global variation

Chapter 49 The Truth

Chapter 49 The Truth
"I just did a preliminary test for Zhang Jiating, and it was basically confirmed that Zhang Jiating had been infected." Lin Wan said, "At that time, the organization did not fully pay attention to the church's actions. You also know that those leaders always felt that the church was infected. It is impossible for the development speed of the dog to be so fast, and it is impossible to spread to the city in a short period of time. However, Zhang Jiating's infection gave me a terrible message, that is, there is at least one dog that was also infected. A terrible virus. What does this mean? There are hundreds of stray dogs in the city, and if one puppy is infected with this virus, it may infect the second dog, or it may directly infect humans."

"So..." Lin Wan paused, and continued, "So I kept Zhang Jiating and let her live in my home. While I was trying to treat her, I observed and researched secretly. You know, we don't have any A live research sample of an infected person is all dead, so the changes and records of Zhang Jiating's condition are of vital significance to our future work."

"You, take your best friend as a sample, a test product?" Mo Ge sneered.

"I just recorded the data and pathological changes when I was treating her." Lin Wan retorted, "If I'm not wrong, the church's plan is actually very simple. First, use the spread of the virus to mutate a large area of ​​humans. Then select outstanding ones from among these mutants and their believers to carry out further experimental transformation, if we can first understand the method of action of this virus and cure human beings from the root, then the church will become helpless!"

"Your ideas are not much different from those of those ancestors." Mo Ge said, "Rebel organizations and the government have been secretly researching this virus as early as the 70s. You should also know that the central government has long been secret The project was established, but it was never completed; the two most outstanding professors in the resistance organization, Xie Chun, Chen Yao and his wife, spent their entire lives but failed to produce results, what can you do with your own strength?"

"Hmph, if Xie Chun hadn't been killed by someone, everything would have ended now!" Lin Wan stood up excitedly.

At this time, I realized that Lin Wan really has the demeanor of a scientist in those film and television works and literary works. When talking about her research projects, she will suddenly become very excited, especially when she is questioned, she will change her mind. The usual or cold and calm or pitiful attitude suddenly became extremely aggressive.

"Hmph..." Lin Wan couldn't even stand still, but she sneered and said, "If my research project had already been established and funded by the resistance organization, I wouldn't need to take the risk of using Chu Tingsheng for this experiment. Everything is not so troublesome! The power to resist and organize the army has already been raised to a higher level!"

"I don't want to quarrel with a scientific madman like you." Mo Ge said, "I'm just a soldier. If I quarrel with you, you will think I am ignorant, and I will think you are reckless, that's all."

"Ahem, stop arguing, you military madmen, scientific madmen, what will you do if you call us idlers? Time is running out, and it is still raining outside, Lin Wan, you should hurry up and explain the ins and outs. , let's go quickly after finishing speaking..."

Fatty Zhu Ming started smoothing things over again, but outside the window, a few muffled Donglei sounded out of the window at this moment, which made people feel even more depressing.

Lin Wan was silent for a while, and seemed to have stabilized her emotions, and continued: "Yes, I am using Zhang Jiating, but I am more to save her and help her stabilize her condition. But I still underestimated This virus has underestimated Zhang Jiating's mind. This virus is not the ordinary virus that gradually turns people into zombies on TV. The infected people still have their own thoughts and desires, unless they are terminally ill or deliberately brainwashed. They can still be no different from ordinary people for a long time."

"At that time, Zhang Jiating's desire for flesh and blood was like a drug addict's desire for drugs. While I was saving her, I restricted her from eating too much meat and offal. A false appearance that her condition has improved, while she began to look for prey outside, but I don't know whether she has killed anyone..."

"It seems that you are a good researcher, but you are not a qualified member of the resistance organization." Mo Ge said.

Lin Wan responded: "I have never been, otherwise how could I be framed?"

Mo Ge snorted coldly.

Lin Wan continued: "Besides, Zhang Jiating seems to have developed a special kind of hatred towards me. She probably thinks that I can't save her and make him suffer more and more. She thinks that I am killing her by forbidding her to eat meat and drink blood. She, so... She used some method, I still don't know what method, maybe mixed her own blood in the food, maybe it was something else, in short, she infected me with the same virus as hers. You know... because I was too cautious, I didn't inject the concentrate, and only did the most basic protective treatment, so the antibodies in my body against the infection virus were not complete, and I could barely resist the virus infection from the outside. Inside, just..."

"So, in fact, you are an infected person?" Mo Ge said.

"You can think so." Lin Wan said, "I am now an infected person, but I am using drugs to control my behavior and mind. The few pills that Chu Ting took raw were originally reserved for Mine."

Infected? !

I suddenly felt shuddering.

Lin Wan is actually an infected person?
I always thought that I was in great pain, but looking at it this way, isn't Lin Wan in more pain than me?Why doesn't she inject herself with this concentrated solution, is it just because she is afraid, worried, and wants to use me?
My question quickly came out of Mo Ge's mouth: "Hmph... Don't you have a concentrated solution in your hand? Why don't you inject it yourself? You're going to die anyway, why don't you give it a try?"

"Yes, I admit that I am timid." Lin Wan said, "Because the organization refuses to approve this research project and cannot allocate funds, I only developed this concentrated solution. This one, and the concentrate was not finished. Believe it or not, I had three thoughts on why I didn't inject myself at the time. One, indeed, was that I was afraid that the concentrate would make my body more painful; , because, at that time, my mind was already a little confused. This concentrated solution can represent death, and it can also represent a more powerful force. I am afraid that after the injection, I will become a murder weapon that is more terrifying than any of you. The church grasps and utilizes it... Therefore, this concentrated solution can only be injected into people whose minds are still normal and at least have no signs of bloodthirsty. Thirdly, the concentrated solution is only equipped with antibodies, not a cure There is no evidence to prove that this antibody can kill the virus and heal the human body."

"You are really cautious." Mo Ge said.

Lin Wan didn't respond, but turned her face slowly, looked at me, and said, "Chu Tingsheng, I know what you heard and saw at my door that day, whether you believe it or not, I'll just tell you one thing, the door Next to me is Zhang Jiating, I was not in the room at all at the time, Zhang Jiating has had many boyfriends, and that day, he brought one of his boyfriends to my house, and turned that man into his own food."

My heart skipped a beat.

Is this how it all started?

So everything actually happened like this?

"You and I were the only witnesses to the incident that day." Lin Wan looked at me and said, "If you stay in the community for a few more minutes, you can see me coming back from the outside when you go back, but we missed it. And I When I got home, I saw someone handling the scene. There were only three people handling the scene, a policeman and two men in black coats. They should have spotted me at the time, so I had no choice but to turn around and run away."

She was silent for a while, and suddenly her tone became resentful, and she said, "Hmph... During that time, everyone was chasing me, and my strong backing, the resistance organization, also regarded me as a traitor..."

"I wanted you because you forcibly broke through the underground laboratory of Life Fortress, killed two researchers, and took away all your own case history and research materials." Mo Ge said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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