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Chapter 31 I'm Just a Test Subject

Chapter 31 I'm Just a Test Subject
The road was fast and fast, and it took 10 minutes to walk. Mo Ge said it would take 5 minutes, but in fact it only took about 2 minutes. We stopped at the intersection of Yunding Road.

The street lights on both sides were a little too bright, making me dizzy. It was the first time I got dizzy on a motorcycle.

I turned over and got out of the car, and took several deep breaths before I managed to calm down.

Mo Ge looked at the almost deserted street and said, "You go, I'll follow you later."

I sighed and said, "Okay, be careful."

She didn't reply, but the expression seemed to say something like "you should be careful".

I didn't bother to delve into her attitude of half-scorn, half-sarcasm, but also a little bit of concern. I walked along Yunding Road alone, counting the house numbers.

On the silent street, the whistling cold wind is my only companion.

NO.15, NO.16...

I didn't expect that NO.17 is not after NO.16, but in the box next to NO.16, and the so-called Lianxin Building is an old building built in the 60s. At that time, the "building" and The concept is different now. Such a house is already surrounded by steel and towering buildings. In comparison, this so-called building pales in comparison. What's more, the building has mottled walls and feels desolate. Think, even in the daytime, no one will take a second look at this so-called building.

I don't know what this building was used for, but I guess it seems to be abandoned, but for some reason it has never been demolished.

At the intersection outside the Lianxin Building, the traffic lights for pedestrians are isolated on the side of the road.

This is where we meet.

However, Lin Wan did not appear here.

I was very puzzled, but also a lot more alert.

Why is she avoiding me?
I cautiously walked out of the alley and came to the side of the street. The rattling sound inside the traffic lights and the sound of electricity passing through seemed a bit noisy, which made my restless heart even more turbulent. I took out my mobile phone and wanted to make a call. To make matters worse, the phone was dead.

Just for a short while, the phone finally failed.

I punched the lamppost, gritted my teeth, and said to myself, "Damn..."

However, at this time, I have no other choice but to wait, even though I have no idea whether she will appear or not.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and I counted seconds like years.

Suddenly, while I was hesitating, I saw a dark figure poking out of the alley I just walked out of.

"Lin Wan!" I reacted immediately and said loudly.

"Keep your voice down!" On the opposite side, it was indeed a girl's voice, a familiar voice.

I frowned, and walked forward cautiously but quickly.

At this time, I don't know where Mo Ge is, or if she has followed, and I feel very uneasy.

I slowly came to Lin Wan. Compared to the last time, Lin Wan was clearly dressed much neater at this time, wearing a long dark down jacket with long hair draped over her shoulders.Her movements were a little shy, and she couldn't let go at all, as if she was particularly afraid of the cold.Seeing me coming forward, she turned around and disappeared back into the alley. At this point, I had no other choice but to follow.

Lin Wan stopped in the middle of the alley, the position can be said to be generally bright and half dark, and Lin Wan was standing on the dark side, while I stood with my back to the road under the ray of light from the street lamp.

"How dare you come." There seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

I frowned. At this time, I couldn't see her expression clearly, and I was still uneasy. I said angrily, "You suddenly came to me to laugh at me, right?"

"I don't have the time." Lin Wan chuckled and said, "How do you feel about the power I gave you?"

"It's bad..." I said, "It feels bad."

Lin Wan chuckled again, and said, "It's okay if it's not good. Humans have been injected with the gene concentrates of seventeen kinds of jungle animals. Thinking about it, it won't feel any better."

"What?! Seventeen kinds?!", I almost fell down in fright.

"Yes, there are seventeen kinds, but the main ones that work are the genes of four carnivorous animals and two vegetarian animals, and the others are just auxiliary and balancing effects. Therefore, this medicine can make every muscle in your body , every joint, and even every organ and tissue undergoes subtle changes, significantly improving your stamina, anti-strike ability, explosive power, etc. However, this drug has not been developed yet." Lin Wan clapped her hands together Tan, said, "You're just a guinea pig."

"" I stepped back angrily and said, "You used me as a human experiment, you really deserve it! You are amazing!"

But Lin Wan grabbed my arm and said, "Yes, I used you as an experiment. This potion is a double-edged sword. It may be a gift from me, or it may be the weapon I use to kill you." , you can blame me, but I assure you, I will be responsible for your body to the end."

"What?!" I was stunned.

"I'm serious." I knew Lin Wan was staring at me at this moment, even though her face was hidden in the darkness.

"What do you mean?" I said.

Lin Wan suddenly reached into her arms and took out a small box.

The box was handed to me. Under the dim light, Lin Wan opened the box with one hand. Inside were two light blue pills.

"Taking this medicine will make you feel better, but it only treats the symptoms, not the root cause. I am continuing to develop it." Lin Wan said.

"You are amazing...but why should I believe you!" The change was too fast. When the end came, the world around me seemed to have changed, and the people I used to be familiar with became so strange.

"Whether you believe me or not, I am your only hope. You are also my only hope." Lin Wan said.

"What are you talking about?!"

"I admit that if I was looking for someone else instead of you that day, I would inject the drug into him as well. If that person survives, I will be responsible to him to the end." Lin Wan said, "But Everything is gone, the fact is that I chose you, and now you must rely on me."

"You're blackmailing me!" I yelled.

"That's right." Lin Wan said, "I also want to live, and I don't want to kill anyone!"

To be honest, I don't know which of Lin Wan's words is true and which is false. I can't trust her completely, but I can't refuse her either.

Trembling, I reached out to the potion in the box.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard a gunshot.

"Uh!" Lin Wan staggered, the box in her hand fell to the ground, and she was already on the side.

I was shocked and took a step forward. In the darkness, Lin Wan held her arms and said to me loudly: "The medicine, the pill has fallen off, there are only two pills, hurry up..."

How can I listen to it, and drag Lin Wan into a darker place.

"Where are you hurt?" I asked eagerly.

"I'm fine, it's just my arm. Hurry up and find those two pills... Hurry up, otherwise you will be tortured in the future..." she said excitedly.

I calmed down instead.

At this time, only calmness can face the predicament in front of you.

I tried my best to calmly say: "Don't worry, haven't I endured it for so long? Didn't I die? If you really have the heart, why didn't you give me the pill earlier?" After finishing speaking, I looked around, and in the darkness , My eyes fell on the entrance of the contact building. Suddenly, I found that after adapting to the darkness, my eyes seemed to be much clearer than before.

"I'll help you into the building to hide temporarily. That guy is hiding in the dark. We need to find a cover so that he won't find out." I said.

Lin Wan didn't speak, probably acquiescing.

I carefully helped Lin Wan up, and walked towards the entrance of the corridor of Lianxin Building step by step. The door there was locked, but there was a relatively long step outside, and there was a corridor behind the steps, which was a bit of a Japanese architectural style. , this place is very good as a bunker, as long as we can enter that place, the enemy will never hit us unless they shoot from the front.

However, just when we got to the middle of the road.


Another shot.

"Hmm..." Lin Wan's body froze again.

"What's wrong with you!" I asked loudly.

"It hit the calf..." she hissed.

(End of this chapter)

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