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Chapter 42 The Crazy Wingmen

Chapter 42 The Crazy Wingmen
I was overwhelmed.

It's not because of the number of wingmen, but the way those guys attack!
The Wingmen on the roof, in order to attack us at the fastest speed, did not choose to glide and dive. Just after their "leader" waved an order, these Wingmen fell straight down to the roof without opening their wings. When it was close to the ground, it suddenly turned over, its wings spread violently, and it almost rushed towards us close to the ground.

At this moment, they have regarded themselves as weapons, like a sharp flying carpet, vowing to cut us in half.

We didn't even have time to shout and exclaim, we all got down on the ground.

Above the body, there were bursts of sound like tearing the air, which made people chill.

However, I know that this kind of evasion is at best a temporary evasion. There are dozens of Wingmen here. Even if the first wave of attack fails, with their strong physique and sharp minions, they can tear us apart at any time.

This time, I can't think of any way to escape.

Sure enough, the moment I turned over to look up, a Winged Man had already rushed towards me with his fingers spread out like ten sharp daggers——I discovered that the tips of the fingers of this group of people had no flesh at all. The broken tendons and skin on the palm almost grow together with the protruding phalanx, regardless of you and me. In this way, this palm has become a slaughter weapon.

And at this moment, the sharp weapon was slashing straight towards my face.

I hurriedly turned my head to the side, and the cement floor next to me made a groove and crack, one can imagine the power.

But the winged man missed me, and his body lost its center of gravity a little.

I saw the opportunity, and stabbed upwards with the hand holding the boning knife. This knife hit the winged man's abdomen, and the winged man screamed—that sound was definitely not something that ordinary humans can make.

Then, before I could draw the knife back, he was already flying upwards.

The boning knife was tied to my hand. The pulling of it not only failed to take my knife away, but also caused the knife that had pierced his body to slash his abdomen fiercely. Suddenly, a thick The blood poured down from the hole in his abdomen. I quickly covered my face with my hands. Along with the blood, there was a sticky and slippery thing that slapped me directly. It turned out that it was an intestine.

I felt sick.

Although the Winged Man was in pain, he did not fall. Instead, he continued to fly high. The intestines and some internal organs flowed out from the abdominal wound, spilling blood and some disgusting things that were unknown to the ground. It was like a gust of wind for a moment. Showers.

However, that guy was shot in the head by Mo Ge within a short distance, and fell down.

On the other hand, Zhu Ming has also used his throwing knife to kill several wingmen in a row, but this is far from enough.

Seeing that a Winged Man was about to pounce on the loli who was still sticking to the wall and releasing the "flaming crossbow bolt", beside me, the man with gentle glasses suddenly rushed out, holding guns in both hands, and shot right and left at the Winged Man. Fired several shots, and the guns hit.

The winged man twisted his body, rolled over and fell down.

But the crisis has not yet been resolved, and for a while, more wingmen rushed towards the "Lolita" on the wall.

After all, the enemy is several times our number, so it is easy for them to surround and kill us.

The Wingmen probably wanted to break us down one by one. While besieging the "Lolita" on the wall, they also divided up their troops to besiege me and the man with glasses.

I gritted my teeth and started to fight - at this moment, the bone-eviscerating knife in my hand had a thick layer of blood, and it had already turned dark red, but at the same time, fresh blood kept falling on the blade.

Beside me, there are also blood and flesh flying everywhere, and the smell is overflowing.

That kind of feeling can no longer be described in words, maybe this is red eyes.

At that time, I had only one thought - kill, kill all the monsters.I didn't even think about death at all.

However, soon, I was knocked to the ground by the overwhelmingly numerous Wingmen, with a gash in my arm, bleeding profusely.

If I hadn't already gone through several purgatory trials, such a cut would have been enough to make me die of pain.

Several Wingmen rushed towards me at the same time, but unfortunately I don't have a Glory Bullet on me, otherwise I would have died with them long ago.

I drew the knife fiercely, but it was of no avail. My hands and feet were pinched by the wingmen, and their razor-like finger bones quickly sank into the flesh. I bared my teeth and screamed loudly. encountered such a situation.

I felt like my hands and feet were about to be ripped off.

At this moment, the body of the winged man above me suddenly shook, with a "bang", I only felt a flash of light in front of my eyes, and my eyes were throbbing with pain. When I opened my eyes again, I saw a body without a head. I fell straight down, I didn't have time to dodge, I was crushed by that group, I just felt that my internal organs were squashed in an instant.

Seeing the death of their comrade-in-arms, the comrades of the Winged Man didn’t intend to stop or run away, but seemed even more excited, and rushed towards me frantically. I tied the boning knife tightly in my hand and was finally sent flying. I didn't have time to go to the things in the backpack on my back. I had no weapons and was injured all over. I suddenly felt an inexplicable fear. At this moment, my "killing intent" has dropped a lot, and the nature of people who want to survive and fear death is also revealed at this moment. .

I covered my head and face with my hands, and tried every means to keep retreating, but it seemed pointless.



Suddenly, there were a few more crackling sounds of piercing the wind.

"Ah! Ugh!" A sharp cry followed, and the cry came from the wingman not far above and to the left, almost in the center of the one-man team that was chasing me.

I was a little stunned.

What is going on with such a tragic cry?

As I stepped back, I stared vigilantly at everything above.

I saw that there seemed to be a knife stuck in the neck of the winged man-this must be the handwriting of the fat man.But the throwing knife didn't explode at that moment, but kept flashing light, and the other wingmen also became a little stunned and at a loss at this moment.

After a while, the guy who was stabbed suddenly stretched out a pair of bone claws, hugged his head, and let out a loud hiss again. I clearly saw that his head began to ooze blood, and more and more blood gushed out. will come out.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a muffled sound.

In an instant, a dazzling white light flashed in mid-air, and I quickly protected my face with my hands again, and kept backing away.

After a few waves of heat, the smoke and haze cleared away. I stood still and opened my eyes and found that the explosion of Boyou just now had blown away the large winged people surrounding me. Others are missing arms and legs, unable to fly.

Amazing!What the hell is...

Before I could think about it, the fat man Zhu Ming had already rushed in front of me, and said at the fastest speed: "What are you doing in a daze! Go away! The only high-energy explosive knife is for you, hurry up!"

"Oh! Oh oh!" I was still a little confused and started running with him.

The explosion just now seemed to not only save me, but also gave us a chance to escape. Soon, Mo Ge, Lin Wan and that little loli followed.At this time, I saw clearly that there was actually a person on the back of the fat man—it was the gentle man with glasses. At this time, his forehead, the back of his hand, and all the places exposed outside his clothes were oozing blood.

"What happened to him?!" I asked while running.

"There's no time to talk, let's find a safe place first." The fat man gritted his teeth, and suddenly put his hands on the ground, and ran even faster.

This is probably where the ability of the ape arm lies. The fat man can run far faster when using both hands and feet than when both feet are on the ground.

I don't know how long we ran, but the screams behind us got farther and farther away.

When we rushed to a crossroad, the fat man suddenly turned over and entered an alley, and I had no choice but to follow.

Deep in the alley is the best hiding place.

Finally, we stopped in an empty courtyard.

The fat man placed the gentle man under the bicycle shed in the courtyard, let him lean against the concrete wall, then squatted beside him, and asked, "How are you? Ah?" Then he turned to Lin Wan, and said, " Show him how he is, you are a doctor!"

(End of this chapter)

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