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Chapter 38 The Occupied Z City

Chapter 38 The Occupied Z City

I was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the fat man angrily, and said loudly, "What do you mean, what do you want me to do?"

"Save him." The fat man remained expressionless.

He who had a hippie smile just now made people feel extremely scary at this moment.

I said tremblingly, "I can't kill him, he can still live!"

"He can't live. If he lives a moment longer, he will have more pain." The fat man said lightly, pointing at the soldier, "Both legs were broken, and they were broken abruptly. Now he is in great pain and bleeding. A lot of blood, he ended up with only two results, dying from pain, or bleeding to death, if you don’t kill him at this time, then he will have to suffer for at least half an hour before dying in a trance.”

"Kill...I..." The man's face was already leaning on the ground, and his whole body was limp. It seemed that he had exhausted his last bit of strength just now when he asked us for help.

Trembling, I took out the six-four style.

The fat man spoke again: "Shoot on his head, lest your hand shake, and if you miss it, he will suffer even more."

To be honest, I was about to cry, but I still suppressed the emotion in my heart that almost made it hard for me to breathe, and put the pistol against the temple of the blood-stained man.

"Don't hesitate." Fatty said, "You chose to save him."

"I..." I pursed my lips.

"If he hesitates, he will suffer even more..." Zhu Ming repeated.

"Ah!" I started to yell. At this moment, I vented out all the emotions that were pent up in my heart - despair, restlessness, unwillingness, pain, doubt, everything, with this roar.At the same time, I pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" There was a gunshot, blood spattered everywhere, the man's head tilted to the side, and I ended his name with a single shot.

I fell to the ground, and the pistol fell into the grass.

Zhu Ming said "Hey", quickly picked up the gun, put on the insurance, and said, "Be careful, I don't blame me if it goes off and kills you."

I sat there slumped, the fat man Zhu Ming's voice seemed very far away from me.I started to smile wryly, I didn't even know what I was laughing at, whether I was laughing at the world that had fallen, my dramatic experience, or something else, I felt like I was going crazy.

"Come on! Isn't that just killing people? No, you're not killing people, you're saving people, you know?" The fat man patted my shoulder, so, "Sometimes saving people doesn't necessarily mean letting a person live .”

I didn't answer, I thought what he said was fallacious, but at this moment, I didn't know how to refute it.

The fat man pulled my arm, pulled me up forcibly, and said, "Hurry up, man!" After finishing speaking, he handed me the gun in his hand, and added, "Here, this is for you!" Your self-defense is not for you to save others, let alone for you to commit suicide, I said that we are now grasshoppers on a rope, you can't die so easily, understand?"

After he finished speaking, he walked straight ahead, and I had no choice but to follow. On the road ahead, there were sporadic and crooked corpses everywhere, or—corpse parts.

I was silent, didn't say a word, and didn't want to say a word.

But before we had gone far, suddenly, as if the fat man had discovered a new continent, he turned around and ran to me, excitedly saying, "It's saved, it's saved!"

"What can be saved?" I was stunned. At this time, I haven't walked out of the shadow of the murder just now.

And Zhu Ming obviously didn't care about my emotions, and continued to say excitedly: "I have contacted a member of the rebel army, and now we have a group of people hiding in a supermarket two blocks away from the city center, we can meet them ! Saved!"

I said a little dejectedly: "Okay, but... the city center is at least an hour and a half walk away from here. What will happen during this period, I might not know. Hehe, I can't be happy."

Fatty seemed to have been poured cold water by me, his excited expression immediately turned a little annoyed, and he said, "I don't know how long it will take? But this is our only chance, why, are you going to retreat again?"

I shook my head and said without any emotion: "No, I'll just follow you."

In fact, at this time, my psychology has already begun to undergo huge shocks and changes.This kind of spiritual pain is more uncomfortable than physical pain, because this kind of pain comes from the inside out, full of stagnation, but there is no way to vent it.At this moment, instead of hating others, it is better to say that I am hating myself, everything.

Along the way, I don't know how many words Zhu Ming said to me, I only know that I didn't listen to a single word, and it was worth thinking that he was the noisy cicadas in summer.It wasn't until we reached the city center that the fat man Zhu Ming stopped, stared at me, and said, "Hey, with your mental state, you've already suffocated yourself to death before the infected person can eat you, you know that?"

I did not speak.

He smiled again, and continued: "To tell you the truth, I was more cowardly than you when I killed someone for the first time, and I almost peed my pants, hahaha..."

I couldn't find where the joke was, and I was still expressionless.

He seemed to give up, shook his head, and said: "Come on, let's go..." Then he led me to the place he had agreed with his "friend".

The entire city of Z has become a dead city at this moment. Even the calm and bustling city center has become empty at this moment. The surrounding high-rise buildings have all turned into ghost buildings in an instant. I feel that there are murderous intentions hidden behind the glass of the windows; some of the shops lined up at this time are closed, and some are open, but there is no one in the shop, only scattered sundries; It was smashed to pieces, making me feel that infected people might crawl out of the pile of waste glass and wood chips at any time.As for the streets, apart from loneliness and desolation, I can’t find a better adjective. Wasted newspapers, fallen leaves of roadside trees, and plastic bags dance in the air with the wind, and occasionally fall to the ground. the only voice in the room.

On one side of the traffic light and next to the security booth, blood was sprinkled. I don't know if there was a fierce battle here.

The more Fatty and I walked towards the street he mentioned, the more uneasy I felt, as if something was watching around.

But within a few minutes, my idea was confirmed.

Just as we turned the corner of the street and were about to walk towards the supermarket, suddenly, there were several strange screams from the tall buildings on both sides.

I realized what it was, and immediately took out the Type [-] in my arms, opened the safety, and prepared to load it...

"Hey! What are you doing?!" The fat man suddenly grabbed my wrist.

I was also taken aback, and said, "There are enemies!"

He frowned and said, "I'm asking you, you've loaded it, and the insurance has been activated, why do you load it again?"

"Ah? No need?"

"It fires automatically after being loaded once. You don't even know that? Are you going to fire a bullet and return a bullet?" Zhu Ming said loudly.

I don't dare to say anything more, you know, I used the police's Type [-] before, but I have always used it like this--I am really just an idiot when it comes to firearms.

But before I spoke, the situation had become too much for me to think about. Above the midair, three black shadows swooped down at the same time, like falcons preying on them.

Wing man!

I knew it was definitely Wingman.

Tell the flying and moving Wingman that it is impossible for a gun idiot like me to hit it, but I still bite the bullet and shoot several shots at the black shadow in the air.

"Lie down!" Ju Ming shouted loudly before Yiren fell to the ground.

I quickly flew to the ground, but only felt a gust of wind blowing my back.

Fortunately, I reacted faster this time, and instantly realized that it was the figure of the Winged Man crossing the sky. Then I turned over and raised my hand, and fired a shot at the sky diagonally.

There was a strange cry in the air.

Unexpectedly, this shot that was just a matter of chance actually hit a Winged Man. The guy rolled in mid-air for a moment, and then flew towards the sky.

The power of this gun is really extraordinary. If it is an ordinary [-]th style, this gun will definitely not have the slightest effect.

I stared at the Winged Man flying back into mid-air, and was about to fire the second shot. Suddenly, there was another gunshot, which suddenly "exploded" over the silent street, and the Winged Man who had just soared up was shocked. Trembling, he fell headlong and fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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