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Chapter 292: Heart

Chapter 292: Heart

The black cuticle on Zhang Chu’s face actually began to fade at this time, but his expression was distorted by pain. His already crazy face looked even more terrifying at this moment. I was even a little scared. Lin Wan seemed to have discovered something. When the dagger turned, the dagger was obviously also specially made. With this turn, a stream of blood sprayed out from Zhang Chu’s back, but the blood formed in mid-air and immediately turned into a black mist, and the black mist soon disappeared. converged on me.

There was that throbbing in my body again, a throbbing I was familiar with, and it gave me a little peace of mind.

Zhang Chu’s hand that grabbed my wrist began to relax. My wrist trembled, and I roared, and my whole body suddenly burst into flames and heat waves. I was so rushed that I couldn’t stand still, and the injured Zhang Chu fell out. I jumped up suddenly, took a step forward, and punched Zhang Chu with a backhand. Zhang Chu couldn’t dodge sideways, but was still hit by me on the shoulder. I could even hear the sound of his shoulder blade breaking, his body was thrown out again, and fell heavily on the ground. When he stood up again and looked at me, his eyes were full of disbelief.

All the black horniness on his body receded, and I found that the skin on his throat, chin and half of his cheeks was also peeling off, which made Zhang Chu's original handsome face extremely strange and terrifying.

What surprised me even more was that Zhang Chu obviously wanted to say something, but he seemed unable to speak at all. He opened his mouth several times, but only made a guttural sound.

Apparently, he also discovered the fact that he was unable to speak, and his face also showed bursts of surprise. He obviously did not believe that he would become like this.

Lin Wan over there finally stabilized her pace, looked at me, and then at Zhang Chu. At this time, she seemed not to be able to figure out what happened.

Just when we didn’t know it, there was a sudden “bang” gunshot not far away, and Zhang Chu’s body flew up again.

I froze for a moment and turned my face away.

I saw a sniper rifle and a tall figure.

That person was standing under a dead tree, holding a gun, his hands were very steady and firm, as if he had been waiting for a long time, I didn't see her existence just now, maybe I did make a mistake.

After Zhang Chu was shot flying by the gun, the talent slowly put down the gun and walked forward slowly, like a hunter who hit a rabbit, with a stern expression but full of confidence, she looked at me , looked at Lin Wan, but didn't speak.

Instead, I was the first to speak: "Mo Ge, you..."

Unexpectedly, Mo Ge wasn't surprised by the changes in my body, she seemed to have predicted everything.It was only at this time that I remembered what Zhang Chu said just now. Although Mo Ge cannot be regarded as the instigator of everything, she is the one who really calculated everything. She successfully calculated Zhang Chu and successfully protected Lin Wan and even my life.I never knew that Mo Ge's city was so deep, I only knew that she was a passionate soldier, and later on, she was even a little decadent, even a little indecisive.I never thought she was carrying so much

But at this time, I glanced at Lin Wan, but Lin Wan's eyes made me startled, Lin Wan is my goddess, and I already know Lin Wan, I can see through her expression, and she Seeing Mo Ge's expression made me feel a little uneasy, no, it's not uneasy, it's because I'm sure, Lin Wan and Mo Ge seem to have some kind of special tacit understanding, there must be a lot of unexplainable things between them, between them After staring at each other for a moment, I realized that Lin Wan must know more or less all of Mo Ge's plans. This point is absolute.

And I stood there, looking at them, I didn't expect that in the end, I was the stupidest one, I couldn't help but want to laugh at myself.

Mo Ge stood in front of me, looked at my expression, seemed to know something already, and said, "Chu Tingsheng, there is a saying that Lin Wan often tells you, but at this time, I think I need to tell you too. That sentence...that is..."

"What..." I stared at her.

She said: "Maybe you have a lot of doubts in your heart, maybe you will have doubts or even resentment towards me in your heart, but I have one thing to assure you, that is, I have never harmed you, and I have never harmed you." You and Lin Wan."

"I know." I just nodded.

"She won't harm us." Lin Wan said, "Anyone can harm us, but Lin Wan won't."

"You really have known each other for a long time." I said, a little incoherently speaking, "Oh, no, yes, you really have known each other for a long time." I suddenly remembered some details. Back then, Lin Wan and Mo Ge's many pasts seemed to be I learned about it from each other's mouths. I didn't pay attention to it at the time, and they knew each other more or less because they had worked together in the resistance organization for a long time, but now I think about it and realize that I was too naive. They It is impossible to be humane about the past events of each other, so how could it be known by a person who is not very close to him?In fact, the relationship between Lin Wan and Mo Ge may not be clear at all.

Lin Wan said: "Because Mo Ge is the same as me, or, like us now, she hates the resistance organization, but I hate it from the bottom of my heart and outward, but she bears it."

Mo Ge lowered his head slightly.

I said: "Why. You and Zhang Chu are not...not always..."

"I hate them for ruining my dream of this world." Mo Ge said.

I remembered Mo Ge's dream. At that time in the offshore base, Mo Ge once talked about his dream. At that time, I felt that kind of desire was moving, but at that time I thought that Mo Ge had gradually accepted the resistance organization. It seems that I still can't see people and things clearly, the world, this world, people's hearts, all of these are not as simple as I thought, and many things are not as I see them. Each of them has another side of themselves, and what they do is not as superficial as I thought.

I'm still the stupidest one.

Thinking of this, I just felt dizzy. I tried my best to keep my feet steady, looked at Lin Wan and Mo Ge, and said, "Since you have already made a plan, the next step is to decide..."

Mo Ge said: "We didn't make any decisions, we just hated, but you are different, you not only have hatred, you also have responsibilities."

"Responsibility?" I looked up at them.

Mo Ge said: "Yes, you are different from us, you are not as self-willed as us, and of course you do not have our deliberate plans, but you have more ambitions to save the world than us, whether it is imposed on you by us or you Your own choice, all of these are precious, isn't it? If not, why would someone follow you and love you, but no one would follow us?"

"You have qualities that we don't have." Lin Wan also said.

Suddenly being said that by them, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and couldn't help but take a step back.

And at this time, I found that the black horny skin on my body began to fade away, and the huge black wings on my back also spread out, forming a cloud of black mist, and then gradually merged into my body and disappeared, as if Already out of sight.

I can still feel that special throbbing.

I frowned, tried my best to stabilize my mind, and said, "My are you talking about..."

"At least you are still a person with a heart." Lin Wan said, "And we no longer know what is a heart and what is an emotion."

"In our hearts, there are more attachments and hatred, but Tu Shu, Ah Meng, Qiqi, and many other human beings still have longing in their hearts." Mo Ge said, "That's why we are always so stable. And calm, but you are more or less impulsive."

I felt shuddering.

I don't know why I suddenly feel this way.

"What do you want me to do?" I gritted my teeth involuntarily.

"What do you want to do, then do what you want, what you wanted to do before, do what you do." Lin Wan said, "I am your woman, we are your best friends, we will help you with full power ..."

(End of this chapter)

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