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Chapter 47 Lin Wan's Secret

Chapter 47 Lin Wan's Secret

Taking advantage of the darkness and the silence we finally got, we continued to walk forward. This time, Mo Ge was leading the way. She no longer let us turn on the flashlight, because Yiren generally has poor eyesight, and even some Night blindness, but once there is light, it will become very sensitive, so turning on the flashlight at this moment is like courting death.

Groping at night is far more difficult than during the day. We are trembling along the way, walking on thin ice.

After walking a few blocks, a building suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Hey, damn it, we're home..." Fatty Zhu Ming said suddenly.

"What?" Mo Ge looked at him in surprise.

Fatty Zhu Ming spread his hands, and said, "Who made us lucky? All the crooked people can find here. This is my temporary residence during the mission. It should be safe for the time being. Let's go up and avoid it."

"You said, this building is your temporary residence when you are on mission?" Mo Ge narrowed his eyes and asked, "Have all the funds you reported to the organization been used for accommodation?"

"No, no." Fat Zhu Ming quickly waved his hands and said, "Where can it be this building? This building is Tianhong Building, the first floor is a shopping mall, and above it are foreign trade and securities companies. How could I live here? , I'm talking about the apartment building next to it!" As he spoke, the fat man strode towards the opposite side of the road.

Not long after, we came to the fat man's residence.

There was no electricity in the room, and there was a stale smell—though I'm glad it wasn't blood or the stench of corpses.

Fatty Zhu Ming started to rummage for things as soon as he entered the door. After a while, he lit seven or eight candles in a row on the table, bedside table and sofa coffee table, and then closed the blinds with his backhand. In a calm tone, he said, "Phew, it's okay. Fortunately, I've made preparations. This place is convenient for monitoring, but sometimes I dare not turn on the lights. I have to light candles and pull the blinds to do things."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Mo Ge said.

Zhu Ming spread his hands and said, "There's nothing you can do if it's not safe, right? There must be some light, and we can't be caught blind overnight."

Mo Ge didn't say anything more.

I put Lin Wan on the soft and warm but somewhat old sofa.

I gasped as I inspected the concussion on her calf.

I found that her wound was not very big, but she was bleeding a lot. The ground along the way we came in was already dripping with blood, and one end of the sofa was quickly stained red by the blood flowing from her leg. .

"What... what's going on here?" I stood up in astonishment, and said, "You...fatty, do you have any bandages here? Bandage her to stop the bleeding!" I thought I wouldn't care about Lin Wan so much anymore, but at this moment, I was restless, even a little scared, afraid that she would just leave like this.

"Don't worry." Mo Ge folded her hands on her chest. Zhu Ming didn't answer me. Instead, she spoke first, "This kind of blood is a problem for ordinary people, but it's not a problem for us." After finishing speaking, She took out a small bottle from her bosom again. I really don't know how many things are in her jacket, although everything looks delicate and small.

The contents in the small bottle were light yellow under the candlelight, slightly transparent, viscous and shaking.

Mo Ge poured something into her hands, and gently wiped it around Lin Wan's wound, then sneered, and said, "Hmph...for the sake of saving me..." She looked up at me, "This It's my return of your favor."

I was startled.

"What is this?" After a long while, I regained my composure and asked.

"Blood coagulant." Mo Ge said, "The best way for our resistance fighters to heal themselves is not to use bandages or gauze, but to use this special blood coagulant."

I nodded, but at this moment, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and couldn't help but look at Lin Wan who was still fainting and sleeping.

Suddenly, doubts arose in my heart again.

"Lin Wan, she...she is also a fighter of the resistance organization?"


"She's a researcher, isn't she?"


"Will the researcher inject the concentrate?" I asked again.

Mo Ge spread his hands and said: "The injection of the concentrated solution, unless it is in an emergency, is the principle of the organization, and it is voluntary. Some researchers injected the concentrated solution in order to obtain stronger power for self-defense. ; Some fighters feel that their physical fitness is good, so they don’t inject the concentrated solution to avoid side effects—however, I can tell you with certainty that, as one of the most cautious researchers, Lin Wan did not Concentrates were injected, and there is no record of any injections.”

"In other words... she, shouldn't be bleeding so much, should she?" I said.

"This is the strangest part." Mo Ge snorted coldly, and then, with a slightly mocking smile on his face, he said in a low voice, "Actually, there are some things I should have guessed a long time ago, Lin Wan Everything she does definitely has her own purpose, she has always been cautious, never does any useless work, and keeps going step by step..."

Mo Ge looked at me again and said, "Well, you must have always trusted her, but if you find out that she has been lying to you..."

I just felt like my heart was in a mess, and I couldn't help but burn with anger.

I took a deep breath, tried my best to calm my tone, interrupted Mo Ge's words, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't trust anyone, including you. So, even if it's you...or Lin Wan uses me, I It's not sad, it's just angry. We're all in the same boat now, aren't we?"

"Hmph..." Mo Ge didn't say anything more, and turned around to sit on the chair beside him.

Fatty Zhu Ming, who has always liked to do peace affairs, spoke again and said, "Hey, if you have anything to say, you will know when Lin Wan wakes up and ask. Even if she doesn't say anything, you can take it back to the organization and ask. Are there still few ways for people to speak?"

I couldn't help but thump in my heart.

Even though I was puzzled in every way, I... was still somewhat afraid that they would harm Lin Wan, that they would torture Lin Wan to extract a confession.

What is wrong with me, why am I so contradictory?

"Come on, don't get excited, take out what you still have to eat, and take a good rest after eating, the fat man will stand guard for you, and you will replace me in the middle of the night, what do you think, we will continue after dawn Hurry up." Zhu Ming said.

"If it's still safe here, it's better to wait for Lin Wan to wake up, ask the matter clearly, and then consider whether the five of us continue on our way, or the four of us." Mo Ge's voice was very cold.

Perhaps, all of this is her quality as a soldier.

But all this made me feel that she was cruel and ruthless.

I couldn't help but gritted my teeth and said, "Lin Wan won't harm us, she doesn't have the ability."

"Who would know?" Mo Ge said flatly, "You can only guarantee your own behavior, but you cannot guarantee the behavior of others."

"Mo Ge, don't forget, you are also using me yourself, but now, I trust you, I trust you, and I will go with you to find that base." I was a little excited and said, "At this point, we have There should be no distinction between you and me. If I were Lin Wan, even if I wanted to harm someone, I would never be so stupid as to choose this time! If we were all killed, she would not survive!"

The more I talked, the more excited I became, and finally I was pulled aside by Ju Ming, and then I stopped.

But Mo Ge remained calm and composed, not saying a word at all.

After I finished speaking, when I stared at her viciously, she slowly opened her mouth and said, "Have you finished?"

I felt that every word and every movement of her was expressing disdain for me, so I couldn't help turning my head to one side.

But at this time, something was thrown towards me.

I instinctively reached out to catch the package and took a closer look, but it was a box of milk and a large piece of bread.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Things were scarce at this time, but she gave me so many things.

"I mean, shut your mouth, you are tired enough today, as an ordinary citizen, you have already thought and done too much today." She stood up and said in a commanding tone, " Eat, rest and sleep early, don't talk so much nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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