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Chapter 43 God's Mission

Chapter 43 God's Mission
"I'm not a doctor, I'm just a researcher." Lin Wan took a step forward, squatted down and looked at the man with glasses, I saw her frown from the side, and said, "But, I think...he, I'm afraid it's very difficult... "

"What do you mean?" Fatty was a little surprised.

"Sister Lin Wan! Don't lie to us!" The little loli on the side said loudly, "Sister Lin Wan, although you are a traitor to the organization, I have always trusted you. Tell us the truth. He...he did this to save me, it's all my fault, he's always been a burden to everyone, I..."

"A Meng!" Mo Ge grabbed the little loli's shoulder and said, "Don't be like this..."

Lin Wan shook her head and said, "It doesn't matter if you call me a traitor or anything else, he...he really can't do it."

"Impossible! We have been together for so long, and we have not survived any difficulties, it is impossible!" The little loli said excitedly, "I! No, sister Lin Wan, you must save her, I beg you..."

"Ameng...don't make trouble..." Suddenly, the dying gentle man said slowly, "There is no one who survives a war...cough cough..." He was coughing while talking, and I could clearly see his mouth A little bit of blood spewed out.

"Don't talk, brat, don't talk if you don't have the strength!" Ah Meng squatted down.

"No, if I don't make it clear now, I won't have a chance." The gentle man gritted his teeth and said.

"Xiao Xia, what do you want to say." Mo Ge seemed to have taken the lead in accepting the fact that the gentle man was about to pass away.

The gentle man was silent for a while, and then adjusted his blood-stained glasses. I guess he couldn't see anything clearly with those glasses, but he still wore them persistently, as if he wanted to maintain his image all the time.

Then, the gentle man let out a long breath, and said, "Sister Mo Ge... Also, Brother Zhu Ming, Ah Meng... Do you still remember that I submitted a research report on the latest secret investigation of the church to the organization? "

No one answered, but I can tell from the expressions of those people that they remember it.

"The organization has never paid attention to this matter...hehe..." Swen Nan said, "I have been doing church research and data collection in the organization for so many years, and I know our enemies better than those leaders... I know a thousand things better. Times, ten thousand times... They are so, so ignorant of this matter, they will suffer a big loss sooner or later, today, ahem, today is like this..."

"Don't get excited." Mo Ge supported the gentle man's back.

The gentle man seemed to be unable to catch his breath at any time, and fell straight down, but he endured the pain and continued: "Wingren, they are definitely not as weak as everyone imagined. Unlike ordinary infected people, they still have the ability to transform." Space, their genes... haven't been completely destroyed and distorted by that virus, so sooner or later, the church will use the Wingman as their ace air force... What we saw today, the team we saw, is probably, I The report said, 'Mission of God'."

"God's mission..." Mo Ge said, "I remember that your report, the part of the heavenly mission was dismissed as nonsense by the people above, who believed that this kind of army was not worth paying attention to at all."

"Yes...they have been thinking about how to deal with ordinary infected people and swordsmen, and think that the winged people are useless except for flying." Svenman said slowly, "You must know...the church's ability to transform the body is at its peak, and the ability to be infected with the virus is extremely high. It will cause some random changes to the human body at the same time as the infection, so... there are many things that are uncertain. Since this army called "God Mission" was established, it must have a reason for its existence. It must be of great significance...You guys saw it today too..."

The more the gentle man talked, the more powerless he became, "As you can see, these winged men are very different from what we have seen before."

Still no one spoke.

"Hehe, there is also the guy who controls the winged people. He used to fight against the church. Humans have always controlled the infected and spread the virus. But this time, the 'officer' who is the controller of the 'Mission' is actually an 'officer'." Infected people'. Our previous research results show that although the brain tissue of all infected people is not completely necrotic, it can be said that they still retain human IQ, but due to the impact of the virus, their thinking has been completely confused. Rationality, but this time, the church can safely let an infected person lead the army, which... means that they may have made a breakthrough in research... This, this is very scary Yes, you know?"

"Okay, I understand." Mo Ge nodded.

"Well..." The gentle man relaxed his whole body, as if his wish had been fulfilled, he stopped thinking about it, and continued, "I'm afraid it's meaningless to repeat these words to the leaders above... Please, pass it on to Song Yi and Zhang Chu...Let them mention it, they speak loudly...I, I really don't want human beings to perish like this, really...uh..."

Gentle man - this man named Xiao Xia suddenly became excited, but at the same time, several sharp and long whistles resounded through the sky again.

"They are catching up." Mo Ge raised his head vigilantly.

"Soon...they will find this place soon." Sven Man panted intermittently, "Hurry over the wall and leave, I will stay here, don't worry, I won't let them catch..."

He fumbled and took out a precision-made cylindrical object from his arms. a bomb!

I still remember that when we were besieged by infected people in the mist of Cuiping East Road, Mo Ge also took out such a bomb. Could this be the glorious bomb of the resistance organization?
I don't know why, but when I saw something like this, I couldn't help being a little awed.

"No! Xiao Xia, what are you doing, you can't!" The little loli grabbed the gentle man's arm.

It took a lot of effort for the gentle man to slowly push Loli Ameng away, he moved his lips, forced a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Silly girl... on the battlefield, if a person dies , if you can save a group of people, if one person dies, you can kill a group of enemies, that is worth it..."

"No, I just won't let you die! If you die, I... who am I to argue with, who is angry at me next to me, who says something I don't understand?! I won't let you die!" Ah Meng He grabbed the gentle man again and refused to let go.

"A Meng!" This time, Mo Ge stopped, "This is the best choice."

"Sister Mo Ge, you..." Ah Meng slowly raised her head, and from the side, I saw tears glistening in her eyes, looking very pitiful.I couldn't help but feel sore for a while, but I didn't know what to say, maybe, what I said was useless.

"You... let's go..." The gentle man said again, "It's too late..."

The screeching sound was getting closer and closer. Indeed, if he didn't move, it might be too late.

"Go!" At this moment, Mo Ge issued an order.

"I'm not leaving!" Ah Meng shouted loudly.

"Listen to me once..." The gentle man raised his hand with difficulty and said, "Listen to me once, you never listen to me, but this time, don't be self-willed, hurry up, hurry up..."

Zhu Ming also patted Ah Meng on the shoulder and said, "Sister, let's go! Don't be arrogant!"

At this moment, I once again felt the cruelty on the battlefield.

The so-called warmth on the battlefield that I saw in TV dramas is actually just for artistic effect.

There is no warmth on the battlefield, only life and death, only to survive and kill the enemy. Here, people are like pawns. If one life can be exchanged for the survival of several lives or the death of several enemies, then this life is worth it. sacrifice.

Mo Ge didn't let us think about it anymore, he went to the side of the courtyard wall, climbed to the top of the wall with a few steps, turned over and fell down.

Ah Meng still refused to move, Zhu Ming simply picked her up, came to the wall, flew up like a spring ball, grabbed the edge of the fence with one hand, pulled her lightly, and turned over the wall.

While doing a series of movements, Ah Meng's eyes never left the dying gentle man...

I also had to turn around, looked at Lin Wan, and whispered, "I'll take you there."

"No need." Lin Wan shook her head, went to the wall and said, "I'm not that fragile..." After finishing speaking, she climbed over the wall lightly.

I sighed and prepared to follow, but just as I reached the wall, behind me, the gentle man suddenly said, "Your name is Chu Tingsheng, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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