Chapter 30
There are infected people among these people!
All this I did not expect.

Perhaps even the woman herself didn't know she was infected.

I saw the screaming woman rushing forward, straight to the officer, the officer reacted quickly, immediately raised the muzzle of the gun, "bang bang" fired two shots in a row, I clearly saw that the two shots were Hit the woman on the head.

Oblique sideways, I can even see blood spattering out.

These are two fatal shots.

But the woman didn't fall down, but hugged her head in pain, and slowly lowered her body.

Everyone was stunned.

The officer was quite calm, waved his hand and said, "What are you doing in a daze! Get rid of her first!"

"You!" At this time, another man jumped out from among the villagers, and the honest-looking man fell to his knees on the ground and shouted at the group of soldiers and police: "You kill my wife! You kill me! You bastards, kill me together!"

At this moment, who has the time to explain to the man what happened?
The crowd was in a commotion. On the other side of the armed police, dozens of submachine guns were aimed at the woman crouching on the ground at the same time.

"It's not enough for you to kill her, what else do you want to do?!" The honest man was obviously crazy, kneeling on the ground and moving towards the crouching woman, but the armed police were afraid to shoot for a while because of his presence.

"What are you doing in a daze?! Shoot!" the officer said loudly.

"You bunch of scum!" The village's famous family who didn't know the truth shouted loudly, ready to charge forward again, "You bunch of beasts, you dare to kill our brother, we will fight with you!"

At this moment, on the side of the villagers, probably only I realized the truth of the problem.

I can even foresee what will happen the next moment.

I really want to save that man, but I know that as long as I make a move, I will be targeted by the armed police.

No, I can't...

However, their anger was more or less instigated by me. Could it be that I am not responsible for all this? !

I finally couldn't help it, and said loudly: "Everyone, calm down, that woman has a problem..."

What I didn't expect was that it was too late for me to say this in just a few seconds.

As soon as the man approached his wife, the woman who was crouching on the ground suddenly jumped up and gnawed on the man's neck—the carotid artery!A stream of blood spurted out, and the man didn't even have time to scream, he fell down sullenly, his legs twitched for a while, and didn't move anymore.

The biting woman giggled, turned around, and faced the villagers. At this moment, her face was covered with blood, and the two eye-catching eyes on her forehead were still bleeding out. The blood was like long, bright red earthworms. across her face, cheeks, eyebrows, eyes.

"Shoot!" the officer ordered again, and at the same time he struck the woman again.

The armed police opened fire, shooting at the biting woman indiscriminately, and the crowd went into a complete commotion.

My one and only chance came, even if it wasn't a glorious one.

Taking advantage of the commotion, I quickly crossed the roadblock and ran away. I don't know if anyone saw me at this time. In short, I ran forward desperately, not daring to look back at all.I'm not afraid that the armed police will catch up. What I'm afraid of is that if I see someone die again, I will blame myself for the death of any one of those people.

It didn't take long before I arrived in the urban area. The urban area was also silent, but I could tell that the silence here was just the calm of an ordinary night. I don't know how many citizens in the urban area have realized the seriousness of the problem, but I'm sure , the people here still have no intention of fleeing. 24-hour pharmacies and convenience stores are still open, and night market food stalls still exist, although at this point there are few people.The number of police patrolling the streets seems to have increased, but they don't care about me, who is in a hurry, and the blood on my body is invisible because of the dark color of the clothes and the darkness of the night.

There was still some distance from Yunding Road. I sat on a bench in the boulevard and rested for a while. I didn’t know what might happen. I had to conserve my energy.

But just sitting down for a while, suddenly, my phone vibrated again.

It was an unfamiliar number who called back.

I hesitated for a while, and finally got the courage to answer the phone.

"Hello? Are you..."

"You are Chu Tingsheng." A slightly familiar female voice came from the opposite side.

"you are?"

"I'm Mo Ge." The other said.

"Huh?" I was taken aback, I really didn't expect her to find me at this time.

So timely.

I said: "Ah, are looking for me, what can I do?"

"Where are you now, have you seen Lin Wan?" asked the other side.

I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly hesitated again. I didn't know whether I should tell her Lin Wan's whereabouts, or whether I should tell the truth.

"Have you already found Lin Wan? Are you with her?" Perhaps because I hesitated a little, I asked again.

"I..." I knew I couldn't hide it, and no matter what I said, I had lived and died with Mo Ge, and I had already agreed to find Lin Wan together, so I shouldn't hide anything from her because of love and reason, what's more important What's more, Lin Wan hurt me so badly. At this moment, I don't know whether I should trust her or not.

So, I said, "Well... I'm going to find her, and I've already agreed on a place."

"Where?" said the other side.

I replied: "No. 17, Yunding Road."

"Wait for a few minutes." Mo Ge said, "I'll go with you."

I was a little stunned, she seemed very anxious: "If it's inconvenient, don't come here, I've known her for so long, I don't think anything will happen to her, and I have concentrated liquid on my body now, she is just an ordinary person, I You can't beat her, can you?"

"You are confused." Mo Ge said coldly, "The concentrated liquid on your body was researched by her. If it can give you strength, then there is a way to take back your strength, even if it is only temporarily?"

Again I don't know what to say.

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon." She said firmly, without giving me a chance to refute.

"Okay..." I announced my location.

3 minutes... I counted the time on my mobile phone. A dark black motorcycle approached from a distance and stopped at the intersection of the tree-lined road. The person on the motorcycle took off his helmet and shook his long hair like a waterfall, looking heroic .I knew it was Mo Ge. She was wearing a black lady's leather jacket and jeans. She looked neat and tidy. She turned her head and gestured to me, and I hurried over.

She forgot about me and said, "It's far away from Yunding Road. Take my car for at least 5 minutes. When you get to the intersection of Yunding Road, you can get off and walk there. I'm worried that Lin Wan will feel jealous when she sees me. I want to see Let's see what she's going to do."

I hesitate.

Mo Ge said again: "Don't worry, I'm just monitoring under the order of my superiors."

"No..." I said, "I mean, your injury..."

"It's all right," she said.

I was still a little worried: "But today, you much...and fainted..."

"Don't be a mother-in-law. Didn't you notice that I didn't bring any weapons? The resistance organization has special drugs to stop bleeding. Although I am weak and unable to fight normally, it is still possible to monitor a person." She said, "Hurry up and get in the car." !" This sentence already carried the element of order in the tone.

I nodded.

In fact, from the bottom of my heart, knowing that Mo Ge is still unhealed, and seeing that the edge of the bandage is still showing on the neckline of the clothes under her leather jacket, I am a little relieved, Mo Ge is also an aggressive person Well, this time I met Lin Wan, I actually didn't want to have any conflicts with both parties. Now that Mo Ge is on my side, Lin Wan's actions are restricted; Mo Ge's injury limits her own actions. Rationally speaking , which is in my favor.

Therefore, even though I'm still worried about Mo Ge's body—after all, it's only been six or seven hours since evening—but I still feel lucky.

I'm just glad, but I also feel that something is not right.

Why!Never mind—I said to myself.

I sat down in the car, but Mo Ge said, "Are you sure you don't need to hug my waist?"

I said "ah?", I really never thought that a girl would suddenly say such a sentence that I found slightly provocative.

However, before I could react, the motorcycle had already started.

My whole body suddenly seemed to be sitting on a space shuttle in an amusement park, and my body was almost weightless. I really didn't expect a girl to ride a motorcycle so fiercely.

I hurriedly reached out and grabbed the iron frame behind the car, but I was still in danger of being thrown out again.

The cold wind whistled in my ears, like a knife cutting, under the shaking, I had no choice but to reach out and hug Mo Ge's waist...

(End of this chapter)

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