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Chapter 32 Who Should I Believe?I don't believe anyone!

Chapter 32 Who Should I Believe?I don't believe anyone!

Who is it? We are clearly hiding in the dark, but we can still attack Lin Wan - who is it...Could it be...

I quickened my pace and quickly placed Lin Wan in the corridor.

There were no fatal injuries on her body, so it seemed that nothing would happen to her for the time being.

I stood up, ready to go back out of the corridor again.

I seem to have guessed who the opponent is, although I really don't want to be her.

Lin Wan grabbed my arm and said, "What are you doing? Why are you going out? Are you going to die?"

I gritted my teeth and said, "It's okay, you stay!"

After finishing speaking, I quickly stepped out of the porch and fell into the darkness.

I calmed down and tried my best to stabilize my mind. After a while, I looked around and said loudly, "Mo Ge! Is it you!"

Echoes wafted.

I know it's impulsive to do this, but I still have to ask.

"Mo Ge! Why did you do this! Didn't you say..." Before I finished speaking, suddenly, I felt a cold iron guy pressing against my temple.

"Mo Ge..." I was silent for a moment, and tried in a low voice.

"Yes, it's me."

"Hehe, I should have guessed earlier that no one can snipe Lin Wan in the dark except you." I said angrily.

"No, you are wrong. Apart from me, there are many people who can do it. I am no longer strong, otherwise Lin Wan would be dead now." She said coldly.

"Why did you do this, didn't you tell me that you just... just watched her?" I don't like being cheated, I hate people who cheat me.

"I lied to you." Mo Ge said lightly, "If I told you the truth, would you still bring me here?"

"You lied to me..." I hissed, "I trust you so much... well..." I tried my best to turn my face away and looked her up and down, her heroic figure was still the same, and it was ruthless!

"So, it's actually fake that you're seriously injured, right?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"It's not all fake, it's just that people like us have more blood than others, not only me, but you too." She said coldly.

Her gun left my temple, but pointed forward, and I saw Lin Wan walking out leaning against the door.

"Lin Wan, what are you doing?! You go back!" I said loudly.

"Hehe, it seems that you still trust her." Mo Ge sneered.

"I..." I hesitated suddenly.

Yeah, these two people, which one should I trust?
Lin Wan, I have known her for several years, but I don’t know her at all, and I am always used by her, although she is so sincere every time; Mo Ge, she seems to be very honest, but I have only known her for a day, although It can be said that there are more events in this day than in a year, not to mention, in the case of Lin Wan, Mo Ge is also using me.

Which of these two people should I trust?
"Hmph... don't hesitate, let me tell you." Mo Ge said, "Any kind of potion in Lin Wan's hand is a semi-finished product. She just uses you as a container for human experiments. The same is true for staying by your side. If you are lucky, you may become a successful test product for her, but if you are unlucky, you will die miserably, and she will abandon you and find the next person. The reason why the higher-ups want me to eliminate her!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Lin Wan retorted sharply.

"Hmph, then do you dare to swear that your blue pill can control Chu Tingsheng's pain?" Mo Ge was not to be outdone.

Lin Wan hesitated, this moment of hesitation made me understand something, I have been used all the time, but I am not stupid, I am suffering, every minute is like purgatory, but my mind is still wide awake.

After a long time, Lin Wan said slowly: "Yes, that's right, that medicine is a semi-finished product, and I'm not sure if it will work on you... But I guarantee that this is the only way to relieve your pain at present!"

I was silent too.

I suddenly felt that this matter was inherently funny. She stuck a needle, and my life changed because of it. Disasters followed, and my body was tortured. But at this time, she came to pretend to be the lucky star in my life, the savior?
All of this was caused by her, wasn't it?
What about Moge?Could it be that Mo Ge is a good person?Is Mo Ge always thinking of me?
At this moment, my mind became clearer, and I suddenly noticed many details that I hadn't noticed before.

Why did Mo Ge come to me at such a precise time?Why can she determine my location so accurately?Why can she appear in front of me so quickly?If she had the task of tracking down and killing Lin Wan from the beginning, then how could she not spy on me? Since even her injury is part of the plan, how can I believe that she has not been calculating all the time? I.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of those things when I was chased by the swordsman.

I couldn't help but reach out and touch my phone that was dead.

I suddenly took out my phone, raised my hand, held it up to Mo Ge, and said, "Are you following me?"

"What?" She looked at me.

The corner of my mouth ticked, and I said again: "Is it a coincidence that you found me tonight? You found me in a few minutes. Is this a coincidence?"

"Give me the phone." Suddenly, Lin Wan who was at the side said.


"I said..." Lin Wan covered the wound on her shoulder and repeated, "I told you to give me your phone."

I walked forward with some hesitation, and handed the phone to Lin Wan.

Lin Wan took the phone with her bloody hand, and just touched the back of the phone with her thumb for a while, and then she seemed to find something, and she pressed her fingernail near the receiver on the top of the phone, and in the dark, I saw that there seemed to be something It was pushed out from the gap at the top of the phone.

Lin Wan handed the phone back to me weakly, and then used her thumbnail to hold an extremely inconspicuous metal object, and handed it to my eyes.

I can't see what it is.

Lin Wan said: "The rebel organization's old trick, the micro-tracker, is similar to the police's tracking equipment, only smaller and harder to detect. It can be inserted into any gap in the phone for signal tracking, hehe... I am so in the rebel organization. For a long time, you can deceive others, but you cannot deceive me..."

"Mo Ge..." I looked at the bright spot on Lin Wan's nails, and said tremblingly, "Is this true?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" At this time, Mo Ge was already furious, and stepped forward with a shoulder, staring at Lin Wan's head with a gun, and said, "Even if I follow you, I'm helping you."

"I haven't been used enough!" I yelled, and then stepped back step by step. I felt overwhelmed and just wanted to leave quickly. I didn't want to see Lin Wan, and I didn't want to see Mo Ge again. All of them, Just using me, using me like a pawn, and I hate being used.

"Why do you involve me in your internal struggle?" I gritted my teeth.

"This city is finished, and no one can get away with it. There is nothing to bring you in, let alone take advantage of it." Mo Ge said coldly, "I will kill her, and you and I will go back to the base of the rebel organization. They'll find a way to heal you."

"Impossible! The resistance organization does not have that kind of technology, let alone the first-hand clinical data on the infection pathogen! I am a researcher, I am a doctor, you can only trust me!" Lin Wan retorted sharply.

"I don't believe anyone!" I was already mad, and I yelled, and said, "Mo Ge, you can kill whoever you like, Lin Wan, you can die as you want, you guys fight each other, it has nothing to do with me, It has nothing to do with me!"

I turned around and ran like flying. I don't know if Mo Ge will shoot me. I don't want to worry about it anymore. I don't want to worry about anything. I want to escape. Before the city is completely chaotic, I will To escape this city, this hell on earth, I couldn't take it any longer.

Even if I die, I want to go home. I want to die at home, on a warm bed, beside my relatives, and be buried in the cemetery in my hometown.

I don't want to die in a foreign country, and I don't want to be a pile of rotten meat whose identity and gender cannot be distinguished. In the end, I can only be shoveled away by a forklift and dealt with uniformly.

I don't want that!In no mood!

In my impression, there is a station on Yunding Road. I don’t know whether this station is still in operation at the moment, and whether there are long-distance buses.

Hometown, I'll be right back!Hometown, wait for me for a while! --I told myself.

(End of this chapter)

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