." After saying this, Zhang Chu suddenly raised his head and screamed. This guy's body started to go wrong. I could see that he couldn't bear me. The power delivered to him was gone.

I said, "You'd better save your energy and stop forcibly absorbing strength."

But he didn't seem to hear it, and continued: "It's a pity, it's a pity you survived."


"It's a pity that Lin Wan also survived. I underestimated Mo Ge and you too much." Zhang Chu said, "Although you injected the so-called strongest concentrated liquid at the beginning, although your body still has the ability to recover itself, but Every time you hand in the physical examination report, it shows that your physical condition is very poor, and you may die of organ failure at any time. It can be said that at that time, you were always on the verge of death. His physical condition is almost half-dead, and Zhu Qing repeatedly told me that their researchers are powerless."

My eyes widened.

"It's just nonsense." Lin Wan spoke at this moment.

"Of course it's nonsense." Zhang Chu said, "I also felt that I was so stupid at the time that I would believe that set of nonsense. Now that I think about it, I was put off by that Mo Ge who seemed to have no desire to fight." together."

I am stunned.

"In your physical examination report, she just made a small manipulation of the data, leading Zhu Qing, who has always been innocent, to go in the wrong research direction and keep reporting to me that you are about to die." Zhang Chu said, "Moreover, she deliberately Making Lin Wan fake her death has fooled everyone's eyes..."

"Hehe." Lin Wan sneered.

I was even more stunned, but when I recalled the details at that time, I realized that all this was really a big picture.At the beginning, Zhu Qing always took good care of me, and she was always careful about my clothes. Even before she died, she never really expressed her love for me very clearly.I know that Zhu Qing likes me, but she always seems to have scruples about me. At first I thought she was just afraid of expressing it, just because of Lin Wan's relationship, but now I understand, not only that, maybe she is also afraid of me May die at any time.

"You originally thought." I gritted my teeth and said, "I will definitely die in the battle, and then Mo Ge or Tu Shu will lead a team to garrison the Fortress of Life, and then one day, you will be able to unite with them logically to counterattack Zhong. General, but you don’t want me to be alive, I have a rift with you over the matter of ‘killing Lin Wan’, so your work has become very difficult.”

I paused, and said, "Plus, I was not born as a soldier you favored. For you, I am a threat."

"That's right." Zhang Chu sneered, "Besides, the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes, and General Zhong is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He actually saw my plan early and removed me and my people from the resistance organization. I escaped from the resistance organization by taking advantage of the expedition to Nanyue, but I didn't expect that he would arrange another Mo Xiaojie for me."

"Your life has been rough." Lin Wan said with a smile, "It's a pity that I can't sympathize with you."

"No need for sympathy." Zhang Chu said coldly, "Now I'm using the most direct way to get everything. I don't need to think about it at all. As long as I have absolute power, I can... um..."

A mouthful of blood spit out again.

This time, the blood was mixed with black clots.

"You can't take it," I hissed.

"To shut up!"

He yelled.

Under this roar, suddenly, I saw that white spot of light again.

For a while, I was a little stunned.

Zhang Chu’s emotional fluctuations seemed to trigger something. For a moment, I felt that the white light spot seemed to be giving back to some information from Zhang Chu. No, it should be giving back to some behaviors of Zhang Chu. For a while, I felt that Something began to return to my body, the so-called "power", which I have never seen or felt.

I saw strange fragments, bits and pieces of memory, and the understanding of these memories seemed very superficial.

"This is……"

"Uh...uh..." I saw Zhang Chu's eyes widened in front of me.

"Zhang Chu, I seem to have got some fragments of your childhood memories." I wanted to say this, but I didn't say it after all, because I found that Zhang Chu's body had undergone a very strange change again.

(End of this chapter)

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