global variation

Chapter 297 Pandora's Box

Chapter 297 Pandora's Box

The death knight didn't seem to have thought that his body would be cut open so easily, and his voice was naturally without any emotion, but I could feel a trace of fear in his heart.

This kind of fear comes from the Bunsen of the virus inside the death knight. Their fear is not the same as that of human beings. I don’t know if it is a slight difference in the way of transmission or expression. At this time, I can even feel this difference.

In any case, the fear of the enemy is the greatest help to me.

I crossed my arms and swiped in the air again. The death knight slammed his feet on the ground and retreated sharply, leaving behind a diffuse green gas. Naturally, I was no longer afraid of that gas. I flew up and shook my hands , relying on instinct to manipulate the sharp blade formed on the arm, the two sharp blades dispersed into two black mist in an instant, but soon gathered together, slowly condensed in my hand, and turned into two black sharp swords, two black mist The sharp sword pierced the death knight's body from left to right.

The death knight waved his toga, and the black mist under the toga fluttered, and quickly condensed into a shield in front of him. However, the moment my long sword pierced the shield, the black shield in his hand automatically dispersed. In an instant, It seemed that the condensed Ebola virus "army" was defeated by me alone, and my long sword went straight to the death knight's throat.

The death knight's throat was also surrounded by metal, but the sword spread out the moment it touched near his throat, turning into tentacles, directly wrapped around his neck and head.

This time even I was taken aback.

This long sword, rather than being manipulated by myself, might as well be doing things on its own, helping me fight. It seems that this is not my weapon, but the comrades who fought side by side with me. They have their own tactics and styles of fighting. Can't control.

And the death knight, obviously suppressed by this "tactic", couldn't move at all.

Moreover, at the moment when the "tentacles" entangled the death knight, I suddenly felt some new "memory fragments" and information entered into my brain.

These disorganized things are slowly connecting together in my brain.

I realized right away - this tentacle was stealing information from the death knight's mind.

It's stealing part of the death knight's memory.

Moreover, this memory seems to have been screened, instead of stealing everything in one go.

I felt a chill. The black "weapon" in my hand is definitely alive, and has established a special tacit understanding with my brain. He is using his power to instill something in me. At this time, I want to come, instead of It is better to say that I am fighting side by side with him, or that he is guiding me to do something. I feel more and more unspeakable fear, but this fear seems to be appeased in a short period of time. It was a means, not my own mind, that soothed me.

And it is a means of coercion.

It's as if there is a special pheromone or a special signal in my body, which is forcibly guiding my mind and the thinking state of my brain, making it peaceful and calm.

I was forced to "inject" some kind of tranquilizer from my body.

At this time, I simply want to be restless but can't get it.

At the same time, I began to unconditionally receive some fragments of information snooped from the brain of the death knight, and I discovered that these fragments were indeed useful to me, and it was indeed the place of my confusion just now. These information told me that death What information did the knight get from Zhang Chu’s mind just now, and why did he come here.

——The reason why Zhang Chu returned to the camp was because of Qiqi. What he did in the control room just now was to paralyze the defense system of the entire base, and then let the army in black—that is, those who betrayed the rebel organization , The team following Zhang Chu’s actions was able to drive straight to the place where Chuchu and Mo Ge were under house arrest, but he made a mistake because he didn’t expect me to appear here.

——Qiqi is not only the goal of Zhang Chu, but also the goal of General Zhong, members of the resistance organization and even the government army. Everyone wants to get the dusty memory of Qiqi, and everyone wants to open the "salvation" left by Xie Chun to the world password".

——As for the death knight, it was only by accident that he met Zhang Chu, but obviously at this time, because of the information in Zhang Chu's brain, he also moved to see Qiqi. The ability to co-exist and probe the cerebral cortex of pulling viruses can dig out Qiqi's deep memory, but Qiqi will die or live in the end, and he naturally doesn't care.

——The reason why the death knights came here was because they chased me.

...just like the swordsman chasing me back then.

I froze for a moment.

This piece of information has been concealed a lot of content, as if someone could cover it up, why did the death knight chase me, why did the swordsman chase me, why I was always more likely to provoke the infected, and what exactly was my body? What is it? This information seems to be related to something in the death knight's mind, but it was deliberately avoided.

It's like half-talking, which is extremely uncomfortable.

I figured it was something inside me that was causing it all, the exact same thing that was putting the sedative in me.

I began to fight against this cover-up forcefully, and the feeling was indescribable, like a fight in the head, this fight gave me a headache, and it felt like my brain was about to explode.

But at this moment, suddenly, the tentacles wrapped around the death knight in front of me suddenly let go, turned into dots of black mist and gathered towards my body again.

The link between me and the memory of the death knight's brain was forcibly cut off in an instant, and the death knight seemed to realize that something was wrong just now, he was just a moment of panic, and then pushed me hard, and I fell out of the whole body. Turning over in the air, I finally stood still on the ground. Mo Ge and Tu Shu came forward to support me, but I shook off them and rushed towards the death knight again.

The moment I was rushing towards the death knight, the angry Song Yi shot again, and bursts of sparks exploded all over the death knight. Although he couldn't hurt him at all, he was still aggressive.

Song Yi didn't intend to stop at all.

I stared at the explosion, took advantage of the explosion, and drew out the surging flames with both hands. Yes, the explosion was more powerful. Although the death knight would not be blown to pieces, it was blown back and forth with our cooperation.

At this time, I heard the sound of the sniper rifle being loaded again.

Then there was a muffled sound, and a sound of piercing the wind.

I felt that a bullet flew by not far from me, hit the death knight's body with a "swish", and then exploded with a "bang". I took this opportunity to summon two flames again, The flames intertwined with the sparks produced by the explosion of the bullet, and the death knight's body was blown out this time. I wanted to pursue the victory and give him a fatal blow, but at this moment, the death knight in midair suddenly went black. With a shake of the robe, two strands of black mist dispersed like a tide, and then spread in mid-air, forming fleshy wings that were wider than the black robe.

The death knight slowly soared into the air. At the same time, he pressed down his hands lightly, and a faint black mist flew down. I couldn't stop it. Even if the heat wave was activated, the energy of the Ebola virus that could be burned was very small. It was a drop in the bucket, and there was no way to save the emergency. The scattered Ebola virus merged into the ground. Immediately, those dead bodies began to stand up one by one. In the battle just now, there are countless dead bodies nearby. Ten, all of a sudden, those corpses not only started to stand up, but also began to gather slowly.

"Oops, this guy is summoning a pile of corpses." I said through gritted teeth.

Mo Ge and Tu Shu seemed to have never seen such a battle.

I sternly ordered: "Mo Ge, Tu Shu, Song Yi, you all go save people, take Qiqi and the others away quickly!"

"Qiqi and Ah Meng are together, they should be safe now..."

"I don't need to answer, take people away!" I yelled sharply, "If something happens to Qiqi, it's not just us who will die, the whole human race may have no chance of winning!"

Mo Ge and Tu Shu didn't dare to neglect, they turned and left immediately.

I should have realized that since Qiqi was rescued by me and returned to the base of the rebel organization, Pandora's box has been opened, and war and death will revolve around Qiqi, although the overall situation has been secretly revealed more than ten years ago. Being laid down, but a key is needed to run this game, and Qi Qi is precisely this key.

I wasn't ready for the decisive battle at all, but I realized that at this moment, the decisive battle was not far away.

We have no chance to meet a stronger enemy. This battle is either life or death, either you or me.

But at this time, Song Yi still refused to leave. He stood beside Zhang Chu's body, raised his hand and fired until there was no bullet left, but he still stared at the death knight.

I will never know what he is thinking in his heart, and at this time, I have no time to take care of it.

We were soon surrounded by corpses, and those walking corpses gathered into piles of corpses in a short period of time, bloody and bloody, we couldn't tell the face, and we couldn't figure out what kind of substance it was. I just know they are moving.

"Bastard... isn't death enough? It's not enough to be dead, but you still have to play with their corpses like this." Song Yi roared.

"Hurry up!" I yelled at Song Yi, "You still have injuries!"

Song Yi didn't seem to hear, and grabbed the submachine gun of a government soldier next to him, and fired wildly at the pile of corpses.

But the pile of corpses was lifeless, no matter how bloody he beat the pile of corpses, that guy was still manipulated by the death knight, wriggling forward continuously, as if to devour everything.

I gritted my teeth, exercised my shoulder muscles, spread my fleshy wings, kicked my feet, and flew into the air. At this time, the death knight is our ultimate opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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