Chapter 50
Lin Wan showed a look of disdain, and said: "Are those two researchers innocent? Don't you remember the batch of semi-finished concentrated liquid that Guangzhou provided me? If it wasn't for those two researchers who deliberately tampered with my life The rationing plan issued by the Fortress Research Base, in the process of making the concentrate, replaces the high-purity serum with ordinary serum to reduce costs. We won’t have so many soldiers dying on the battlefield due to rejection! Hmph, Just because those two people are relatives of the leaders above, they were given a lighter punishment, instead of being sentenced to death, they were just transferred to the underground research room to watch the door, do you think this kind of thing is fair to those soldiers who died?"

"Whether it is fair or not, the laws and regulations of the rebel organization will decide, not your decision," Mo Ge said.

Lin Wan sneered again, and said, "You are a soldier, and you have to be your superior; I am a researcher, and I only want to be my research project and my research object."

Mo Ge lowered his head slightly. If I'm not mistaken, there is a trace of hesitation in Mo Ge's eyes at this moment, and he seems to be a little sad.

Although I can't analyze the ins and outs of the past events that the two of them talked about, I can basically form a framework in my heart. I think, if I were a researcher, maybe I would be like Lin Wan, right?

I think so, not because Lin Wan was my goddess.

It's just the impulsiveness and hatred in nature.

"What about the research materials?" Mo Ge said, "From the beginning to the end, you never mentioned it."

Lin Wan said: "Hmph... Those research materials are left in the Fortress of Life, and I don't know what other researchers will use them for. In their eyes, their money, reputation and status are more important than the lives of you soldiers. , don’t you understand?” Lin Wan said, “Don’t you think it’s not worthwhile for you to work for those people?”

"I'm not working for them." Mo Ge said, "Behind me is this city, human beings attacked and persecuted by infected people."

Lin Wan shook her head, her words contained the meaning of "disagreeing", but at the same time, she seemed to find no reason to refute.

Then, she said calmly: "In short, I will not give you those documents. They are my painstaking efforts. Unless I lead the research project myself, I would rather burn it than hand it over to others."

"That's your hard work?" Mo Ge said, "That's your mentor, your parents left you a legacy! You are just exploring their research results further. These materials do not belong to you personally, but to the entire resistance organize!"

Lin Wan still refused to compromise, and said coldly: "I don't have such a high awareness, but I will never let the research materials they left me be used by those people to do anything wrong."

"Are there no other researchers who are worthy of your trust? Do you think you are the only good person in the world?" Mo Ge snapped.

"Researcher, unless I choose it, otherwise..." She didn't continue, just stared at Mo Ge and shook her head.

"If..." Mo Ge stood up, obviously about to have another attack, one of her hands was already in her bosom, and she might draw a gun at any moment.

I just wanted to go up to stop it, but Zhu Ming on the other side stepped forward, patted Mo Ge on the shoulder, and said, "Don't be impulsive, I have to take her back to the organization anyway, and there will be a decision when the time comes, we'll talk about it." It doesn't count."

"Sister Mo Ge..." Ah Meng, who had been silent all this time, actually spoke up at this moment, and said, "I don't quite understand why you guys are arguing like this, but..."

"But I really don't want to see someone die again..." She stepped forward, pulled Mo Ge's clothes, and raised her face, her big eyes seemed to be filled with tears.

There was only one by the table left in the room, and that little light reflected on her face, making her tears even more crystal clear, which looked very pitiful.

Mo Ge finally lowered his hand, took a deep breath, and said calmly, "I approve of some of your thoughts, but it doesn't mean I approve of your actions."

"I don't live to seek approval from others." Lin Wan said, "But now that I have spoken, there is one thing I want to tell you, you guys, that is, if this research material ends up in my grave If not, it will definitely be a huge loss for you.”

"These words, after you return to the base, you can talk to the people above." Mo Ge didn't say anything more, pulled up the backpack on the side, put it on his back, pushed open the door, and walked out.

She didn't give us any chance to prepare, and I heard the fat man muttering from behind: "Hey... come in a hurry, go in a hurry..." Then he turned to look at me who was still a little dazed and said to Ah Meng : "Come, come, hurry up, don't lose it..."

It was still raining outside, and the thunder in winter was so dull that it seemed to be stifled in the clouds that were about to turn into ice blocks high in the sky.The raindrops are very cold, mixed with the salty sea water, soaking the whole earth.There is stagnant water everywhere on the street, and there is no dry place where we walked, which makes the cold breath evaporate from the feet, lingering around, lingering.

There was no bright color in the low and dark sky, and I didn't even know what time it was.

Although the fat man said it was still morning.

We still walked on the small road, even if we had to walk on the main road, we walked under the eaves of the arcade, walked quickly, and tried to avoid any meaningless stops.

It seems that the more we walked, the more remote we went, and the more we went to the outskirts of the city, the more corpses there were on the streets. On several occasions, we also saw soldiers and armed police marching. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, we could only hide in the alleys , After the tall building, watch quietly, and make plans after they leave.

The subsequent itinerary was relatively calm, only accompanied by bitter wind and bitter rain, and there was no sunny day.

For the next few days, we had to detour around the city as road cards and troops were stationed all over the city.

There is a park in the middle of the street, we even walked through it three times in a row, just to avoid the patrol inspection of Luca and the army.

As for the night, as long as we can find shelter from the rain, we will lie down with our clothes on, four of us will sleep together, and one will stand guard. Fatty Zhu Ming and Mo Ge will usually stand guard. Mo Ge is worried about me and Lin Wan, and feels distressed. Ah Meng.

For three full days, we struggled through the rain-soaked city that was almost rotting away.

The corpses on the road that had not been cleaned up decomposed very quickly under the rainwater, and even began to swell. The blood of the infected people was washed away, leaving only a skin sac.And what about humans?The blood was soaked away, but some green and white liquids still gave off bursts of suffocating breath in the puddle of rotten water.

At this moment, human beings are so humble, so embarrassed, and life is so worthless.

When Mo Ge announced that he would be able to reach the base in City Z by crossing two not too big blocks, I had already forgotten how many battlefields we have traveled through and how many mutilated bodies we have seen in the past few days.

The goal is in sight, but our actions have slowed down.

Mo Ge and Zhu Ming tried to contact the resistance organization, but there was still no response. This means that the base may still be in a state of war. If it is true that Zhang Chu presided over the battle as they said, at this time, the two sides should still be fighting hard .

However, what should be faced must be faced, no matter how slow down, there will always be a time to reach the destination.

At the intersection of Tianyou Road.

The rain died down.

When we set foot on this road, the real battlefield finally unfolded in front of us.

On this straight road without any bends, a person, or a mutilated body, falls down almost every few steps.

Human tissues and organs were dropped in the flowerbed next to the road, and guts were thrown out on the window sill of the first floor of the residential area next to the road. In the scorched blackness in the middle of the road, one could vaguely discern that it had been burned into a piece of "charcoal". head.

Fragmented bodies and human bones are dotted on the rain-washed but still pink streets.

The stench was overwhelming, and even the salty sea breeze couldn't take away the indescribable stench.

However, the [-]-meter street was almost full of dead bodies.

"Get ready for battle." Mo Ge suddenly said as he stepped over the pile of dead bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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