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Chapter 48 The Beginning of the Cut

Chapter 48 The beginning of everything

Mo Ge's meaning is very clear, that is, let me stop protecting Lin Wan.

I don't know what I think in my heart, I obviously hate being used and deceived the most, I obviously hate everything Lin Wan has done, but when it comes to the critical moment, I still can't help but stand by her side.

In the dead of night, it seemed that even the infected were no longer active.

I lay on a tattered bamboo mat laid out by Ju Ming.

There is also a stale musty smell on the bamboo mat, which makes me a little uncomfortable.

I would rather sleep in the wild grass and be bitten by insects and snakes than have enough of this stale smell.

I don’t know if soldiers have their own way of sleeping—I looked sideways, and Mo Ge was sitting on a chair beside him, with his hands folded in front of his chest, motionless, and fell asleep with his head down.

And Ah Meng fell asleep on the table.

They sleep very fast, very quietly, and breathe evenly. Unlike me, I have always been a person who knows the bed very much since I was a child, and it is difficult for me to adapt to the new sleeping environment.

I had no choice but to stand up and go to the package in the corner.

I was very thirsty, but just took the mineral water out of the package, thought about it, and put it back again.

No, the water still needs to be kept. I don't know how long the road will be in the future, and I don't know where the base is.

I looked back at Lin Wan who was still unconscious—maybe she will need water more than me when she wakes up.

I stood up slowly and moved my hands and feet. At this time, I was not tired at all, and I didn't feel sleepy at all. I don't know if it was the effect of that medicine.

Turning around, I came to the sofa, squatted down slowly, and looked at Lin Wan's face reflected in the dim light of the candle, even at this moment, I still felt that her face was pale, especially her lips, there was hardly a trace of blood .This worries me a lot.

I couldn't help holding her hand, which was a little cold.

The wound on the calf seemed to have stopped bleeding, but the unhealed scars were still clearly visible, which made me feel pity.

I sighed, and sometimes I really don't know how to treat this woman, or maybe, all of this is just what I asked for, and I can't blame anyone.

I reached out and stroked Lin Wan's cheek and hair.

In the past, I never dared to do this, but I don't know why I am bold today.

Is it because the end is coming, knowing that I am going to die, so I am calm and unscrupulous?
Suddenly, I felt Lin Wan's eyelashes move slightly, I was startled, and quickly withdrew my hand.

At this time, Lin Wan actually turned over, facing me beside the sofa, opened her eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "You have to go to rest, you can't suffer like this."

"Huh?" I was stunned for a moment, but I didn't expect that the first thing she said when she opened her eyes was to tell me to go to rest. I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, and stammered, "'re awake?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." Lin Wan was still a little breathless, as if she was very weak, and it was impossible to make people feel at ease like that, " should go to rest quickly, and don't overdraw your physical strength, otherwise you will I was exhausted to death."

"Exhausted? How is it possible?" I was stunned.

"Listen to me." Lin Wan continued, "Some of the molecules in the concentrated liquid are forcibly adsorbed on your cell membrane, fused with it, and mutated; while the other part stimulates the potential of your body and makes your cells Before the structure is completely changed, the body can withstand this kind of external impact. To put it simply, it is to defend while gradually changing the structure of the human body. When the synchronization rate of the concentrated liquid and your body cells reaches [-]%, it is considered complete. Body transformation. However, there is a side effect here, that is, the part of the molecules that stimulate the potential of the human body will overdraw your physical strength without limit. Every movement you make will consume more physical strength than usual. If you are not good Rest, the body is always in a state of overload, it will collapse, understand?"

I don't understand very well, but I have already understood the general meaning.

But I still have some doubts in my heart, and I can't vomit.

I nodded and said, "I want to sleep too, but I can't sleep with you like this."

"Are you so worried about me?" Lin Wan turned over again, looked up at the ceiling, and said, "Which kind of worry is it? Is it my comfort, or is it like Mo Ge, worried that I will be bad for you?"

"To be honest." I lowered my head slightly, "I have both."

"Well, it's human nature." She smiled, and I couldn't see if it was a wry smile.

"Speak clearly, won't we be able to dispel our doubts?" I said again.

The corners of her mouth were still slightly raised, and she said lightly: "If you tell some things, you may have more doubts."

"Then what do you do? Do you keep feeling bored in your heart like this?" I said again, "If this continues, our mutual suspicion will only get deeper and deeper..."

"Go and rest first, don't think too much, I have my own measure." She interrupted my question.

I knew that it was useless to say anything more at this time, so I had to go back to my broken bamboo mat. I closed my eyes and forced myself to fall asleep, but my eyes were always bloody and bloody. The gaping bloody mouth sprayed thick bright red liquid and shredded meat, and kept attacking me. I was overwhelmed and could only sit and wait for death.

I don't know how long this feeling lasted before I fell into a deep sleep. The moment I woke up, the room was still extremely dark, only three of the seven or eight roots were pulled, and the faint light came into my eyes, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

However, my mental state is not bad, and I don't feel dizzy or dizzy.

In the room, Lin Wan had already sat up. Opposite her, Mo Ge was also sitting still. The fat man Zhu Ming stood aside with a troubled expression on his face. Ah Meng leaned against the corner and played with her fingers with her head down.

I suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little dignified and a little tense.

"Then what... are you awake?" Seeing me getting up, Zhu Ming suddenly said, "Go and wash your face first to wake up, ah... go..."

I nodded and turned to go to the bathroom.

The bathroom is cramped and cramped, there are no washing utensils, and the paralysis of the city directly causes the water flowing out of the faucet to look dirty. I am even afraid that there are deadly pollutants in it, but there is no other way, I can't use mineral water to wash it Washing, after all, Lin Wan and Mo Ge have also used this water...

I thought about it, and simply went back to the package and took an empty bottle that was used yesterday, filled the bottle with water, and waited for the grayish-yellow sediment to fall to the flat bottom before pouring out the water on it.

I washed very sloppily, and I really had some psychological barriers to the dirty and bitter water.

When they left after washing, Lin Wan and Mo Ge were still confronting each other, and the atmosphere became more and more oppressive.Lin Wan lowered her head slightly, her injured leg was resting on the other leg, swaying slightly, like a kind of demonstration.Mo Ge is expressionless, but her expressionless expression is the scariest expression, because I know that she may draw out the pistol in her jacket at any time.

"Have you organized your language? I'm not as patient as Chu Tingsheng." Mo Ge said after a while.

"Oh..." Lin Wan seemed relieved, put her hands behind her head, and said, "In short, no matter what I say, those who want to kill me or harm me always have their own reasons, don't they?"

"This is our business, but whether you say it or not is your business." Mo Ge said lightly.

"Hmph..." a sneer.

Lin Wan finally opened her mouth and said, "I saved that pill for myself, and you all saw it. That's right, I was infected, which is much more serious than yours."

"You mean..." Mo Ge narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lin Wan said: "It's just strange, I trust Zhang Jiating too much, she and I have been inseparable best friends since high school, you are a girl, you should understand this feeling."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a girl, but I'm a soldier first." Mo Ge replied.

Lin Wan spread her hands, smiled lightly, and said, "Then your life is really boring."

"Being bored is better than putting yourself in it." Mo Ge retaliated.

Lin Wan didn't continue the meaningless quarrel, returned to the topic just now, and continued to tell: "A month ago, Zhang Jiating suddenly came to find me and said that she was bitten by a very strange dog and went to the hospital for an examination. , all physiological functions are normal, and there are no pathological phenomena, but she always feels that she has rabies..."

(End of this chapter)

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