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Chapter 29 Lin Wan's Telegram

Chapter 29 Lin Wan's Phone Call

Escaping can give me a way out, but it means that I have to give up Wang Bin's body.

give up……

I gritted my teeth and said to myself.

I saw a bloody arm thrown from the pack of dogs.

At this time, even if I went to grab it, I would just grab back a pile of stumps and rotten flesh.

In a city like hell, if the living can hardly protect themselves, I—why do I care about the dead? !

I turned around and started running wildly, smiling wryly while running, and the wry smile turned into a miserable smile and a big laugh.

I feel like I'm going crazy, maybe even if I live to the day when the infection clears up, I'll already be a psychopath.

But when I was running, suddenly, the mobile phone in my pocket vibrated violently, as if I had been shocked by an electric shock, I almost fell down.

I stopped in a daze, and took out my mobile phone—there was only a little battery left in the mobile phone.

Lin Wan!

When I saw the phone number, I was taken aback and couldn't move.

When it seemed that I was the only one left in the world, she actually called me—at this moment, even if she wanted to frame me, use me, or even kill me, I would not refuse to talk to her.I was so depressed that I was about to explode.

I quickly connected the phone, for fear that the phone would suddenly lose power.

"Hey, Lin Wan!" I said loudly, "Lin Wan! Is it you!"

"It sounds like you're in good spirits." The other party said lightly.

Her sarcastic remarks made me tremble with anger, I gritted my teeth and said, "Huh?! I am in good spirits?! Which ear of yours heard that I am in good spirits? Isn't it enough that you made me into what I am now?! What else? Sample?!"

"If it weren't for me and the medicine I gave you, I'm afraid you would have died long ago?" Lin Wan said.

"I don't care what nonsense you are talking about! I don't care what reason you have!" I screamed, already crazy, "What are you looking for me at this time?! Do you want to hear how miserable I am?! Now, don't you Disappointed?! Huh?!"

"I'm so disappointed that I can't..." The person on the other side remained calm and said, "But... Ting Sheng, shouldn't it be you who want to find me at this time, and not I who want to find you? I'm just answering your call..."

"You!" It's easy for people to speak incoherently when they are angry, not to mention that she blocked my mouth sentence by sentence, which made me feel angry and unable to express, but I couldn't vent it.

I simply stopped talking, and I was just humiliating myself if I continued.

The other party chuckled lightly and said, "Isn't what I said the truth? Tingsheng, besides yourself, I know your current physical condition best, don't you? Besides, you live on." The only hope is me, no one can save you except me, can't you?"

What she said is undoubtedly true, although I don't want to admit it.

"You hurt me, but you came to threaten me again?!" I hissed.

"Don't yell. What's hypocritical? You can't be a man?" said the other side coldly.

"Hehe..." I also responded with a sneer. At this moment, I didn't know what to say. Maybe my ability to bear it was really too bad. After all, in the past twenty years, I have never encountered such a person. Dilemma and desperation, I have never felt the double pain of body and spirit like this before. I am really uncomfortable and afraid, and I really don’t want to continue this precarious life, but there is no end to everything, and I have no choice .So, all I could do was yell, which was the only way to vent.

But after yelling, his heartbeat accelerated and his head was congested with blood, but the world remained unchanged.

This sneer was not only directed at Lin Wan, but also at myself.

Lin Wan continued: "Okay, I'll stop talking nonsense with you, I'll wait for you here at the traffic lights outside the Lianxin Building at No. 17 Yunding Road, you'd better come here as soon as possible before this place is captured by the infected. "

I froze for a moment, and when I realized it, the other party had already hung up the phone.

She's always been like this, going her own way.

But at this time, I have no choice. Since she let me go, I can only do it. Who makes her my only hope to survive?
Suddenly, I felt that Lin Wan was really powerful, she created my pain, but made me unable to leave her—whether it was in college or now, whether it was mentally or physically.

I looked back, and the street behind me was still empty, the sky was gloomy, the air was cold, the street lights were dim, and everything was silent.

To get to Yunding Road Station from here, it only takes more than ten minutes by car, but it is more troublesome to walk, and you have to go through a slightly long tunnel. This is what I am most afraid of. In the dark, who knows what is hidden ?
I hesitated and walked forward. Unexpectedly, after only five or six minutes of walking, I met Luca.

I'm a little thankful that there is Luka, at least it means that it is "the territory of normal humans", but I am also a little annoyed-how should I pass through that piece of Luka, will they arrest me again?I don't want to waste any more time!
This is the fastest way to Yunding Road, and perhaps the only way. If you don't go this way, you have to go back the same way, and go back to the South District Police Station.

After weighing it, I sighed and planned to go back.

However, before I could take a few steps, suddenly, a group of people rushed down from the side road not far away. I was shocked. There were dozens of people in that group. infected.

I took a look at Luca, and then realized that the Luca in this area was still being deployed, and it was not completely closed. I was really too anxious just now, and I didn't pay attention to this point at all. The soldiers who deployed Luca Seeing that group of citizens rushing over suddenly, they seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and then quickly lined up to stop them.

"What are you doing! What are you doing!"

The group of people was so noisy that I couldn't hear what they were talking about at all. I couldn't help but stop, and stood not far away to quietly watch the situation there.

"We want to go out! Why do you let us stay here!" "You know that staying here will only lead to death!" "You..." The waves of voices, one after another, were even more shocking under the originally silent night sky.

Although they kept talking to each other, I still roughly figured out the situation. These people were probably villagers from nearby villages. Obviously, the government did not intend to move them away immediately, but chose to temporarily send people to protect them.

As for the reason, it may be that this side has not been attacked by infected people on a large scale, or it may be because of insufficient manpower and transportation.

But they obviously don't want to sell their accounts, they organized an attack on Luca, and were going to find a way out for themselves.

"Hehe...the opportunity is here..." I said to myself, quickened my pace randomly, and mixed in with the group of people.

"Don't get excited! The government has arrangements with the government, and additional military police have been deployed here to absolutely protect your safety!" The leading armed police officer said loudly, "I will never leave you in danger if necessary!"

"Fart!" A sturdy man yelled, "I know that you are not enough fucking manpower, why don't we go by ourselves?! Why send more military and police to protect safety? There are zombies in this city, and you didn't tell them until now!" How many of us have died, do you really take our lives seriously?!"

"Exactly!" As long as there is one person who takes the lead in making trouble, everyone is emboldened, shouting louder and louder each time, and the people in front have already started to push and push the armed police soldiers who came to stop them.


At this moment, suddenly, the leading officer fired a warning shot at the sky, and everyone fell silent under one shot.

"Who dares to step forward!" said the officer loudly.

Everyone gave up.

I was a little anxious, I gritted my teeth, and thought to myself——I can’t control that much anymore!

Randomly, I yelled: "The police and soldiers protect the people. Now that the people are in disaster, you shoot at the people!"

"Yes! What do you say!" Someone echoed.

I felt a little guilty. After all, instigating and using them is an unethical thing, but I can't help it. I must leave quickly, I must leave here, and I must go to Lin Wan!

"Everyone obey the arrangement and absolutely guarantee your safety!" The officer repeated.

"Safe fart, I'm dead, I'm still safe!" The crowd was excited, and my words of incitement obviously fueled the fire in the hearts of the fearful villagers.

At this moment, something unexpected happened. Among the group of villagers, suddenly, a woman uttered a strange cry and flew up!It moves as swiftly as a cheetah.

(End of this chapter)

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