global variation

Chapter 37 Rotten City

Chapter 37 Rotten City
The fat man raised his head and laughed unscrupulously. I frowned and looked at him, not knowing what to say. After a while, he slowly raised his hand, patted my shoulder, and said, "Okay , now that we have reached this point, I will not hide it from you anymore, I am a member of the resistance organization."

"Sure enough..." I gritted my teeth and stared at him.

At this time, I officially started to look at this guy. This guy is like a meatball. When he smiles, every piece of fat seems to be shaking. He has a round face, small eyes, and a small nose. Only the size of the mouth is normal. , but due to the large amount of meat, it is about to be squeezed into a ball. Just looking at this picture will only remind me of those "dead nerds" in Japan, and they are extremely obscene types.

But he is not, not only is he not, he is also very powerful, he can ask for a person's name with a flick of his wrist.

Although he was full of fat, his fingers were thin and long, and his arms seemed to be longer than ordinary people, which caught my attention.

Perhaps because I stared at his hand for a long time without speaking, he suddenly said: "My ability is the ape arm, and the synergy rate is 21%. It is said that the more harmonious the concentrated liquid is in my body, My arms will get longer and longer, and I guess I will look like an ape in the end, hahaha!"

It turned out to be the case.

It seems that this so-called concentrate is the patent of the rebel organization, and everyone can use quantitative data to reflect the effect of the concentrate.

I don't know my synergy rate, or what my synchronization rate is. I guess it should be very low, otherwise how could I be tortured and tortured?

"Okay, don't think about it so much, don't worry about who I am, aren't we grasshoppers on the same rope now?" The fat man continued to smile and said, "Look at you, you must also be injected. I bought the concentrated solution, but I have never seen you, let me guess..." He said as he walked, "You are the unlucky boy who was injected with the 'beast solution' by Lin Wan, right?"

"You..." I was surprised and angry.

"Don't worry." He still smiled and said, "Many people in the entire resistance organization know about your heroic deeds. Do you know that now, whether it is the church or the resistance organization, they are all looking for you, you It's really hot!"

I didn't speak, I didn't know what to say at this moment, no wonder I'm in such a bad place now.

The fat man continued: "However, the whole city is in chaos now, and the war will start soon. At that time, they will probably gradually forget about you, so you don't have to be afraid... The most urgent thing is what should we do, here we go Those who don't go to the village and don't go to the store...cough..."

I sighed and said, "What else can I do? Go back to the city, maybe I can catch up with the bus from other places."

The fat man pouted and said, "It makes sense."

I was still a little puzzled, looked at the fat man vigilantly, and asked, "Aren't you a member of the resistance organization? What are you doing in Guangzhou?"

"Me? Haha...hahaha, I can't tell you that." The fat man Zhu Ming started laughing and laughing again, making me really want to beat him up, but I guess I won't be able to beat him.

We walked for more than an hour in the sun and cold wind, and I admired myself for being able to walk so far while staring at the wave after wave of heat.My clothes were soaked in sweat, then dried by the cold wind, and then soaked in sweat again, and the cycle went on and on, even the blood on my shoulders and sleeves seemed to have been diluted, although I don’t know what happened to the big blood on the back up.

At this time, we finally left the empty and quiet highway. What made me feel puzzled and uneasy was that I never saw a car passing by on the highway.

I didn't see any pedestrians like us.

The tollbooth on the highway entering the city seems to have been paralyzed, and even the words "Welcome to City Z" on the road card have been scattered.

In just a few days, everything seemed to have changed and became extremely strange.

At this moment, Zhu Ming and I didn't talk anymore, I subconsciously glanced at Zhu Ming's face, and I found that this guy with a hippie smile also became serious at this moment.

In the first ten minutes or so, it is the location of the university town.

When I came to this place, I couldn't help but feel waves in my heart, and it was difficult to calm down.

I thought of the former campus, everything in the campus, and also the scene of me crying here last night. What was even more unforgettable was Wang Bin's bloody body.

Everything really came too fast.

Fatty and I passed a Luka. There were corpses beside Luka. There were infected people with their heads smashed into pieces, and there were also mutilated soldiers. The blood had already stained the area around Luka for several meters, and the stench was suffocating. .

"It seems that the end is coming early." Fatty sighed, stood beside the pile of corpses for a while, then suddenly took out a gun, handed it to me, and said, "You don't have a weapon, it's for self-defense."

I frowned and looked at it, and said, "It's the June [-]th style again."

He said: "The modified ones are not small smashing cannons. Don't worry, things from the rebel organization can't fool you."

I didn't say anything, and put away the gun in doubt: "Is the usage the same as the ordinary June [-]th?"

"Same." Fatty nodded.

We continued to move forward, and the fat man didn't shy away from me. He took out a mobile phone and started calling. After talking for a long time, he sighed and said, "It's over, I lost contact with the headquarters, and I will not accept it... ..."

At that time, I just passed the gate of the school again. I didn’t want to take a second look here, so I deliberately changed the topic and said to the fat man: “This city has become like this, and the communication system should basically be hopeless. ?”

"It's different. The resistance organization has its own dedicated contact line. If they lose contact, there is only one possibility..." He took a deep breath, and suddenly showed a somewhat terrified expression on his face, and said, "Someone has copied the old nest." ..."

"Then where are you going now?" I was also a little uneasy, and asked as I walked.

But he responded by shaking his head. After a while, he said, "Is there no one you can contact? Lin Wan? And..."

"My phone is out of battery, so I can't reach her." I replied.

"Cough, damn it..." The fat man thought for a while, and then said, "Okay, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, let me contact a few more people, by the way, we are two grasshoppers on the same rope, don't worry yourself Ran."

I'm a little surprised, he seems to have repeated these words several times, he stretches out his hand so well, maybe I'm still a burden to him by his side, why is he so worried about me running away?The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong.

However, helplessly, at this time, I simply cannot do without him.

Soon, the second Luca appeared in front of us.

This is where I incited the group of villagers to rush over the barricade.

Today, this place has become a hell on earth.There are more and more tragic bodies in this area of ​​Luca than the one I saw just now.

The corpses here are layered on top of each other. It seems that there are new corpses that have just fallen, and the blood is still wet. There are also dead corpses that have been dead for a while, with a rancid smell, and their faces have already turned gray.

The only thing in common is that these corpses are all incomplete.

At this time, I saw someone moving in the grass, so I couldn't help walking forward, but I saw a man covered in blood struggling to crawl towards us. The moment he saw us, he stretched out with all his might I was even a little worried that he would suddenly convulse and twitch.I secretly felt pity, and was about to step forward to help him, but the fat man stretched out his hand to stop him, and sternly said, "What are you doing?! Do you want to kill him?"

I froze and murmured, "He needs to..."

"You can't save him." Zhu Ming said coldly, "And, do you know if he is an infected person or a human being?"

"Help me, save me...I'm...from the Guangzhou Military Region, me..." The man said struggling.

"The best way to save you is to end your suffering." The fat man looked at the man coldly.

The man's blood-stained face first showed a surprised expression, and then, as if suddenly relieved, he moved his lips and murmured: "Then...give me a bullet."

"I'll leave it to you." Zhu Ming suddenly patted me on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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