global variation

Chapter 35 The bloody battle on the road, the lingering swordsman

Chapter 35 The bloody battle on the road, the lingering swordsman

I don't know the model of the military vehicle, only that it is a closed van.

The interior of the military vehicle was pitch black. I don't know how many people came up, but the person sitting next to me must be Fatty Zhu Ming.

Even in winter, it is extremely hot here.

We are like a group of stowaways who don't know where we are going to be taken by smugglers.

However, thinking that I will soon be able to return to Guangzhou and my hometown, I feel somewhat better.

Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong Province, and it is impenetrable. In the past two years, the country has strengthened its military strength here, and it is even rumored that fortifications have been built in the suburbs.

I've never actually seen what a modern fortification looks like, but I figured it wouldn't be a big deal to fend off that horde of infected.

I leaned against the wall of the swaying iron car, sighed, and thought to myself: "I can finally die on my own bed..."

From City Z to Guangzhou, if you drive faster and take the high speed, it will only take about an hour.

Soon I will be able to go back.

I counted the time, but after about half an hour, suddenly, the carriage shook violently, and I almost fell down.

I couldn't help becoming alert, and I stuck my whole body against the wall of the carriage, turned my face, and stared at the carriage door.

To be honest, I was a little scared.

"Crack! Crack!" At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of several bullets being loaded in the carriage.

It seems that there are also soldiers here.

My heart relaxed a little, but it didn't mean the crisis was resolved.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the car to arrive in Guangzhou so fast, it must be stopped halfway.

I know that this would never have happened had it not been for the extreme urgency of the situation.

I couldn't help but clenched my fist.

"Crack! Crack!" Suddenly there were several gunshots outside.

My nerves tensed even more.

Something happened, sure enough something happened.

"Now it's time for a good show." The fat man at the side actually said this in a low voice at this time.

I looked to the side in amazement, and could only catch the outline of his figure. At the same time, I also vaguely saw many passengers leaning against the side of the carriage, motionless, some seemed to be trembling, four soldiers with guns , then crouched in the middle of the car, with the muzzle pointed at the door of the car, believing that as long as the infected dared to open the door, a few guns could suppress them even if they could not kill them.

"Boom! Boom!" All of a sudden, the arm of the carriage behind me suddenly seemed to be hit hard by something, which made me feel dizzy.

After the crash, the surroundings returned to silence again, a dead silence, the most frightening "unknown", spreading in this dark car at this moment, it was something more fatal than death.

"Da da da……"

I heard heavy footsteps and a low growl.

There are definitely infected people out there, and more than one.

"Da... da..." The sound of heavy footsteps was getting closer, and the sound of some kind of sharp object rubbing against the ground became louder and louder.

Suddenly, I seemed to know something outside, this footsteps, this scalp-numbing friction sound, all of these, could it be...

My thoughts have not been straightened out, suddenly!
"Crack!" The sound of cracking metal.

"Chi!" The sound of piercing the body.

"Ah!" screamed.

Almost at the same time, the fear in the dark carriage was brought to the highest point.

I vaguely saw, just across from me, a man sitting leaning against the carriage, a sharp object had protruded from his chest for no apparent reason.

"Hey!" I realized the danger, and the object quickly withdrew from his body, and he was tilted to one side, a big hole had been pierced in the wall of the carriage behind him, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on his crooked body. On the fallen corpse, the big hole in the chest was shocking, blood was flowing, and the internal organs were completely pushed out of the body.

"Ah!" a woman screamed.

"Don't sit against the wall of the car, come to the middle!" I yelled, and then turned over to the middle of the car first.

The carriage was not spacious, but there were many people sitting there. Everyone began to gather in the middle in embarrassment. The stench also spread at this moment, making it suffocating.

"Crack!" There was another crack, and the sharp "long sword" pierced into the carriage again. This time it missed any target, and while it was withdrawing, a policeman pointed at the stabbed. The hollow "bang" is a shot.

I don't know if the shot hit the target, but my eyes fell on the dead male corpse in the carriage. There was a bloody hole in its chest, and it almost pierced through the heart with a sword.

I can already be absolutely sure who our opponent is.

"Crack!" "Crack!" The "long sword" kept stabbing into the carriage.

"Boom! Boom!" The four fighters shot back respectively, but they kept throwing their weapons. There were too many people in the car, and they couldn't use it at all. Even if the guy outside moved slowly, he still had a spacious place to move, and that was enough to resist the attack. Bullet's arm is simply too powerful.

At this time, there was already a woman in the carriage crying with her head in her arms.

A person's sadness and fear often drives a group of people.

After one person cries, there is a second person, a third person, and even a man who starts to sob.

The despair of the doomsday spread in the carriage. Fear, resentment, unwillingness, and all negative emotions began to control the people in the entire carriage. At this moment, even my heart began to fluctuate. I couldn't help but glance at the fat man next to me , There was a little worry in his expression, but he was still as calm as usual, calm and composed.

"Everyone, don't panic!" At this moment, the soldier in the lead suddenly said, "Today we will protect you even if we do our best!"

But his words didn't seem to have any effect, there were only four of them, and they didn't know what kind of thing was outside, how could everyone not be afraid?

Finally, the white long sword was inserted into the door of the carriage, and several soldiers pointed their guns at the door of the carriage at the same time.

The long sword slashed upwards with a "crash", and the door of the carriage was split in half immediately. Then, it was cut horizontally again, three times, five divisions, two, the carriage door collapsed completely, and the iron sheets fell down piece by piece.

The cold sunlight in the morning cast down, reflecting the monster's figure.

Yes, that's right, this guy.


His face still had wounds pierced by bullets and steel bars, but he still stood calmly in front of the carriage of the transport ship.

"Ah!" More than one person in the carriage began to scream, they had never seen anything like this before.

The soldiers started firing at the same time, while the swordsmen just held out their hands to block.

The long sword formed by the arm bone immediately blocked part of the bullet, while the other part successfully penetrated the swordsman's body. In an instant, the swordsman became bloody again.But it only took a few steps back and didn't fall down at all.

"My amazing this is!" Fatty exclaimed, his tone still calm.

The soldier in the lead was obviously shocked by the opponent's tyranny. I could clearly see his blank expression from the side, but soon, his qualities as a soldier calmed him down. He had already rushed out of the military vehicle with those soldiers, and while slowly pressing forward, he shot at the swordsman.

However, within a few steps, I saw that they stopped.

What happened.

I looked at the fat man next to him. The fat man Zhu Ming was also a very curious guy. He got on all fours and slowly climbed to the entrance of the carriage. I had no choice but to follow.

When I saw the situation outside the car, I was in despair.

I saw that more than a dozen infected people had already surrounded our military vehicle. The swordsman stood out from the crowd. Potential.

"He! His weakness is in the spine!" I couldn't help shouting.

Before I could finish my sentence, an infected person had rushed towards the entrance of the carriage from the side. I was so frightened that I quickly backed away, and the fat man also scrambled and retreated into the carriage. The crying of the people in the carriage was already hoarse. And the infected person had already pulled his hands on the wall of the car, and was about to jump into the car.

Once this guy comes in, whether he is dead or alive, he is enough to turn everyone in the car into "zombies" except me!
(End of this chapter)

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