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Chapter 36 Throwing Knife Bomb Fatty

Chapter 36 Throwing Knife Bomb Fatty
At a critical moment, I don't care so much anymore, it's not that I am so righteous, but I know that in this compartment, probably only me and this damn guy can fight.

It's all about death anyway, so it's better to fight with your back.

I kicked my feet back, lunged forward, hugged the infected man's waist, and pushed him out of the car.

The moment I fell with the infected, I seemed to hear exclamations behind me.

Soon, the two of us fell heavily on the concrete road. Fortunately, I was on top and he was on the bottom, so I didn't fall too badly.

But at this time, he stretched out his hand to strangle my shoulder. I was astonished by the strength of his fingers and wrist. I thought that as long as he exerted a little more force, my shoulder would be crushed.

I quickly grabbed his arm, forced his hands down, raised my foot and kicked his abdomen violently. After his strength weakened a little, I half stood up, took a step forward, and started to step on his head, eye sockets and The delicate parts of the bridge of the nose.

This infected person was obviously confused by me. If he really knew how to think, then he must have thought that the entire carriage was full of ordinary people who were powerless. He would never have thought that I could treat him in this situation. shot.

He wanted to continue to grab my wrist at first, but after a while, this guy's arm completely went limp, and I quickly got rid of his restraints, turned over and jumped to the side.

This guy's face was covered in blood, but it was obviously not that easy to finish. After a while, he struggled to get up.

Taking advantage of the moment when he lost his combat power, I looked around, and one of the four soldiers had already fallen. In the field, it was obviously quite painful before death.

And behind the upper half of his body, there is a long bloody band - it's part of his field.

As for the lower half, those two legs have already disappeared, and I don't know if they have already become the food of those infected people.

On the side of the infected, there seemed to be no fewer people at all, and the infected who were knocked down could still get up.

I remember that the officer named "Zhang Chu" said that if the brain tissue of the infected people was not completely destroyed, they could hardly die.However, the weapons in the hands of several soldiers could not completely crush the heads of those guys.

The enemy in front of me stood upright again, but behind me, the swordsman had recovered from the pain, and the attack on his spine by the soldiers obviously didn't last long.

Some of the infected people next to me began to approach the military vehicle, and some surrounded me in my direction.

I suddenly felt a little regretful, I was indeed too impulsive just now, I shouldn't have jumped out of the car so quickly.

But at this time, I am already stuck.

My eyes fell on the dead soldier on one side, and he was holding a rifle under his body. I don't know how to use this kind of thing, but I can't care so much. I turned over and rolled to the side of the soldier. Before the enemy in front of me stepped forward, I stretched out my hand and turned over the mutilated corpse, grabbed the rifle, and pointed it at the enemy in front of me. The gun should have been loaded. I didn't even think about it, and pulled the trigger on him.

I have no common knowledge about firearms, and I fired dozens of bullets in a row. When I saw the guy opposite, a hole had been pierced in his chest. Many infected people near the military vehicle were also lowered. He even hid on the side of the military vehicle as a cover. When the gunshots stopped, the fat man poked his head out from the compartment of the military vehicle and shouted loudly, "Damn it! Are you going to kill someone?!"

I froze in place. At this moment, I suddenly heard a roar behind me, and the fat man yelled, "Lie down!"

I didn't even think about it, the whole person fell down, and then, I only heard a "whoosh", as if something passed through the wind above me, and then, there was another low growl from the infected person, accompanied by a low growl. With a "poof" explosion, I suddenly felt a little bit of viscous liquid falling from the top of my head like a goddess scattering flowers.

I looked sideways and saw that an infected person in the middle had lost his head, staggered a few steps, and fell down.

I looked at the fat man who was still standing in the carriage in astonishment, but I saw him move his wrist, and flicked his backhand again. A bright color flew out of his hand, and it was nailed straight to another infected person beside me. On the neck, blood flowed profusely from the neck of the infected person. Before he had time to cover the wound with his hands, he heard a "bang", and his head was completely crushed, leaving only a stream of blood flowing out continuously. Scarlet hollow neck.

I took a few steps back in fright. What kind of new weapon is this fat man using? !

But the fat man jumped out of the car, and his movements were nimble as if he had changed, and then he rushed to me with his hands on the ground. I was scared by his movements and backed away again.

But he didn't hear it. With a turn of his wrist, there was a cold light again between the fingers as nimble as an embroidery worker. I hurried to the side, and he waved his hand violently. A light flashed in front of my eyes - I realized that it should be a throwing knife.

The knife flew straight towards the swordsman who was rushing towards me, and stabbed the swordsman's throat.

My eyes widened.

This level of accuracy is almost the same as that of the martial arts novel "Xiao Li Feidao, all cases have no false hair" that I read when I was a child. I really didn't expect that such a miraculous ability came from Ju Ming, a clumsy and fat man.

In astonishment, the flying knife stabbing the swordsman's throat burst open, and the swordsman flew backwards and fell to the ground.

This is the worst fight I've ever seen a swordsman get.

Of course, he did not die. Before he was about to get up again, the fat man Zhu Ming had already grabbed my wrist and said loudly, "What are you doing in a daze?! Run!"

I pointed to the compartment of the military vehicle and said, "Those people!"

"We don't have time to deal with them!" Zhu Ming said, "Let's go! Don't stand still!"

I gritted my teeth, and finally chose to leave with the fat man. Although I had the idea of ​​being a hero in my heart, at this time, I didn't have the ability to be a hero, so I could only protect myself first.

Fatty ran very fast, not inferior to me at all. We ran desperately all the way. I don't know how long we ran. The rising sun in the east had already reached obliquely above us at this moment, and the sun was much warmer.

This should have been a comfortable winter morning, however, I was already drenched in sweat. After stopping for a moment, I felt the hotness in my body come back. From the soles of my feet to the top of my head, it stimulated every inch of my skin, teasing Every nerve ending in me.

I took off my coat and held it in my hand.

The fat man looked at me and said, "Hey, you can't tell at night, you are still a person with a story, you are full of blood."

I gasped and said, "It's not my blood."

With a playful smile, he continued: "It doesn't matter who's blood is. At a time like this, a person who can be covered in blood without serious physical problems is definitely not an ordinary person."

I frowned. To be honest, I don't like his slick attitude very much. You know, we were desperate just now, and that car of people may have become a pile of rotten meat with a few soldiers at this time. It's all helpless, but I'm always feeling sorry for him psychologically, but he is fine, his attitude seems to be as if everything should be taken for granted.

Thinking of this, I replied: "Why don't you talk about you, I don't think you are simple?"

"This is what you're talking about?" Zhu Ming conjured up a small knife like a magic trick and held it in his hand.

That knife is very similar to the lancet in the martial arts movies I watched when I was a child. It is thin and light, but extremely sharp, but the handle of this knife is very exquisite. It seems that some special precision device has been implanted in it. At that time, the handle of the knife was still glowing with a little green light.

"Here is a miniature bomb. As soon as I push the device next to it..." He held the "Lancet" in front of my eyes, and said, "The two liquid mixtures will come into contact and react, and at the same time, the detonating device will go further." Contact, the three parties react violently... Hehe, the power of this bomb, not to mention blowing the heads of those beasts, even blowing up a rhinoceros can open a big hole in its leg."

I frowned at the throwing knife, such a sophisticated weapon - it is absolutely impossible for ordinary military organizations to possess it.

When I looked up, I looked suspiciously at the fat man's greasy face, and asked coldly, "Who the hell are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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