global variation

Chapter 293 Use

Chapter 293 Use
The thing I was most afraid of and hated the most was being used by others. I always thought that as long as a person is going to use another person, there is no reason for him or her. He or she just wants to use the other person's corpse to climb up.But now, when I face Lin Wan and Mo Ge, I am a little speechless, I know that I have been used, but I can't hate at all, I only feel a deep powerlessness .

I took a step back, looked at Lin Wan, then at Mo Ge, and slowly said a word: "I know what I should do, but friends... women, I won't force you... "

"What are you talking about?" Lin Wan stared at me.

I didn't answer her, but reached out and touched her cheek, forced a smile, and said, "It's okay, let's think about what to do next."

I saw a trace of uneasiness in Lin Wan's seriousness. I knew where her uneasiness came from, but I didn't want to point it out.

I am more disturbed and puzzled than her. We are all the same. In this world, what we can do is not hug each other and comfort each other, but keep running forward until we die.

"We, listen to you." At this moment, Mo Ge said in a timely manner.

I nodded and said, "Well, how is Qiqi?"

"The government forces put all of us under house arrest immediately after your accident. Although they won't do anything to Qi Qi, they certainly won't let Qi Qi go." Mo Ge said.

I nodded and said, "It's predictable, but how did you get out?"

Mo Ge seemed to see the distrust in my eyes, and said: "I have always held a great hatred for the infected, and they know it very well, and when you were fighting the government army, I fired a bullet in your direction. gun."

"You..." I was stunned for a moment, and looked at Mo Ge with some hesitation.

Mo Ge said: "Maybe I am like this. I have some foresight and foresight sensitivity to many things. That shot didn't hit you, but at least it gave the government army a little trust in me. If Zhang Chu's head can be brought this time Go back, maybe..." At this point, Mo Ge looked up at the place where Zhang Chu fell just now, but at this moment, her expression changed, and she strode past me and Lin Wan, and we both looked at the same place The place where Zhang Chu fell, there was no one at all.

Zhang Chu was seriously injured, and one arm was crippled. I saw Lin Wan's shot. Although it couldn't be said to hit the head directly, it exploded between his shoulder and neck, and blood and flesh splattered. After such a shot, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving, but Zhang Chu disappeared and disappeared.

"He's still alive." I couldn't help clenching my fist, "How is this possible?"

"There are only two possibilities." Lin Wan said, "Zhang Chu or the Ebola virus in his body has new technical support."

"No matter which one it is, it means that we have another very powerful enemy." Mo Ge sighed and said, "Unfortunately, we still underestimate the enemy."

"Since he has escaped, we don't need to worry about him for the time being." I also sighed, and said, "Judging from the current situation, the most urgent task is to find a way to rescue Tu Shu and Qi Qi from the government camp. .”

"Is there any good way?" Mo Ge looked at me.

I shook my head and said, "Not yet."

"Then the only way to do it is to force it." Mo Ge said.

"Are you going to attack the government army too?" I was stunned.

"If necessary, I can attack any organization. For me, any organization with an official nature is evil, whether it is a government army or a rebel organization, or it is formed by the people, but finally recruited. All kinds of rebels and research institutes, in fact, they are almost the same, there is almost no difference, most of them are gathered together to satisfy the whispers of a certain person or a group of people, the group of people below are nothing more than fighting It’s all about using some banners to help the evildoers, hehe..." I didn’t expect that deep down in Mo Ge’s heart, all this was the truth, and I couldn’t help but shudder.

"What about you?" I turned to look at Lin Wan.

Lin Wan smiled at me and said, "I have never obeyed any organization. The demise or prosperity of any organization has nothing to do with me."

The question was kicked back to me again.

I took a deep breath and said, "No matter how you look at it, I will not be merciful to any enemy, but I will not kill any innocent people." After finishing speaking, I don't want to talk to them anymore Yes, it's not because I blame them, it's just because I'm suddenly tired and helpless at this moment, and I don't want to say anything.

I reckoned that the war over there was over, so I turned around and walked towards the chaotic battlefield. I don’t know why, but at this moment, I had a slight desire for flesh and blood, and this desire made me feel a little scared. But it’s like taking drugs, it’s a bit irresistible, and I feel that this thirst does not seem to come from my own life, but from something in my body. I even doubt it very much, it is the living thing The little light spot, by injecting some special pheromone into my brain, urged me to go between the piles of flesh and blood.

Soon, I saw the horrors after the war.

I haven't seen such a "magnificent" large piece of flesh and blood for a long time. I don't know when it started. Human wars have turned into cruel massacres that will not stop until they blow each other to pieces. There are no human beings on the battlefield. There are no stones, but only piles of meat paste. The stench has already made people feel numb. The mixture of meat paste, blood and special liquid is already part of you and me. Before the battle, they may be enemies, but after the battle Afterwards, they had already merged into one.

I, Lin Wan, and Mo Ge walked on this battlefield, and there were only sticky sounds under our feet.

As I walked forward, strands of thick black mist flew forward with my body. Part of the mist was sucked into my body, but part of it was released, and my skin sometimes formed a black layer. The stratum corneum gradually disappeared from time to time, scattered, cracked, shattered, and scattered all over the place.

Or shattered and reassembled, blending into my skin without leaving a trace.

"Your body is spontaneously screening and accepting these Ebola viruses." Lin Wan said.

I didn't answer.

"I have some worries." Lin Wan said again.

I still didn't speak. I knew that even if Lin Wan remained silent, she would still tell me everything she wanted to say in the end. She wanted to speak, but no matter how hard she tried to stop it, she couldn't stop it.

After a while, Lin Wan said, "I'm worried, they are using you."

"Hehe..." I smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, I've been used all the time, haven't I?"

"You..." Of course Mo Ge understood what I meant, and seemed to want to say something, but he didn't speak in the end.

"Some things, I will get used to them slowly..." I stretched out my arms and deliberately made a gesture of opening my hands to embrace everything. I wanted to tell them that I have become a lot calmer at this time, and many things I couldn't accept before I can accept everything now, I am no longer a good person, I am a monster, and it is not that I have killed innocent people, and I will even kill more innocent people in the future. In fact, at this time, my beliefs are also It’s not as high-sounding as they thought, I still just want to live. If I had to choose between the world’s life and the world’s life, I might choose the latter, but that’s only because I’m afraid of Lin Wan and my life. Family members die.

If it is certain that they can survive, and I exchange my life with people from all over the world, I might just live on and watch them disappear from this world one by one.

People are selfish, not to mention I am not a hero.

This is, the above propositions are just false propositions, because at this moment, if I want to survive, I must save more people. This point cannot be violated at all.

I thought I was walking very slowly, but in fact, I soon returned to the vicinity of Guangzhou City. The place is still calm, and the flames of war have not yet burned. The entire defense line of the Fortress of Life has been taken over by the government army. You can see that they are recasting Fortifications, I don't know whether I should feel relieved or helpless.

Mo Ge stood obliquely behind me, keeping a certain distance from me, and said: "I can go directly through the center of the fortress and return to the camp. That way, there will be no suspicion. You can pass through the air...but, just I don't know if I can..."

Before Mo Ge finished speaking, I moved my shoulders according to my feeling, and mobilized the muscles on my back. For a moment, I felt a throbbing behind my back. The black mist was condensed, and my shoulders and arms suddenly biochemically formed. It covered black horny skin, and released a pair of wide black wings with a "hoo" from its back.

"You can mobilize the virus in your body?" Lin Wan was a little surprised.

I said: "It's just an instinctive feeling." Then, I relaxed the muscles on my back according to the feeling, and the excitement gradually disappeared. The horny skin on my body and the wings on my back really dispersed into mist, and then gathered back into my body .

Even I was a little surprised.

I actually managed to manage it all by feel.

"How on earth did you do it?" Lin Wan looked at me.

I shook my head and said, "I don't know either."

"Okay, no matter how it is done." Mo Ge may know that Lin Wan has an obsession with certain research, so in order to prevent wasting too much time, he interrupted, "Now, we should think about how to get there The camp rescued Tu Shu and Qiqi."

I didn't speak, I spread my black fleshy wings again, and stretched out my hand to grab Lin Wan.

"What is your plan?"

I sneered: "Fly over, rush in, and rob people out."

"You want to kidnap Qiqi and the others directly?"

"No..." I said, "I will directly hijack their commander."

(End of this chapter)

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