global variation

Chapter 299: The End of the World Comes

Chapter 299: The End of the World Comes
"Human rationality and sensibility do not appear alternately, and will not be separated. I found many common qualities in you, and finally understood your basic way of thinking." The white light spot was erratic, and I Just feel dizzy.

"So you helped me..." But at this time, I had already thought through a lot of things, "The death of the swordsman was caused by your synchronous effect through the Ebola virus, and you caused his body to fall apart, just like now Many people are able to turn corpses into mist."

"That's right, molecules are the most basic composition. Even human beings can be continuously decomposed. The whole in your concept is just wishful thinking." The white light said, "Even our Ebola people are the same. It can also be decomposed, each individual is a world, and no one knows what we will encounter."

"Dust Civilization..."

I murmured: "It turns out that everything is true..."

"Dust civilization, this is the vocabulary you use to describe this theory." The little white light said, "Next, I will continue to inhabit your body, and you have no way to resist or reject my existence, otherwise, You will die, because your bodily functions have gradually begun to depend on my existence, once I die, your body will also do the same."

"You..." I gritted my teeth.

But at this moment, the white spot of light dissipated with a "huh", and it was difficult to find any traces.

I yelled loudly, but there was no response. At this time, I heard someone calling my name.

"Chu Tingsheng!"


"Mr. Chu..."

In the haze, I opened my eyes and saw a few familiar faces.

Mo Ge, Tu Shu, Ah Meng, Qi Qi, and even Lin Wan are all by my side at this time.

And I am in ruins.

Even metal, there is a moment when it is burned and melted.

I looked around and said tremblingly, "This is an explosion..."

"Yes, the ammunition depot exploded." Lin Wan said quietly, her tone was terrifyingly calm.

"It's you, right?" I looked at Lin Wan, "You pretended to stay and operate the jammer for me, but in fact, you wanted to detonate the ammunition depot... You have already made up your mind to blow up everything... ..." I gritted my teeth, stood up, and looked around.

The explosion affected not only the small area of ​​the camp, but almost half of Guangzhou city.

The city of Guangzhou looks even more deserted at the moment.

I stared at Lin Wan for a long time, and slowly said: "These Guangzhou people, what crime did they do? What did they do wrong? Why did you blow up everything?"

"If possible, I would like to destroy the entire city." Lin Wan said, "You don't know that being infected and controlled by Ebola has long been the general trend, and we humans have long been unable to control all of this. At least in the urban area of ​​Guangzhou, That's it, there's no better way to slow the spread of the virus than to destroy it."

"So, in fact, you have already planned." I looked at Mo Ge, Tu Shu, and everyone, and suddenly I understood something. I stepped back step by step, looked at them with a sneer, and said, "I I finally got it. In fact, from the very beginning, all of this was a game, right, what you want is the current result, I am just an experimental product, right, on the one hand, we want to create a 'super weapon' like me, On the one hand, you have to complete your plan. Although I don’t know what your plan is. However, Lin Wan has been alive, you have deceived Zhang Chu’s eyes, and the rain and Zhang Chu confront each other again and again. All this is absolutely impossible Accidentally, today you blow up half of Guangzhou City in the blink of an eye, hehe... If you didn't do all of this on purpose, you..."

I didn't dare to continue thinking, I lowered my head, and it took a long time before I opened my mouth and asked again.

"Who is behind you..."

"Brother, don't blame sister Lin Wan, don't blame sister Mo Ge, brother Chu Tingsheng, they also..."

I waved my hand and said, "Qiqi, stop talking, I know, you have your purpose, maybe you see farther than me, but now, all I see is the same thing, that is, the city has been destroyed now Mostly, isn't it?"

No one said anything more.

I turned around and didn't look at them anymore, I decided to leave, maybe I should know now, I already know almost everything, and I don't want to continue entanglement.

I opened those flesh and blood wings, turned around, and said, "What other plans do you have? You can take Qiqi there... protect her... I know, maybe everything is the general trend in front of you, you may have I don't know anything about your plans, everything about you, and I don't want to know any more."

"Where are you going?!" Lin Wan asked.

I shook my head and said, "I'm just a monster now. What I have to do is to find a place and hide myself silently."


"Hehe," I said, "It's been half a year, and I'm a little tired. If this war can't be stopped, it will affect me one day. Let's stop here... Rebel organizations, government forces, Apocalypse Knights , that No. [-] who has turned into a monster and flew away, I don't want to worry about it anymore..." After finishing speaking, I stopped talking and flew high.

In the sky, I looked down at the entire city of Guangzhou, and all I saw was a piece of metal ruins. What I saw was cruelty, sorrow, and loneliness.

I saw a small white spot of light moving around me, appearing and disappearing.

"Absolute rationality really is destruction." I secretly sighed, "It seems that you are wrong, and we are also wrong. This battle should not have been fought, but all of this has already happened."

"Have you started to escape?" I couldn't make out the voice of the small white light, but I knew what he was talking about.

I did not speak.

I knew that I had indeed started to escape. The bombing of Guangzhou City directly destroyed all my will to fight.You know, this place used to be my home, and my family was also here, and it was the person I loved so much that blew up all of this, and the group of people I thought I could live and die together comrades.

I feel that everything can come to an end here, I am now subject to this white light spot, I can't even control the changes in my body, and I can't control my own life and death.

This battle will continue, and we will not be able to stop the spread of Ebola at all.

The death knight was destroyed, and three of the four four knights of the apocalypse had been destroyed, but even so, even if the knights of the apocalypse were completely destroyed, there would still be other more terrifying enemies appearing.

I flew to the highest altitude in silence, I listened to the small white light spot still chattering around me, transmitting some fragments of memory and information into my mind, bit by bit, when everything was in my brain When they were combined into a complete sentence, I found that not far away, the setting sun was like blood, just like the bright red fog sprayed from the body of the dead, spreading in the sky.


That period of history is floating in my mind at the moment, as if it has become a part of my memory.

I don't know that this round was suddenly opened from that day, I only know that this round is far from over.


At the end of World War II, the first batch of Ebola virus carriers appeared among the Germans on the battlefield in North Africa. This group of carriers officially brought the virus back to the human world. Instead of seeking a cure for the Ebola virus, the rhapsodist head of state Hoping to use this virus to create more powerful humans and strengthen his SS army, this technology was secretly stolen by Japan, another country in the axis of evil at that time, and started research.

It's just that all of this, with the end of World War II, was also forgotten by people.

In the 70s, a strange disease suddenly occurred in a small village at the junction of Guangdong and Jiangxi. Township doctors and even experts from the province were helpless. Residents in the village collectively changed, and some died of strange bleeding. Heat, some turned into powerful but painful living corpses. The "living corpse incident" was passed on to the central government in the form of No. [-] secret document, and was instructed by a high-level executive: handle it carefully and conduct in-depth research.

After discussion, the local government decided to send troops to seal off the village to clean up the living corpses. However, the changes in the village were out of control, and the Cantonese army suffered heavy casualties. In the end, they had to burn down the entire village, and secretly transported six corpses and a batch of virus samples back to Beijing.

After the virus samples were shipped back to the capital, the central government secretly set up a research team and hired Soviet experts to study the virus. It was confirmed that the virus was a mutated Ebola virus. However, due to the complicated mutation process, the research stagnated.

At the height of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union ordered spies to steal China's research results, intending to bring the virus stock solution and research data back to the Soviet Union to create new biochemical weapons to restrict the United States.However, when the spy escaped, he was intercepted by a mysterious organization, and the virus stock solution and research materials were stolen.

At the same time, an earthquake and landslide at the junction of Guangdong and Jiangxi inadvertently opened up a huge secret underground.It turned out that the small village, and the surrounding villages, were located on a huge secret military base left by the Japanese army, and the mutant Ebola virus came from here. The central government quickly sent troops and research teams again, and learned a lot of reliable data.It turned out that the Japanese army was here to study the method of strengthening the limit of human body.As an extremely ancient virus, the Ebola virus has a special function of destroying human cells and changing human genetic codes. During the research process, they discovered that this kind of thing can coexist with the human body under certain conditions, and cause some human diseases. special changes.

However, before these studies were over, Japan had already been defeated. When the Japanese Research Institute was about to retreat, the exit collapsed, and everyone was buried in the base. This huge secret was thus sealed.

Decades later, the mysterious organization that attacked the Soviet spies made important achievements in the research of the Ebola virus, and established a huge underground biochemical organization along the coast of Guangdong Province. At first, it attempted to use school students as the basis to carry out sabotage and cleaning activities , but the plan was strangled in the cradle, and the leader Qin Luoyun was shot dead by the armed police.

The internal structure of the organization, which has been severely weakened, has undergone great changes, and it has split into several factions, especially those members of the organization who were unwilling to commit crimes, and have gradually moved closer to the government.

In order not to cause panic, the government decided to deal with the matter in a low-key manner, but the "cleansing faction" who mastered high-tech biochemical technology began to prepare to carry out a cleansing and purification campaign on the entire land of China, starting from coastal Z city.

The government estimated the seriousness of the situation, so while forming a resistance army, it began to instruct the "moderate faction" to find people with special abilities, adopt new biotechnology, and strengthen their bodies to a certain extent, making them more or less Gain less ability to fight against "infected".

Since the technology of the government and the "moderate faction" is conservative, they mainly focus on protecting people's lives and supplementing their physical fitness and special abilities. The radical protection organization between "and the "moderate faction", which uses more radical research methods to enhance human power, is called the "evolution faction". The government has reservations about the "evolution faction". It has a great effect on the "purging faction".

Against this background, the resistance organization came into being, and the church also infiltrated into the cleansing faction, establishing the most powerful infected army...


The setting sun was still as gorgeous as blood, and the raindrops falling in the sky were also smudged by the setting sun, which looked extremely tragic.

The signs of the doomsday are truly happening at this moment, and the god of doomsday has just awakened at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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