global variation

Chapter 298 Ebola's World

Chapter 298 Ebola's World
I slammed into the death knight sideways, using my sharp wings to slash at his body. The death knight raised his hand to resist, and my black fleshy wings immediately spread out and became invisible.

But my body didn't sink, the black mist formed by the wings suddenly formed a series of blades in the air, and began to slash towards the death knight's body. With the sound of cracking, the metal armor that constituted the death knight's body cracked little by little and fell down.

The death knight was obviously at a disadvantage, but at this moment, there was a violent shock. Looking back, I only saw a black figure rushing towards me. The blood spurted out, and in front of me, the huge pile of corpses turned into two pieces, but the two pieces of corpse piles did not stop attacking, but instead turned into two terrifying monsters, rushing towards me again , the blade-like black mist in mid-air gathered on me again, wide wings re-formed.

I gritted my teeth and sprinted into the air.

As soon as I sprinted, the death knight was no longer threatened, and he flapped his wings and chased after me.

At this time, his body was already broken. I hit him several times and knocked him back to the ground, but he rose into the air again.

This guy doesn't seem to know pain.

And at this moment, I saw a flash of flames in the southeast of the camp, and the flames shot straight at Xiaohan, and smoke and dust rose all over the place, and I even felt the surroundings vibrate, and there were rumbles and muffled noises.

That is……

I have an ominous feeling.

But the death knight didn't seem to think that much, he attacked me frantically again, and the pile of corpses on the ground gathered again, attacking me like a long dragon.

I couldn't get in touch with Mo Ge, Lin Wan, and Tu Shu. Without the communication device, I didn't know where they went.

With worries in my heart, I couldn't hit the energy to deal with the death knight's attack at all.

After a while, I was suppressed again by the pile of corpses and the death knight. My whole body fell to the ground, and the metal bone sword in the hands of the death knight stabbed at me almost without stopping. The corpse The pile is also surrounded by left and right, and pounces on me from time to time.

Then the concentrate and those special abilities, I barely resisted their attack.

I saw that not far away, Song Yi and Zhang Chu fell together. Song Yi's body was bloody and his abdomen was cut open, while Zhang Chu's body was being absorbed by the pile of corpses at the moment. A little bit of black mist came from Zhang Chu's body. It was revealed that his body had already been disintegrated.

Song Yi and Zhang Chu, I still remember what they looked like when they first appeared, and I also remember how many times they have saved me, and how many times they have become the life-saving straw we are looking forward to.

But in the end, it came to such a situation.

I will never know why they have come to this point, I am not them, they made their own choices, right or wrong, but in the end it will return to dust.

The corpses gathered from all directions almost formed a ring-shaped wall of flesh, surrounding me and the death knight. The death knight kept attacking me, but I couldn't escape the wall of flesh. Stretch out a bloody arm or a head with cracked eyeballs, gnawing and scratching at me frantically.

In this battle, my chances of winning are getting smaller and smaller.

But what worries me more is not all of this. What worries me more is that the rumbling roar is getting closer and closer, and I found that there is thick smoke billowing in the sky. This is definitely not caused by ordinary street fighting .

While I was thinking about it, suddenly, less than 100 meters away from the place where I was fighting with the death knight, there was a loud bang, the flames shot straight into the sky, and a shock wave rushed towards me with skin-burning heat waves When it came, I stretched out my hand to resist, but my whole body was thrown out. Flames burst out in all directions, and the explosion sound was deafening. The buildings next to me seemed to be collapsing one by one, turning into ruins in an instant.When my body was shaken out by the shock wave, I saw that the death knight and the pile of corpses were immediately engulfed in flames. They didn't scream, and they wouldn't scream at all.

But I want to shout, anyway, I'm human after all.

But at this moment, that white spot of light appeared again.

Then, I saw countless black Ebola viruses begin to surround my body, like an ant eater, and I felt that my body had been completely eroded and sealed by the black substance.

Then, there was another explosion, a violent shock, and I felt my whole body sink, as if I had sunk to the bottom of a lake, as if I was about to fall asleep, as if I had fallen into a deep dream.

This dream, I even, is very complicated.

Again I saw the motley fragments, the tropical island, the SS soldiers.

But this time I saw more.

I saw a group of Japanese soldiers. When I realized that those guys might be the Japanese soldiers who invaded China decades ago, I could see clearly. Those guys were already dead, very tragic and ugly. Not on the battlefield, but from some horrific disease, their bodies drained dry, barely identifiable only by their clothes.

The broken pictures rotated, but I saw a group of tall and burly Europeans. From the accent, I barely judged that they were Russians, or in other words, Soviets...

I saw them holding test tubes in their hands, I saw them doing some special research, maybe it all had something to do with Ebola.

Then, I saw two people fighting in the huge cave. At the same time, armed police and army soldiers were also gathering in the cave.

I saw one bloody murder case after another, and none of them seemed to be related to the Ebola experiment. It seemed that someone was manipulating a certain force and modifying the human body.

The Ebola virus broke into human life.

And all of this actually started brewing dozens or even hundreds of years ago.

I don't know why I saw this, I don't know why I know all this, I don't know why some things seem to be pre-established in my brain without any warning, as if some things just exist, is a layer of inherent information.

I can't resist it, I can't avoid it, I can only accept it. This overbearing and unreasonable memory loading makes me extremely disturbed.

I gritted my teeth and looked at everything in front of me, or rather, my soul was staring at everything in front of me coldly.

At this moment, that white spot of light appeared again.

This time, he appeared not far from me, he didn't seem to avoid like before, but looked at me quietly, I knew he was looking at me.

"Who are you?!" I tried to ask.

"Ebola virus." This time, to my surprise, I actually got a response, and it was a very logical response, with a very clear voice, "We have been symbiotic for a long time, from the concentrate to your body From the moment you were born, we have been living together. I have a very deep understanding of your feelings, your way of thinking, and your behavior characteristics. Now, I have also mastered your language characteristics. Oh, maybe what I have mastered is just One of the human languages, I don't have the concept to analyze which excessive language it is, but I have analyzed some commonalities of human beings from you."

"What are you going to do!" I asked in horror.

"My original mission, like most of the Ebola people, is to invade humans, transform humans, destroy humans, and create our own world." The little white light said, "A world of absolute rationality—in the words of you humans To me, that word seems to be rational."


"The cleansing of human beings started hundreds of years ago, some of which you know, I have shown you, and some of which I have not even figured out myself. But one thing is certain, that is, for human beings, almost A hundred years has changed, but for us, a few hundred years is a blink of an eye."

I am amazed by Ebola's vocabulary. Although I know that he probably read my or more people's memory banks to obtain these vocabulary concepts, but the first time he talked with creatures in this low-dimensional world, it was really amazing. It blows my mind.

"When your enemy and former friend Zhang Chu were fighting with you just now, I tried to steal some cells of his language center, so I formally formed my own human language system." Ebola said again, "So at this time , I can have a conversation with you, but this kind of conversation is limited to the communication inside your brain, I can’t form the entity of the human three-dimensional world, I can only manipulate, but I can’t manipulate you, because, ridiculously, I actually I found a kind of resonance in your body, and this kind of resonance stopped my rational thinking, so I started to help you, understand you, transform you, I just want to see, when your body becomes harmonious When the infected people are the same, can your perceptual thinking continue... Hehe, later I found out that I was wrong, oh, no, it is the concept of the entire Ebola people who are wrong."

"what are you saying?"

The other party continued: "What we want to build is a rational world. We believe that human sensibility is only caused by desire, and sensibility is the chief culprit that makes this world stagnate. We also believe that as long as human beings are released from the jealousy of desire, Its moral concepts, emotions and all perceptual things will disappear, so we transform the human body arbitrarily and release the greatest desire, but I found that this is wrong, not just you, I found that many so-called infected people , those who have been transformed are still limited by their sensibility, moral concepts and inherent emotions still exist, and they still restrain them, and everything we do is not only a kind of justice, but an evil killing."

(End of this chapter)

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